You might not want to mark this as solved if it’s an ongoing issue. This appears to be a bug that needs to be fixed and is being reported in the bug forums:
Some of the tracking items that are at the bottom of the interface quest log started disappearing a few days ago. They would pop in and out depending on if I had clicked on a World Quest. Today, no Quest Log. Before the update on 7/20, I couldn’t even expand the quests by looking at the map.
Everytime i log onto any character their entire quest log is untracked, even the achievements I was tracking is cleared. Started on 7-19
My quest tracker is getting wiped every time I log out and back in to any of my characters. I can re-track the quests I have but the tracking doesn’t persist after logout. A full UI reset didn’t help. Is anyone else having this problem?
Everytime I log on a toon any quests I was tracking are no longer tracked on my UI starting today (7/19) after update. I have tried renaming WTF, deleting cache and disabling addons, and it seems to be a bug in the base game.