Remerge us blizz.
can’t wait for tomorrow, can queue arena
please for the health of the OCE pvp community scene, remerge us into the US battlegroup!!
remerge so i can leave 1200 rating
this is a joke
We need Cdew to tweet brian dude…
We can’t even fill a game of WSG at 8PM ST with the WSG daily active. We need to merge.
Do the same as retail, the pings fine
save OCE, please merge
ITT: someone who doesn’t understand how physics work
Remerging would be a good idea, IMO. My ping on an OCE server is a solid 250ms. This won’t matter much for battlegrounds.
cmon bruhh
for the boys! and one girl left
Merge us please!
Please merge with US battle group!
Still a hard no for the 300ms, going to ruin pvp like you did the last time you did the merging, if you wanna play on the US realms sooooooooooo much go and re roll on them, seriously why ruin the other OCE peoples experience so you can think you know better. Go play on the US realms and leave the OCE players alone.
how is it ruining pvp? you play like 40 games of 5s in an entire season, probably never set foot in a bg, but oh god forbid we ruin pvp for you. funny how the people that pvp the least have the biggest opinions on this, quite like when they first released this change and the people that complained the most hardly even play anyway.
settle down, i don’t pvp on my shammy, i pvp on my priest for starters. i feel people like you need to have a think before opening your mouth on a forum.
Out of curiosity what’s your XP on priest then?