[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

Not sure why I would lie about that. If I was unable to find groups I would just admit the server is probably done and begrudgingly accept the FCM.

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Convert Shadowstrike into a PvE realm, open FCMs from Penance to Shadowstrike.
Allow free transfers from all servers to SS AU so Aussies can come back.
Allow new character creation.


I play on Penance, have no right to talk about Shadowstrike. So option 1 please.

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I can find groups during the day or at night, we also have guild members on EVERY night running dungeons

You don’t look for groups. You raid log and want to keep the ping low during your raid times. If you are seriously saying people are doing group content during non peak times you’re just straight up lying. Hell even during peak times it is difficult to form a group.

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Option 1 or 3. Doesn’t matter just do it quick. Like within 24hours quick.




Please let us go to Crusader Strike


option 3, let us go, please.


Option 3 please. Let those who want to remain on a dying server stay. They will never leave anyway and are just trying to force everyone to stay with them rather than let them enjoy the game. Let those of us who have foresight, eyes and a brain off the server. We know it’s dying and it’s going to get worse and worse every week. Let us off before we get penance 2.0


I have been running a fair bit of dungeons the last couple of weeks even in non peak times. If you’re just going to keep accusing me of lying then there’s no point continuing this conversation.

Thank you Blizzard Devs for coming back quickly and offering up solutions that are workable quickly and offer some choices for us. Many will still look for the impossible dream of seeded instances and shards and other options that aren’t on the table.
We have options, that’s great!
The “stay as we are” crowd will pile in with negativity and doom but just look at the cries for help from so many others and do the right thing.
Penance MUST get FCM as soon as possible because the server is dead, but please don’t leave Shadowstrike players (who want to leave) to rot.
Please choose option 3 and those who think they just can’t leave for “reasons” can rally their troops and stay raid logging and parsing and dominating if that’s what they’re into.


Option 4 ?

open FCMs from US realms to OCE.
That way OCE players who are currently on US realms have the option for better or worse ping ?


Convert Shadowstrike into a PvE realm, open FCMs from Penance to Shadowstrike.
This is the best option at this moment.

  1. This decision will temporarily increase the population size of the Australian server, allowing Penance and Shadowstrike players to engage in normal gameplay activities within an acceptable population range. Considering that this is already the latter stages of P4, and with the upcoming BWL, Ahn’Qiraj, and NAXX openings, as well as your content updates and innovations, it has the potential to bring in more new players and returning players to the OCE realm.

  2. However, if you choose the other two options, OCE realm would die completely at this moment, and the player population is fluctuating, but high latency is an issue that will never be resolved. If players want to come back and play in a later version, they will have to give up due to high latency.

  3. Finally, if option 2 cannot solve the problems that OCE realm faced right now, we can still have chance to FCMs to NA, this should be the Red button when there s no another way. But before this, we really need to rescue OCE realm.

I want to say to all the players in the OCE that we should all work together now to save our realm as much as possible. If we lose it, we may never have our own standalone server again, in future seasons, or on Classic PLUS.


The reason no one likes Penance is because it is PvE

As a Penance player I would like at least option 1. However this back and forth has already done a lot of damage. Even if a move is announced in the next day or two I am not sure if my guild will survive and they are a big part of my desire to play.

However as others have said if a vocal minority on SS want to stay just let them stay while others move. I see no reason why their desire to stay should impact on others who wish to move.

there is no option 4 and a transfer to SS from Penance will never fly, just ask anyone from Penance. Even combined the two servers are still not big enough to warrant continued support and hardware.

Please let people on Shadowstrike merge with Wild Growth. I’d be happy to go to a PVE server just to have a lower ping.

Putting OCE players on a US EAST server makes no sense. The ping difference between CS and WG is 70, more than the ping from NZ → Aus.


I am not talking about pennace, i mean other US realms

Option 3 btw

Also Craz is a completely different person I am Crazius, this Craz fellow is not me.


Actually thats a fantastic idea Option 4