[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

Im not sure we are looking at the same thread but it is overwhelmingly option 3


Just open the FCMs.

Here’s what happens next:
Shadowstrike immediately ceases being able to hold group content, everyone left over is forced to play on 200-300ms or quit.

In the future, as has been very clearly hinted in this latest bluepost, OCE does not even get a local option from the beginning. What a shame for people who don’t want to accept a permament 0.3 sec input delay.

I hope for future seasonal game modes I don’t see any faces from this thread having a sook about a lack of OCE options.

Best of luck to you all!

You don’t even play Sod, shut up Chad

Option 3 is the best option for both Penance and Shadowstrike.


Option 4. Allow penance players to choose to transfer to Shadowstrike (PvP) or Wild Growth (PvE). Don’t open transfers from Shadowstrike.

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That doesn’t make me wrong though, does it? Enjoy your chicago gaming for the upcoming seasons.

The best option for all parties is Option 3. Option 1 is viable as well.

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I’ll enjoy getting groups and having a big community, thanks.

so… where’s the 300+ people from the fake poll?

From the responses so far it doesn’t look like Option 2 is very popular, so that essentially decides at the very least that Penance and Shadowstrike should be treated differently in terms of choosing a solution for their unique ‘concerns’. Penance has a population concern and Shadowstrike has a latency AND population concern.

I agree that Penance should be allowed to FCT to Wild Growth ASAP and should not be held back because of Shadowstrike’s concerns. From what I’ve read and understand this is what the majority of their server wants = option 1. Send it.

Shadowstrike players are split between those who want a larger population and don’t mind the larger ping, and those who are primarily concerned about the larger ping and don’t mind a smaller population. I agree that Option 3 will kill Shadowstrike entirely anyway.

IF transfers are inevitable and Shadowstrike players MUST choose one of these options then option 3 split into:

  • 3a - Allow those chasing a larger population and don’t mind the larger ping to go to Crusader Strike (Central/East PvP 200-250+ms) and…

  • 3b - those who’s major concern is the larger ping; to minimise that as much as possible and allow them to go to Wild Growth (West Coast PvE 150-200ms+).

What is the issue that prevents PvP > PvE or PvP > PvE transfers? Giving players more choice than less choice is always going to be better.

Personally if I couldn’t stay on Shadowstrike then I would choose 3b as this provides the best ping that’s ‘on offer’. If the only real difference between PvP and PvE servers is world PvP then I would happily trade that for ~80-50ms reduced ping between the options of CS and WG. Seeded instances would be an incredible bonus, I’m not sure if that is included in what you’ve mentioned “isn’t possible” and can understand if it isn’t, even if that’s how current Vanilla BG’s operate.

TLDR; Let Penance transfer to Wild Growth ASAP and allow Shadowstrike players to choose between Crusader Strike and Wild Growth.


Option 3!. Get us out of here. We want to play with other people and that is what MMO is.


Option 3 please. Would be great to get the transfers rolling now which gives us time to get settled on Crusader Strike. Thanks again for listening to the community and enabling us to voice our opinions.
Small piece of feedback for next time, don’t post 2 minutes before the transfers open saying they aren’t available to a select few. Many friends took days off work to secure their names and transfer only to find out its not available to oceanic.
Keep up the great work!


Option 3, only a few phases of SoD left and spending them on a dwindling pop server like Shadowstrike (let alone Penance who HAVE to migrate) that can barely get groups for dungeons and just houses raid loggers and bots isn’t ideal.


In the dead world of Penance, a Shadow Priest stood, once thriving with allies, now lost for good. Blizzard’s Overlords, in robes dark and grim, descended upon him with options so slim.

“Dear Shadow Priest, we’re here with some news, your server is empty—it’s giving us blues.
We’ve got three paths forward, none perfect, we know, but it’s time to decide where you’re destined to go.”

“Option One,” they proclaimed with a dramatic tone, “over to Wild Growth, though your ping might bemoan. Lots of players, fractions faster, how’s that for some spice? but for Shadowstrike’s woes, this plan won’t suffice.”

The Shadow Priest mused over his remaining comrades and cried aloud “they cant get much slower!”, every microsecond counts with kill margins so slim, the priest might as well pack it in…

“Option Two,” they said with a twitch of the eye, “We’ll make Shadowstrike PvE—give that a try! Lets forsake the small ambition of BigChad to smite other players in the region of Hillsbrad.”

The Shadow Priest considered this as his darkness grew deeper, the chance to melt faces fits nicely, but Penance is tiny… For the lone priest had grew to the lack lustre challenge of the milieu, a flagged player or two, were all too few…

“Option Three,” they sighed, as their brows furrowed deep, “Move all to US realms, but will that make you weep? You’ll split up your kin, spread far and wide, with Oceanic realms empty, will anyone abide?”

The Shadow Priest pondered, his shadow form flickered, as his never once-thriving server had absolutely withered.
“Merge the realms! Merge them all!” he finally cried, “But don’t kill our ping!”

Blizzard just shrugged, and with a wry grin, they shuffled their cards and prepared to dig in…


Lets go with option 3. It is the best solution right now.


Please 3.
Shadowstrike is dead except for people who just logging to raid with the same persons.
My guild can’t even find dps to join us and raid for next phase.
Leveling content is completely dead, either you play solo until 60 or you pay boosting.


Option 1 or 3 for Penance player. Thanks! :blush::blush::blush:

In other words, such a change would require some amount of programming and coding and the company is not willing to spend any time or resources on this problem.

Do these servers have to be tied together? Why not deal with a solution per server? As someone from Penance there was never any reason for us to be denied transfers in the first place. Atleast, based on what you have shared with us. A no brainer.

Absolutely do not do this. Nobody wants this. Any people supporting this are going against the wishes of Penance in a very unrealistic way, when almost nobody from Penance wants to play there. Only SS people want a small population bump for purely selfish reasons. And most Penance people would rather quit than move there.

My personal opinion, SS is trending toward where Penance is now. Population will be dead in a month. Those holding on and advocating on behalf of “saving oceanic realms” are, for the most part, trying to preserve their ability to orange parse in their elite guilds, nothing else.

How can you kill what’s already dead? Have you logged into Penance recently? Is is better to allow people to choose or let them be forced to stay when they want to leave?

Because some high end raid guilds banded together on an SS discord and decided they wanted to stay, we should condemn all SS players to that fate? Maybe you should look at the bigger picture here. If transfers opened, the server would die, yes. But why? Because most people want to move.

Where is the saving the server when new blood will never come and SoD continues to churn players? There is no miracle awaiting to reinvigorate either server, let us play the game with other players while SoD is still going.


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Option 3 please

I don’t even know why the merge/transfer was paused in the first place.

Just because some minority people were voicing out doesnt mean they have a say for the entire server

All these cry babies crying over ping increase, really pathetic.

Blizzard is already being transparent they cant do the oceanic sharding (or w/e you call it ) like modern wow

Its a seasonal realm, people need to accept the truth & move on.

Let the server open up, people can choose stay, transfer or quit.


I vote for option 3