[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

Option 3. My body, my choice. Enslaving me to provide the “allure” of a populated server to a few raid logging guilds is just rude.

Much like others have said, I will be starting fresh on Crusader Strike regardless, once the character creation is unlocked.


because the shadowstrike trolls believe they are the spokesperson for OCE and they are trying to save us from ourselves for the greater good of OCE.

They know nothing, speak for nobody, and are plain incorrect.

Free OCE and let players choose for themselves how they want to play.


Option 2 to start, see how things so and reassess later.

Option 3 is a hard pill to swallow.
Going from 6-8 ping average, to 220-250 ping average is nearly a 40x increase to latency.
A 40x decrease to services, in a different setting would be an unacceptable decrease to the quality of the product.

Also something rubs me the wrong way about a subscription based service, decreasing the quality of it’s products (under guise of helping YOU), then expecting full price for it.

Maybe spend a little of the subs money Aus brings in, to code sharding into classic.
Sharding would be the ideal solution, noting that’s at the expense of Blizzard.


From NZ to Wildgrowth is only 144ms ping. dont even notice it.


Option 3.
We will not go quietly into the night, we will not vanish without a fight, we’re going to live on, we’re going to survive!

Today, we celebrate our Independence moving to Crusader Strike Day!


Meanwhile the people connecting from western Australia will likely get more than 300 ping.

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Option 3 please.

Those who wish to stay can stay, those who wish to transfer can transfer. Let the players choose instead of listening to a loud minority. I can deal with the extra ping to a US server, but I can’t deal with not being able to find any groups for levelling alts/lower dungeons. Inb4 someone says “hurr durr I have no problem” - cool for you. Some of us play outside of peak times.

I was watching a guildie who had an alt on Crusader Strike playing in in the middle of the day (0900-1200 AEST) and the Crusader Strike LFG had groups going for EVERYTHING. RFC, WC, SM all wings, Uldaman, BRD and heaps of MC. Shadowstrike LFG was dead. There was 50+ of each class in MC on Crusader Strike, there wasn’t even 50 people in Org on Shadowstrike.



I log in at 7pm AWST (2hours after “peak” times) and it takes me exactly 30-60mins to find a dungeon (never less than). My guild members, are hardly ever online as they’re currently playing Cata or Retail. So doing guild runs, are hardly possible.

I want to be on a server where I can, log in to an alt. Find a group within LESS than 30 minutes. Where I can sell my stuff on the AH without having to spend 6 hours undercutting because there is actually a DEMAND for items. Or more so, people to buy them. A place where I can roam about the various zones and see people. Not this desolate wasteland that is SS.

For the past week on SS, I have seen more or less the same people advertising crafts, sales and dungeon runs (usually with a HR on something). The few times I actually attempted to level my alt this week, I came across the same 2 people in each dungeon a couple days apart. It is sad. I am sad. Let me travel to the land of the free. I just want my choice on whether I get to stay or leave. I don’t feel it was appropriate of Blizzard to just remove FCM’s from Oceanic altogether, especially 2 minutes before going live with the changes.

Since before server merge was announced. I was getting more and more irritated with logging in, only to spend 30+ minutes searching for a dungeon, usually a real run. I was on the verge of quitting or at least starting to raid log my one max level character. As soon as the server merge was announced. I instantly got excited. I was going to be able to find dungeons. Have people to play with. An active LFG chat. An auction house that has more than 1.2k items on it. Now I have nothing but the forums to look at. Hoping, waiting, for Blizzard to notice the amount of people that did WANT out. Not just seeing the people who DIDN’T.

Now I’m back on the verge of quitting again unless I can merge to a populated server. I feel like if we don’t get allowed FCM’s. The SS population will dwindle down either way. People who wanted to xfer, will stop playing, or wait for the character creation on CS. Whilst the remaining stay on the sinking ship. SS will take a hit no matter what happens. At least let us who are trying to escape. Escape.


Option 1 or 2,
3 isnt an option its a a cop out

Option3 is only option


As an OCE player that has played all forms of classic - let’s not delay the inevitable.

Option 3 is the best option.

Those who absolutely refuse to play on Crusader Strike US can accept the downside of staying on a dying server. We shouldn’t be locked into staying here. The rest of us can move to a server that actually has an economy and groups forming at all hours.


Option 3 please, its the most logical.

Also would there be a chance i could transfer my SS chars to WG? thanks.


There is a demand for SS → WG moves, not just to get away from pvp but to alleviate the ping issue. US West vs US East is a significant ping difference for some.


1 Please as we have asked for over 6 months.
Coming from playing in the top guilds on Penance, to watch 40 man raid team go to barely 20 man, raiding twice a week to once and no ability to recruit. If I have a choice of not playing at all or playing with ping its not a choice. I dont understand how we even got to this point. Penance is a PVE server it doesnt need 10% more damage/reaction time for PVP duals and world PVP. I have never seen anyone in the eruption do world pvp on Blackrock Mountain.

As for Shadowstrike I dont play on it, but if I had to make an executive decision I would say for the people that do want to leave, put a firm number of active players and if it gets below that then open transfers.

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I play on Penance.
Either option 1 or 3 would be acceptable. I can live with 180 pings.
I probably lean towards 3 as it allows a choice for players who don’t want to move.
Option 2 might offer a temporary solution but I think the numbers would continue to decline over time so we will be back to this again in a few months.

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Yes, side note: I don’t know why Blizzard chose a Chicago based server for this change. A US-West based server would’ve provided a more acceptable ping for the OCE crowd.

I saw a post about making a compromise by moving the CS server to US-West for the incoming transfers while having a minimal impact to the players already on Crusader Strike. That would make sense to me also, but I do not know how feasible it is for blizzard to do that.

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Option 3.

Please let us transfer from Shadowstrike to Crusaderstrike. Playing on a dead server with 50 ping is infinitely worse than playing on an active server with 150-200 ping. This is classic wow, the game was built to run on a toaster with dial up internet. The ping is barely noticeable, don’t let a few complainers keep us in this prison.


Option 3 if these are the only options out there

why should shadowstrike have to suffer and lose world pvp just for a small playerbase on penance, just doesnt make sense.
90% of the player base on shadowstrike are chill players who rolled here to have fun doing world pvp between raiding and what not
to say that 20 players from penance mean more then a server whos population has held on REALLY WELL and honestly started growing again with the announcment of BWL and ZG with the new Rule sets, Is honestly just the worst thing possible, it just shows you only care about the vocal minority and are too scared of getting alittle backlash

theres are massively loud 1% of people from OCE just ruining the Community crying about “parsing and logs culture and stuff” on shadowstrike which simply doesnt exist if you dont look for it. mass marjority of guilds dont give a Sheit about parsing culture and just wana play the game and get through content with mates ← Just to address the individuals with concerns or incorrect opinions on Shadowstrike as a server and community


option 3 please