Nymue needs fixing

Melee can stand in range soaks. Mechanics > your damage


I’ve been in multiple pugs where the lead starts removing melee to get more ranged and it sucks.

Yikes this sounds like the kind of thing I would do lol.

And do zero damage just to prolong the fight while allowing the boss to keep spawning more flowers for them to soak so they can keep doing zero damage.

If you don’t have enough damage on ALL raid bosses you will never beat the boss before your healers go OOM or they enrage and just end up killing you.

They are not. The flowers spawn near people.

I mean, eventually you phase change and fight the adds then go into a stacked phase where people can dump cds and push. If it’s just heroic there really isn’t much of a dps check. My guild 8 healed prog on heroic to cull our ret paladin and windwalker lol

Edit: 20 man fwiw

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But they don’t, we tried all stack melee and it didn’t work, flowers still spawned at range.

And do flowers spawn out at ranged while the raid is clumped on the boss?

Do flowers spawn out near the treeant spawn points during phase 1?
No. Not unless there are people there where they shouldn’t be.

Do flowers spawn near the boss while you’re fighting the trees (or the Mythic add)?

The flowers spawn near people.

I don’t believe you. Somebody was were they shouldn’t have been.

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Did I say otherwise? Why are you quoting me lol.

Yes, they do.

To follow up on your point.

They do not.

Well they do for us.

This late in the season if you’re having trouble just have some dps on soaking duty. should still have the dps even after that if at least some of your players have been consistently playing for most the season.

They do not.

They’ll spawn on stuff like Mirror Images and such. Do a thorough check of everything.

Nymue DOES need fixing, though.

In particular, how the tree adds go wandering around all over the place whenever they miss attacking a Brewmaster Monk.

If this all is true this smells to me like a lot of dps are going for parse and are just to lazy to swap lines and soak the damn things.

  1. Most classes can do some damage at range.
  2. Very few classes do meaningful damage without CDs. If you’re letting soaks stay up so you can do your sustain rotation on boss, you’re doing it wrong.
  3. The boss has a huge hitbox.
  4. It’s a heroic boss. You can grey parse to victory.

That’s not how the flower mechanic works.

This boss has an incredibly forgiving enrage and there is very little damage when your group does the boss correctly.

Just do the mechanics, It is unecessary to overcomplicate it beyond that. It really is that simple.

Oh but they do, we have tried.

One or two lines away is still near the raid. you will never have anything spawning ludicrously far away.

If I were guessing, it’s about placing the green bombs. My guild is getting shredded on mythic because we suck and have a warlock and a hunter who die any time they have to take out the bomb, they bait grass far from the other ranges and usually get chopped in half by lines on their way back. Trying to teach them to just go forward and place them along the boss wall but some rdps are allergic to being anywhere near other players lol.

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