[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

Option 1 or 3. The ping is not a significant enough issue. An activate character base is more important.


Gotta go option 3!


I would also note that giving players more options means less people will be angry at the ultimate decision. Let us move to either server.

Option 3 please, I’d like to move my main over to WG


Personally I think option three is the way.


Option 3 - let people choose.
Realms are at their lowest population at the moment because it’s the end of a phase, the moment phase 5 drops they’ll be busy again, as they always are. It’s always an ebb and flow around phase drops, expansions, etc.
It’s worth noting that the USA IRL is over 10x the population of AU IRL, so it would make sense that this translates to realm population too.


You can’t just leave shadowstrike… option 3 all day c*nt.


I also would like having the option for Shadowstrike to go to either WG or CS - I feel that us having the option to go to a server that is located closer to us is a good compromise, even if it is PvE.

Option 4


As a Penance player, I want to go to Wild Growth. My bags are packed and ready to go. Option 1 or 3 please.

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Option 3. Please and Thank you.

Give all of OCE a chance to decide for themselves.


Love the transparency and communication, thank you for this.

Option 1 should have happened regardless, penance is dead dead.

Option 2 could upset more players than the current situation already has.

Option 3 is my personal preference of the listed options.

Edit: Option 4, was suggested elsewhere, allow transfers from penance, wild growth, crusader strike to shadowstrike. Allows other aussies to come back and could save the server long term

In the long term I believe option 3 or 4 will be required regardless.

Our AH on Shadowstrike is already struggling, recruitment for players who quit is difficult, filling pugs outside of prime time hours is very slow, good luck finding a 5 man for most instances outside of prime time, open world is empty.

This issues will only grow as time goes on and the normal attrition we’ve seen in every version of wow continues.


Option 3 please, I’d rather have a huge healthy population instead of waiting around on a slowly dying realm. Aussies playing SoD are already a small fraction and most are stubborn nerds.


Speaking as someone from Penance, Option 2 was an option before all this craziness. I don’t think anyone I know wants to play with the shadow strike community after all this.

At least do option 1 and let shadow strike figure out themselves if they also want the transfers.

I’d imagine you will end up at option 3.

Option 3. It shouldn’t even be a discussion. We have died a slow painful death before, not keen to pay money to do it again while being unable to play the game… As far as I’m concerned enable transfers, or you’ll have realm of 80 players from 4 guilds raid logging.


As a penance player, this is what we care about. Other servers can choose their own fate, but we would like to choose a realm where there are actually people available to play in the content.

#SavePenance #TransferPenance #WildGrowthIsFriendNotFood


Option 3 please


If not option 3 im done im unsubbing. Not paying for a dead server


100% Option 3 the silent player base on SS were happy to move across before the vocal side took over and the same few ppl spamming forums and the discord.

Allow the players the choice to move and those that want to stay can stay- it should have never come to this and the time spent by Blizz team members looking into options should have been better spent elsewhere.


Option 3. I’d rather play with people then sit in an empty town.


Option 1 - Free Penance

With only 1 week out from BWL/ZG, Shadowstrike should be left as is instead of splitting the player base. Even though the SS discord has been brigaded by Penance players pro-movers, the poll remains still remain hugely in favor of remaining

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