[OCE] OK, really though - let's merge OCE back into a US battlegroup

thanks elron

Not sure why everyone freaked out about higher ms, you get about 120 to USwest we played with that in retail post OCE hosted servers, why was it an issue 18months ago.

Because these absolute specimens seem to think they’ll obtain rating on OCE only, however they’re hard stuck sub 1500.

As much as I agree with this, the ping disadvantage is real (I’m in Canada and I play on OCX cause all my friends are there) . The amount of times a heal just doesn’t go off because ping, is enough to let you know you’d hate it.

In Dota 2, you can choose what regions you want to queue for by ticking or unticking boxes. there are dozens of options you can tick or untick. Australia, SE Asia, Japan, US East, US West and so on.

is it beyond blizzard’s capabilities to add this to their game? Most online games have this functionality and it completely resolves this entire discussion.

Asking for the merge instead of this is a beta male mentality just begging blizzard for a crumb. OCE deserves better. When NA players are against OCE opponents, the server is always USW or USE.


OCE players have been playing arena on NA servers since arena was released in original TBC, its fine.


People got glad in BG9 so yeah, that kinda kills it for them. Plus I love to haze the seppos combining us with US West has heaps of benefits.

you are literally full of it… no sane person who actively participates in PvP thinks OCE is in a good state. Stop getting your kicks being a keyboard warrior and shut your trap… PvP is doa wrath in this state.

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right… lol

But this is what you get for “realm integrity”.
Yall want communities.
There you go.

Players on Faerlina won’t even pretend to care about you & dying scene of smaller servers. They are happy with their 25k servers and they assume that if you’re on a 1,000-2,000 pop server/region, it functions in the same way, and if it does not, it’s your fault.




atleast give the option to broaden the search to US west if a group can’t be found.



Why are you guys even playing on OCE if you pvp? Even on retail the majority of OCE players are actually on Sarg and Illidan.

You want to force everyone else to play with high ping just so you don’t have to.

Just admit that’s the real problem.

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Fully support this, i remember when this first created traction before TBC launched. I foresaw the situation that was about to happen, every comment I made was spammed as troll flag and I just gave up, wont lie I was pretty happy I was right but sad for oceanic at the same time, i jumped ship to US-west as soon as Blizzard committed to it because I knew exactly how it was going to turn out.

I’m going back to Oceanic because i intend to be more PVE focused in wrath but I would love to actually be able to PVP as well, even on 180 ping.

What i suggested back then was a “smart” queuing system that iv’e witnessed on retail for a long time which tries to find Oceanic server based games initially and then widens it’s search to also include US-west etc.

Being able to queue AV/eots once every 5 weeks or so during the bonus weekend and having next to no Arena scene is beyond depressing.

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yeah you are forgetting us australians got used to it with original TBC and wrath and even had success and was an overall enjoyable experience. The same can not be said with the current state of OCE pvp.

Hey look, another terrible take from a dude who’s completely clueless.

The majority of OCE players are on Sarg and Illidan, wot? You’re cooked. There is literally no reason to be anywhere other than Frostmourne/Barthilas/Jubei, since we queue into KT/Sarg/Illidan players anyway. You can literally xrealm group and queue with anyone from any server you like.

Cool well thanks for admitting you have no clue how the matchmaking works on retail.


he’s back :O… and correct!

Just wish blizz would actually acknowledge this either way… a simple no would be better than nothing… it would suck but it would be better, this just blows overall.

many trolls in this thread, oce scene is clearly cooked, retail system works perfectly


they responded to the bloody arena season ending in like 2mins… come on give us something!!!