OCE Inviting Only OCE

I only take OCE because y’all suck.

I’m located in California and I play with OCE all the time. I often play late hours and it’s an OCEfest at those hours. I do notice a big of lag but not much. I still run M+s and raids with them. Oh… and what language barrier?

There is no such thing. SA servers are located in Chicago.

I blacklist oce servers and I don’t try to join them.

It’s this, really. Your typical OCE player is able to join a US group because many of us have already lived through the days of 400+ ms pre-OCE servers. We’d rather not get that ping again but we can cope if we do.

US players, on the other hand, are used to having a good connection and many of them typically respond very negatively when they start creeping up to 200+ ms, many even claiming it’s unplayable. They’re typically very vocal about it, at least in my experience, and several of them end up giving up and leaving mid-run… which is obviously not at all ideal in an M+.

Why risk that when there’s another OCE player you could pick up instead?


1371 SPriest, dont stress man OCE won’t miss getting into your groups <3

This is an alt.

I dont stress because I dont do free carries <3

wish i could understand what you’re saying… i only speak in dropbear.

rhymes with hunt.

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X to doubt.

My bad you are too, that 1570 Mage is a huge improvement. Shame you dont do carries my fresh 70 thats pushing your peak 5s needs a friend. Please Mr Merica?

3 seconds between GCDs is rough man.


I’ve seen lots of NA players refusing to invite OCE, especially frostmourne. It goes both ways.

American joking about another countries english. Now that is funny.


Show us where on the Target Dummy the Oceanic players hurt you.

You do realise it is an issue, and that many feel the same way in the reverse and do only invite players from servers close to their locale, right?

It really isn’t, 300 ping whilst pushing a key is a large liability.
Why would you deliberately hinder your players and your chances with a technological restriction?

You wouldn’t deliberately invite a low ilvl player, or one with extremely low M+ rating would you? So why would you deliberately invite someone that has 9x latency?

English isn’t your first language? Wouldn’t that also affect your NA communication as well?

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OCE needs put in its own server group like EU/KR etc.

What? I mean…what?

On the one hand, if Oceanic players don’t limit themselves to other Oceanic players, people get aggro and rant about the terrible latency, etc.

Yet if they do, someone objects to that as well?

Apparently…you are wrong. If I am doing a world boss, and see one listed on Premades set on Oceanic, I will automatically choose that in preference to any other, because my game performance will be as perfect as it can be, under the circumstances. Why is that even wrong?

I’m assuming the OP is either (a) unable to process the facts or (b) looking for a fight.

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Umm. I speak English. English is the language of most Oceanic players. So…what language barrier?

The issue is lag.

SA is cause noone wants to play with rag players.

PvP is so psychology. Its addons and macros fest these days anyway. Rather PvP on better games.

And I can get CE back on MoP when I push for it. Both of our healing within 1% difference . All done with Blizzard UI.

What language do you think us Australians speak? Kangaroo?


Haha I can’t think of anything worse. Lord forbid if you did it as melee.

That is some scary level of word policing.

The irony of a country that allows youths access to firearms but is scared of a specific combination of letters :sweat_smile:

Eh, wouldn’t be against it. OCE suffers a lot from being considered a “US” server, especially compared to NA which only occasionally get minor inconveniences.

The release of warmode was one of the worst, OCE received the same Alliance benefits, despite having the inverse population balance.
So there we something like 30% Horde to 70% Alliance, yet Alliance would receive the 30% buff to rewards as well as the “Against All Odds” quest for the free heroic ilvl loot etc.

Made the population imbalance even worse as there was no point in playing Horde when Alliance both had the majority and the benefits so tons of people swapped.