Soooo Option 2 isnt a Long term Fix … Which only leaves Option 1 and 3. In both cases Penance transfers to Wild Growth!!!
JUST Hit The Damn Button To Make It Happen !!! What are you waiting for??? seriously ??? Almost the Entire Realm was packed and ready to transfer 24 Hours ago … Opinions havent changed!!
Easiest W you guys have ever had … just light up that Penance transfer button!!!
Option 3 please!
One!! Penance transfers to Wild Growth! Now please
Option 3. Dont let the loud minority of trolls who dont even play SoD anymore dictate our move.
It wasnt growing you moron. Ive been playing all times of the day stop soreading false information
Option 3 let us merge
Option 3 please, give us the choice
Option 3 please.
Option 3 please. I would have been an OCE andy on this topic until yesterday when it took 40 mins to fill a group for a 60 dungeon at 4pm, with no other groups going in LFG and this has changed my mind. The server has very few players dungeoning, no active levelling groups and any possibility of completing group quests/runes requires 60’s to come and assist instead. Please give players to option to move to a more populated realm with active players. Merging OCE servers just won’t create enough of a boost to have a sustainable player base.
Option 1, Then give people the option to transfer to Shadowstrike and leave it open for a long time.
Let us remain the other option to the mega server.
Not everyone wants to be on a mega server.
Where’s Bigchad and Elron??
Still sleeping and not spamming on their 25 characters in the same thread?
See, the MAJORITY want Option 3
Not a single player is leaving crusader strike to come back to shadowstrike, that is a laughably terrible idea that will achieve absolutely nothing lol.
Just a reminder that bigchad admitted he doesn’t even play sod, it’s crazy he is fighting so hard to remove our option because he wants to be able to play on low ping if he decides he wants to return one day lol.
A solution that allows us to stay on a smaller (not too small though) oce server sounds best to me and those I’ve talked to at length. There is a lot of value in the community we have I think.
Playing with american ping is laughable and potentially quit worthy.
Not keen for this.
Option 3 please, it sucks not being able to fill raids nearly every week
Shadowstrike is already too small, that is why the vast majority of people on this post are asking for option3.
Then continue to play on shadowstrike. Join the other 300 people that want to stay on shadowstrike and allow the vast majority the option to leave. You can keep your low ping, we will get a more active server. Win win.
OPTION 3 Already Blizzard, show some SPINE!
Option 3 press the button