[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

Why are you telling me what to do? Are people not allowed to have a differing opinion in your eyes? Are you an actual f**kwit?

Im providing me feedback to the devs, not here to argue with you, you degenerate.

Go tell someone else what to do from your main.

Open FCM, leave character creation open for both servers. Allow the people that would like to remain do so, and allow people to move to a more populated server.

To this point everyone is happy, other than the trolls that are out of desperation trying to ensure no one can move which baffles me.

Will this kill the server? probably. But is it already dying? yes. near impossible to get groups outside of absolute peak times, and if you are not the “correct class”, try again another day.

Is there a reason why you couldn’t add in free moves TO Shadowstrike? I totally, 100% agree that Penance players should be freed to transfer to Wild Growth ASAP.

Having Shadowstrike as a transfer OPTION for Penance and all other realms may help Shadowstrike’s population a little. I wouldn’t think it would cost anyone all that much more time or money to add in a tiny option like that.

The other issue that is not addressed in your post is the impact of Crusader Strike being a central/Chicago server opposed to a West Coast server. This is one of the factors that makes consolidation onto a mega server for PvP AU ping players feel intolerable.

If you MUST open FCM on Shadowstrike, could you please let us transfer to Wild Growth, a PvE realm? That would probably make your US server people cross - you might need to give them the PvP to PvE option as well. But PLEASE. Just imagine how disadvantaged we will be for any open world activities playing from the west coast of Australia to Chicago, with all our sub-par Aussie internet infrastructure.


You sound like the OG squeaky wheels from the Shadow strike discord server. Go back to where you belong.

EAD, theyre leaning towards option 1 anyway lol



Do option 1, I think penance has already paid their penance (lul) for the poor decision of joining what was guaranteed to be a dead server pretty soon after release.

I think you should try opening transfers from crusader strike back to shadow strike to see if any OCE players that rolled on crusader strike want to come back to their local regional server for whatever reason (maybe their friends are here).

Keep in mind as well that with the release of BWL (raid with no artificial requirements) we may get a surge of players back especially with the release of ZG (catch up raid) on top of that.

Maybe throw in bonuses for returning players like a free boost to lvl 58 or make the xp bonus even bigger.

If after all that the server is still looking dead as you’re seeing now revisit this issue at the end of the next phase, and maybe if you can, give us some hard statistics as to how bad the situation is, as this would help us make a decision with clarity, because currently there’s too much anecdotal hearsay “evidence” going around for anybody to be logical or reasonable about the situation.

Also a proper blizzard approved survey might help when and if the time comes to consider pulling the plug :cry:


As much as I would love OCE to strive alone, the population just isn’t there.
I am prepared to play with 180ms from NZ.

My vote: Option 3

They were, but majority comments in this thread are overwhelmingly Option 3.

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is the only way.


Your entire argument is based on forcing others to do what you want. And you’re going to tell me I’m not allowed to tell you what to do? The hypocrisy is real lol

This man is worth listening to.


Option 1 isn’t really an option coz your cucking the people that want to leave Shadowstrike

Option 2 will be a temporary fix and it will please both realms in terms of people on Shadowstrike don’t want the NA ping and penance people want more active server however how long this will last going into the late game of P5 I assume it will die out and people will start raid logging making the sever less populated and making penance player think why did we even entertain this idea

Option 3 yes this will most likely kill OCE servers yes there’s a possibility of long server ques when p5 Drops latency issues for aussies and SEA player and yes Australian are most likely going to be banned in the first week due to our excessive use of swear words lmfao. But you get an active server to do content no one will be missing out on doing raids because you will be able to find pugs to fill/recruit numbers active dungeon groups for people still doing there 0.5 quest or real farming the economy will be far better so people with less time to play will be able to afford raid consumables without forking out half there gold

Conclusion Option 3 is the most viable for long term game play and sustainable yes there are some cons but I think the pros out weigh the cons for people to have an active experience playing SoD

Option 3 please

We found the if you dont do what i want ill abuse you guy

Free boosts is the most brain dead take ive seen in a few days.

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yep you are retarded.

I came here with feedback to a bluepost, not an arguement.
Youre heads a lil cooked bro, go get some sleep.

Lol a guy who is proposing an option that will not gain a single extra character on shadowstrike is the guy who we should listen to? Noone on penance will move to shadowstrike, they want to play on pve realms. Noone on crusader strike is moving to a dying server. I would be surprised if this option gained 10 extra characters on shadowstrike.

I think option 2 would only kick the can down the road and would not be a viable solution in the long run.
Options 1 and 3 are effectively the same to me, as a Penance player, so I woudl support either.
I’d love a technical solution to have OCE seeded instances. Even if that’s not immediatly possible, could you keep working on it, please?

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Option 3 please!


Just to expand on the SS → Wild Growth option & add some perspective, we all remember picking US West on Warcraft 3 and Diablo II because the ping was better. Give SS a WG option; don’t put us further back than Warcraft 3!