[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

Option 3 is the only realistic option.

If you do Option 1 Shadowstrike Dies.
Option 2 OCE Dies.


There is no option 4 dude come on just vote 3 like a normal person


Shadowstrike → Wild Growth. Make this an option please.


Please go with option 3 im an us player stuck on a dead au realm let me get my characters to crusader strike.


Option 1 has merits. Option 3 gives the best option for the playerbase without allowing PvP to PvE transfers from SS to Penance.

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Option 3 please.

The minority can stay if they want.


Amazing to see this level of detail in a response from blizzard. Honestly I was surprised.

I think option 3 mixed with 1 is a great idea , Allow Penance players to transfer now. Allow Shadowstrike players to transfer to either Crusader strike/Wildgrowth , give them the option to choose the server with the best chance of supporting thier gameplay.

Wildgrowth already has a pretty big OCE population and is on the east coast giving a significantly lower ping. 176ms if i was correct , while Crusader is on west coast and has a significantly higher ping at around 240ms.

Give us the option to choose the lesser of two evils , I think we all respect the effort your making lets tweak it slightly so we get minmal disruptions and also control ques/populations spikes


only if you allow all pvp ↔ pve

Option 1 as a Penance player please.
If Blizzard want more solid proof of the level of intent to move servers then they just need to look at their server logs to see how many people cleared their mailboxes in the last week in preparation for the move. This will provide hard evidence as to the level of commitment to transfer from the player bases on Penance and ShadowStrike.

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I’ve read hundreds of these post over the last 24hrs and I agree that SS has a very large cohort of players who are desperate to get off a pvp server.
I doubt they’ll allow pvp<->pve but this is what a large number of people are asking for.
I’d support this “tweek” though it set a precedent that the Devs might not want to support on other servers as it would destabilize faction balance across all of SOD.


Thank you for communicating so directly and openly.

The real kicker for me is how there is no US West PvP realm now. Ping on Wild Growth is 40 ms lower than Crusader Strike for me as it’s US West. I was convincing my guildies to keep playing on 200~220 ping, but when a few of them reported as high as 270 I was not really willing to convince them.

Obviously let Penance transfer to Wild Growth ASAP.

Consider letting Shadowstrike choose between Wild Growth and Crusader Strike; CS is PvP but WG has better ping, and ping is the crux of the issue.

Or have a US West PvP realm again somehow.


Option 3 please let us leave these dead servers


1 thousand percent option 3 please

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I’m accusing you of lying because you are lying to try help your false argument that shadowstrike is not dying and extremely inactive.



3 for the love of all that is good


Just as a reference.

NCV (nerve conduction velocity) is around 120ms , that means it takes that long for messages from your brain to instigate any reaction.

Ping from Wildgrowth is 176 MS , which means your looking at a reaction loss of .05ms , in other words barely noticable unless you race formula 1 cars.

Please stop using ping as an excuse to stop these transfers


Please select option 3 the server is slowly bleeding out and i dont want to be stuck on it once that happens


Option 3. Give the choice to the people.


Any are better than nothing but for the sake of helpfulness:
1 or 3.
As a Penance player I can not really speak for SS HOWEVER, allowing a couple of guilds to speak for us all was worse. Using Elron’s post as evidence to support doing nothing when dissenters within the thread were quickly silenced was just telling us that bullies get their own way. I certainly wasn’t going to post protest after seeing they just get shot down. Do better, this was someones knee jerk reaction.


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