How’s the Mythic add going for you guys?
I can heal my group through the first dome add, mistweaver got through hers also, but we’re just gassed by third intermission because we run out of dpserw to throw into the dome since we have two dead ranged all the time lol
Maybe front-load the first couple Mythic add teams with people who die all the time? And keep the reliable survivors for the 3rd?
we’re cycling which groups do the dome add so all groups have been getting practice, and we are avoiding sending our bad warlock into the dome at all, but it’s just grueling progress. I feel for the op here since my guild is also melee heavy to the point where it is an advantage for me to leave melee to keep soaking even through my healing drops off a cliff.
Raid fights have always been anti melee. There’s fights every raid where, if you’re melee heavy, they’re significantly more difficult. If you’re lucky enough to be in a raid that’s ranged heavy, then the extra ranged can generally handle whatever melee mechanics are needed with no loss of DPS. Melee can’t do that.
Nymue is not harder than fyrakk and you dont need gear to swap spec if youre not gonna be tanking the boss anyway. If the point is that this is poorly adapted to smaller groups then Im also fine with this, while flex does exist you never had any guarantee that smaller groups would have an easier time.
Nymue has a low DPS check, sans in the intermissions (which are only high-ish on Mythic).
You need to stack up to clear the soaks. Split soaking them with one person is very bad, and takes too long. 2-3 to leap frog and clear them faster. Melee should assist catching up the soaks in the intermissions if you require it, or before you transition if it overwhelms the healer damage.
You’ll lose a parse, but you’ll kill the boss.
Like others have said, Nymue isn’t a DPS check. If you’re wiping soaking is worth losing DPS for.
At this point in gearing, your DPS on the boss is more than enough even if you had a melee or two do zero damage and just soak. It’s no different than having people dedicated to duck on mythic council. It’s not the most fun but it gets the job done.
The fact that you think a mid raid boss that’s super easy needs a complete redesign because your group comp is bad, in lieu of just dedicating people to the mechanic, is amusing.
While I agree that comp shouldn’t be hard set requirements, you’re running SIX pallys (4 ret) and four demon hunters. That group comp has at least one fight per tier that’s going to be annoying. You also have a survival hunter that could swap BM for a fight to soak.
Again, while these people shouldn’t have to change specs for heroic, if you refuse to be flexible then your alternatives become less sexy options like having melee that are dedicated to mechanics.
This. If you tried to stack, the flowers in range would be much closer to the stack than if you were spread. Once someone goes out to soak these, they’re now (obviously) farther out and you can get even farther spawns.
Provide logs.
Edit: found some. 9 ranged should be enough to soak all the flowers on heroic.
And what happens if you have zero or minimal ranged?
[Summary - Fyrakk the Blazing Heroic Kill (1:13 AM) - Report: Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope | Warcraft Logs](
We killed Fyrakk in 2 attempts.
It’s not ideal, but that’s the situation we are facing, 2 ranged. Technically the monk can also go ranged so that’s 3 ranged for 17 players, now tell me how many of those melee should go ranged to soak flowers before we are not doing enough damage to kill the boss before our healers go OOM.
We had to sit some out, swap some for alts and bring in some lower iLVL players just to get more ranged because having 2 ranged for Nymue is the exact problem some people face, have half your melee go soak flowers, but not do enough damage.
I’ve pointed out that this does not work, we have tried, the flowers still spawned at range.
Yeh well of course we have killed Nymue otherwise we would not be able to skip to Fyrakk. But there are fights where we just don’t have the players to always go that many ranged.
Did you honestly think I am here whining and that we have never killed Nymue, but did not think how we were able to kill Fyrakk?
At the core I get the point of your complaint - the fight disproportionately affects a melee comp for a ranged composition and it feels bad.
Let’s be real here though - is it likely the fight is going to be changed to be melee friendly? I don’t think it is and that’s unfortunate but raid composition is something you decide as a group beforehand. You could either overgear and if the gang is 484 too you’re going to smash it by having some more melee downtime or have some ranged instead.
I find it amusing that you think the game is behaving differently for you than for everyone else. The flowers do, in fact, spawn near players. As I explained in the post that you quoted but clearly didn’t read, what’s happening when you try to melee attack is that as people nice out to the furthest flowers to soak, new flowers are spawning within the range of that person.
This makes there be an inevitable creep outwards, even if you started grouped. If the mechanic spawned insanely close to players, the fight would be ridiculously easy to cheese in one big stack, which is clearly not how they wanted it to be beaten.
This is like asking what happens if you have zero or minimal ranged for any other mechanic, including affixes. If you don’t have enough ranged, your melee will have to do mechanics to get around them.
The game is very forgiving on what you need for a comp to do heroic. You are in control of your comp–if you choose to bring four ret pallies and a ton of melee, you’re going to have some mechanics that you struggle on. Heroic Nymue, with the gear available right now, is completely free.
It’s not blizzards responsibility to make sure you don’t have a meme comp. Just like not having a mage for ai, priest for fort, etc… All of these things can be easily overcome in heroic. Your complaint is actually group performance if you can’t have a few melee dedicated to soaking and still have enough damage.
It doesn’t, though. It just rewards a somewhat balanced comp. On mythic, the most important soak spawns in melee, and on heroic you can have any comp you want and get her down because the ilvl massively outgears that fight.
They could literally open up their comp with the group finder and snag 2-3 ranged for the fight to solve this, but instead think blizzard should compensate them for their overly poor comp and federal stubbornness.
That and the range they go out isn’t that friendly to Evoker… Really feeling the bogus garbage shorter range as some kids and of niche. It’s terrible. The fight is terrible.
There are more than enough mid range flowers to soak, as long as your 40yd range players are positioning correctly.
I don’t know what else to say, we have tried to stack the whole group in melee and the flowers spawned outside of melee, you can say whatever you want, but fact is, flowers still do spawn at range.
No one here is saying flowers are spawning 40+ yards out. Even when players run over 40 yards to drop the bombs there is never a flower that spawns that far out, but they certainly never only spawn next to players.
Again, you’re not following what I’m trying to say. You’re defining “range” as “not in melee”, which is fair, but doesn’t mean they aren’t still spawning based on player location.
What I’m saying to you is that they spawn within “x” (call it 10 yds, I’m not sure the technical range) of where someone is standing. If someone runs ten yards out to soak one, one is likely to spawn based on their new position, which could place it yet another “x” yards further out from the boss.
So even though you’re sort of mitigating the creep of them for a bit, they inevitably will creep further and further out, especially as you hit an intermission.
Ahh I see. I agree with you because you done more on the fight than me. Therby you probably have more experience
Hahah, I had no idea there was a 9 there until I saw your post.
Nymue worst boss ever.
I really wish they would change the colors of the looms … I lose sight of them in the raid. With the floor glowing the same color, it makes it really hard for us older folks .