[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

there isnt enough pop on shadowstrike already to craft consumes. let us transfer to NA realms before next phase please FFS. we’ve been raiding w/ 15-17 people since this phase, recruiting is almost impossible on SS.


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Instead of calling people morons you can easily just go to that ironforge website and look at the pretty graphs.

Please give us option 3. 40 Mins to fill a 60 dungeon group at 4pm on a Wednesday, and 0 battlegrounds at 9:30pm has sealed it for me. The majority of the realm is raid logging and not active enough for an enjoyable environment anymore.

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Option 3.

I’ll permanently quit if I’m stuck - I want a mega multiplayer online in my -MMO


Please let ShadowStrike transfer to Wild Growth.

The only issue there is with transfers is having to play on a Central server that adds another 30-50ms latency.

If the destination realm was on a US West dataserver we would be much less impacted by a transfer.

The only problem I’ve seen with this is when the season ends; would the Wild Growth toons be able to be transferred to the Whitemane cluster? (pve → pvp)


Like I said I think you’re a little cooked atm.

Im not asking anyone to listen to me.
I provided feedback to the devs and for some reason youve singled out my repsonse because it differs from yours.

Go get some sleep bro. Alot of things might surprise you.
You’re actin like a fool


Please Blizz let the people of Pennance (AU) transfer as per what should have happened yesterday. Having delayed this has only made our situation more dire as players are now unsure they want to play anymore if they are stuck on a no pop server.

This no pop server is the exact reason you Blizz had suggested we move in the first place. So you Blizz have admited we are no pop server on several occasions now yet are sittting around slowly pushing us away with the lack of inactivity.

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Who tf hangs out on their server discord? lmao make some friends in a guild xD

How many players exactly do you think will come from CS to SS? And same with penance? Curious to know how delusional you are lol.

Option three should be the go ahead, players should decide for themselves weather they want to stay or not. While I understand the factor for ping and community, restricting access for an already small group of SoD for the sake of others will, in my opinion lead to more frustration as-well as blame.

Option 3 please

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From a Penance player, option 1 or 3.

I can’t see (option 2) changing SS from a PvP to a PvE realm so that we can come over being received well by anyone on SS that wanted to be on a PvP realm. And as you mentioned, it doesn’t move the meter much.

If SS players want off I think that’s up to them but us Penance players we are in a far worse situation that I think needs to be addressed. We have people that are now taking breaks until this is all resolved in an already small population.

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Clearly not as delusional as you as if you thought I was trying to keep that conversation going with you. But sure,

As if anyone could accurately predict that, Im not delusional.
Being the only other PVP server would be a overall net gain in the end, maybe not immediately but eventually.

Again, Not everyone wants to be on a mega server with que times and layers.

Its very simple, Like you.

Penance player here, Option 3 please!
Option 2 is wild on principle, and as you noted accomplishes little and is temporary at best.


Option 1, i don’t play on shadowstrike just release pennance

Oh look another Shadowstrike player here to tell Penance how and where it should merge.

Please do continue to decide our fate for us /s

Penance has already packed up for Wild Growth. All the raiding guilds are ready to move. We want to join a thriving global server and do not care about the ping. Not another server that will slowly crumble. We do not want to join the Shadowstrike community.

Thanks for being so transparent with us. Of the options presented, please go with option 1 for now and give Shadowstrike a chance in phase 5.

BWL not having hard resistance requirements and ZG being a 10 man are likely to have a positive impact on the numbers. While it’s true there are a lot of raid logging guilds presently, I think there will be more pug raids going in phase 5. My 20 man won’t be doing ZG etc as a guild but will have players looking to do it through pugs as an example.

Long term for any future classic flavours, please look toward making OCE seeded instances possible. No one I have talked to really cares about US ping in world content, but US ping in raids definitely has a big impact on people’s enjoyment of the game. Even if the actual effect of it on performance is overstated, it has a big impact on people’s enjoyment speaking for my guild consisting of two active 20 mans.


Please let us move we all don’t have hours searching for groups and some of us want to play more than just 2 hours at peak time. Also I recently leveled up and did a total of 0 dungeons while leveling and I love to break up the questing with dungeons. If you search 1-59 on /who it usually sits between 30-40 people which is quite sad.


OPTION 3 You dogs!!!


Option 3 please

let us have the choice to leave or stay. almost all of my guild want to leave.