N'zoth, Blade of the Black Empire

Statement: Diablo 3.

Do you trust the people that came up with the mess thats BFA?


That depends. Will N’zoth get a sexy void elf form if/when he’s released instead of being a tentacle monster? Then Azshara might feel sorry she dumped him.

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Statement: Yes.

She’s a piece for a later void incursion themed expansion.

We’re not done with the Void, not by a long shot. But the old gods are done.

I think you’re right.

Except Xal’atath :smiley:


I’m hoping N’Zoth is only letting us see and believe what he wants us to, like us killing him could be part of his vision. Then when we come back from shadowlands hundreds of years later (because time works differently there), Azeroth will be completely taken over by him and the old gods… black Empire Assault expansion please!


The old gods as major existential threats are done, i should say.

I don’t think Xal’atath will be a force against us in the future, as she has ever had her own agenda in mind, and is absolutely salty about being turned into a knife by the other old gods.

I wished we had seen more of g’huun, he had a intresting premisse as the “acidental old god that was the ultimate desire to corrupt everything”

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It would be interesting if N’zoth had that contingency plan in place.

This definitely calls for speculation and what could come about in the future. I believe the dagger will play apart into the Void Lords expansion in the future. They are the ones who are bigger and badder of the Old Gods.

So, here’s a theory that Accolon has been floating.

We’re already in N’zoth’s vision. The horrific visions, the raid, all of it is just N’zoth manipulating us. Remember, N’zoth isn’t the blunt, head-on kind of actor. He’s a manipulator. And what better way to give yourself plenty of time to build up strength and do what you please than to make everyone believe you are dead? So we see what he wants us to see. Going to Ny’alotha, ‘killing’ N’zoth, all of it. It is the old god of madness and trickery faking his own death.

So then we go and head off to the Shadowlands, because Sylvanas broke the glass ceiling, and Death is about to get us all. Only, we know that time doesn’t work the same in the Shadowlands. The two years we spend there during the expansion could be twenty years or more out in Azeroth, during which time we’ve been cut off, except for Chromie timewalking us back. And when we finally find our way back to Azeroth proper… well, the world’s gotten a revamp, so we don’t have areas that are still stuck in TBC, WotLK, Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, or BFA. It is all the Black Empire. And N’zoth has won.


I nearly threw up at how good this theory is. I want it to be true. It’ll actually redeem all my issues I have with the ending.

Only thing I’m worried is that this conclusion is way too smart for the writers to have come up with it.

It makes perfect sense after Wrathion’s whole speech to Anduin about how N’zoth “will attack here” and “what is real if we can’t trust our senses?”

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“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”
-Roger ‘Verbal’ Kint, The Usual Suspects

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The dagger is a flash drive confirmed

That would make the story actually good. And fix the old world that is severely out of date, more than even when cataclysm fixed it.

Sadly with how disappointing the story concluded, I will not get my hopes up and if it happens be happily surprised, if not…well my expectations are low to begin with so can’t really get disappointed.

I don’t think I’d want to play thru a expansion that even if it tries to put some variety in, it will be mostly purple with tentacles.

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Aw yiss Devil Arms concept.

Well, we all thought a Death expansion in the Shadowlands would be grey and boring, but the art is looking pretty diverse. I think they could work it so the world isn’t all purple, even with N’zoth taking over.