Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

i want the game to tell me how good and handsome i am no matter what, and then give me the best gear and an achievement

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I didn’t say there was any “issue,” I said it was slow and tedious. Which it is.

Again, I didn’t say I had any difficulty with it, just that it was slow and tedious.

For the hundredth time, MMO does not bmean “mandatory group contant.” It’s a persistent online world with a large number of players in it. That’s IT.

Dungeons and raids are technically not MMO content, anyway - because they limit the amount of players to a small number.

Because the rewards WERE better, for two expansions and four-odd years. Then the rewards got nerfed into the ground, with Titanforging removed and world reward item level scaled to both Renown and player ilvl.

All good ideas. I’d imagine (judging my the population drop-off in Borethia lately) most people didn’t bother grinding to tier 6. I mean, I’m sure I’ll get there one day, just like how I finally earned Crafters Mark II from Ven’ari half a year after it had become irrelevant :wink:

Nobody “asked for a long grind.”

DEFINITELY nobody asked for a grind THIS long. I haven’t seen one single person state that the Archivist’s Codex grind is anything but painfully, excruciatingly slow.

You keep on pulling that one out. Stop it. It simply isn’t true.

The complaints had to do with the world quest rewards being capped, combined with no Titanforging = no possibility of an upgrade. The devs’ response was basically “yeah, just graduate to raiding.”

It had nothing to do with the speed of acquiring the covenant set, which was perfectly appropriate time-wise.

Those are 200 ilvl. Upgrading them requires grinding Codex rep till your eyes bleed.


I vastly prefer BfA world quest gearing over Korthia gearing because with Korthia gearing you have to grind for endless hours for the currency to upgrade, just for a higher iLvl piece to drop randomly from a rare and invalidate your time spent.

Also, of course, in BfA you could get gear rewards from emissaries, N’Zoth invasions, and PvP world content that was already at raiding quality iLvl without the need to grind for currency to upgrade.

By the way, did anyone else notice that epic calling caches in 9.1 no longer have a chance to reward epic gear, even though in 9.0 you could sometimes obtain gear rewards 10 iLvls higher than max WQ rewards? As a result, WQs in 9.1 are truly capped at 213, which would have been enough to do competitive content…. way back in 9.0.


No one has ever provided a good explanation for why Torghast does not reward gear, even though it is far more challenging than Korthia and WQ content, sort of like a solo-mode dungeon, and requires good gear to succeed.

Devs could easily add in random Maw/Korthia gear or SoD raid gear drops to Torghast bosses, which would make perfect sense lore-wise as well as gameplay-wise. Maw rares, for example, occasionally drop cool pieces of gear with different stats than Korthian armaments, and those would be suitable rewards.

Competitive players run Torghast because they have to for legendary mats, and they hate Torghast all the more for it because they would rather be doing their preferred content.

Meanwhile, casual players have no reason to do Torghast because they don’t want to fork out the insane amounts of gold to actually craft legendaries. And even if they craft legendaries, it is at most one slot at a time, and not much of a power boost considering the time spent.


I swear, this guy just posts this silly stuff to troll us all and secretly laughs before he posts any of his nonsense.


Well that’s not right, while I don’t have much mythic raiding done at all, with my best being 5 mythic bosses in 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 and some mythic raiding in SL, I still enjoy doing world content and M+, the rewards we get from outside raiding only strengthens us and helps us get better gear to fill in the gaps to help us raid.

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Appreciate the shoutout.

I don’t want gated quest chains. That absolutely ruined the Suramar experience. I don’t mind the way they did this patch’s campaign episodes, however. That was fine. It mostly stinks because those episodes are over and we don’t even know when we’re getting the next ones, lol. 8 months later at best at this point?

I would like to see just a universal PVE currency that’s an investment toward targeted rewards, and I would like to see the removal of immediate catch-up mechanics.

Catch-up mechanics like the 220 Korthia gear removed value from all of the content I usually do. So if they want to get everyone ready to plow through normal raid and into heroic raids, then they need to have a steady path toward the top of the new content’s ilvl cap.

They can’t just bring me to my soft cap in 2-3 weeks with minimal effort that completely overshadows all of my dungeon and raid content, and then expect me to stick around for FOUR MONTHS before I see any real progression in that system again.

Give us a currency system just like honor and conquest with the new iterations and have it exist for all PVE content. If they don’t want to do that then I suppose they can throw world content, LFD, or whatever into the great vault for a better random reward we can get at the time, up the LFD vault reward, and hope that retains people?

That won’t attract me as much as a currency system from ALL types of PVE content. But it’ll be better than what they’re doing now. I just want to play the game and feel like it’s going somewhere with a solid payoff in a reasonable timeframe. If it’s randomized it has to be rather quick, if it’s targeted it can take a few weeks and it’ll still feel good.

A good middle ground is the Korthia system’s core. Random item upgrades or currency-based item upgrades. Take the Korthia system and put it in everything, let those that push harder content upgrade it quicker than me but let me get there eventually, too. But don’t make me wait months before it feels like progression. It needs to be steady progression and it needs to be everywhere.


Yes, much like in life, getting stuff requires you to do stuff.

In order to make world content matter, we need titanforging. Or just have world quests drop 252 gear straight up.

Titanforging was never as big an issue as people made it out to be. But yall wanted it gone and Blizzard agree and removed it. Now live with the consequences.


The people who wanted it gone aren’t the ones complaining about wq rewards.


Since Blizz likes systems…

Simply build a SMALL system for world content that would add item effects that are active only in the open world zones. Those effects can be simple +ilvl boosts and can be tiered.

Call it “Anima Infusion”

Partial infusion +5 ilvl
Full Infusion +10 ilvl
“Overwhelming” Infusion +15 ilvl ( yes it’s a reference, much as Blizz seems to want to cleanse them as of late… )

Or only go with partial and full and have it be 10/15 ilvl boosts

Slap a simple “upgrade system” on it so you can spend anima reserves to upgrade from the partial to full.

And…if you MUST make the system more complicated:

Once an item is fully infused, you can use more anima to overflow it and add just fun and cool effects ( think like some of the corruption stuff) that add neat effects on attacks, or whatever.

It only works in outside zones, so people who do world content can continue to feel like their character is growing and becoming more and more powerful in the content they do. It doesn’t effect instance content so M+ and raiders will have zero reason to touch it, or be “forced” to in their words.

Yes, I know it is sort of like a system once in the game…that’s the point, they already have experience with it, making it’s implementation and updating that much easier and quicker. :wink:


This is not true.

You weren’t paying attention then. In thread after thread it was the casual crew saying they wanted better gear progression with a grind that would keep them going more of the patch. That’s exactly what they got.

Now, I agree that this grind is horrible and T5 should have unlocked the level 5 upgrades, but given Blizz’s history of monkey’s paw use, you can’t be surprised that this is what they did.


GD armchair development is getting worse by the day. Just throw all gear progression out the window, it’s only one of the core features of the game. What’s the worst that could happen, right?

Yes it was. It made trivial content possibly as rewarding as difficult, coordinated content, and it was a baited treadmill where you prayed to get lucky. Neither of those things are good game design by any stretch of the imagination.


World content should reward cosmetics… maybe some ilvl item, but not close to M.Raid/H.Raid…

In fact, each category should have its adjustment ilvl and a different cosmetic, including world content.

Ion is against a bag having multiple sets, but that’s the point: each area should have an advantage set. When I saw that the covenant set had a tier set model, which gave bonuses in the open areas, I believed that this would happen - there would be items scaling inside the pvp, sets for open areas, sets for m+ and sets for raid… .but this concept was quickly abandoned… which ends up leaving more doubts about what they are trying to do…

So if each area had a unique set with unique advantages, and a different cosmetic, people would want to participate in multiple categories and it would be something more natural.
Of course a set cannot give you an advantage in another area, as it works in pvp.

And most important of all: cosmetics. World content should have unique sets, or unique pieces.

You’re still on a baited treadmill now. And have been since vanilla. Titanforging did not create that. Nice try.

Right. More chances for an actual upgrade and making lower difficulty content relevant was bad for WoW. Lmfao

Then no one would play the game being stuck at entry level and not be close to a level of a dungeon even to enter not be ready for raid. Just nerf everyone playing the game ,they’ll leave really faster than they are now. You are literally tell people don’t play the game just sub.


This is essentially the system I laid out in my post, it’s just titan and war forging tweaked to not “force” people to do things they don’t want to be doing. :slight_smile:

Though in my system the ilvl increases could make a piece of gear equal to say H.Raid gear, but again…it would only function on that level in open world content, and…I like your idea of making it cosmetically unique. That way no one would dare confuse a great Heroic raiding champion with but a lowly world quest killer. ( I kid, but I do enjoy taking a jab here and there at people who are way way way too insecure with their pixels. :stuck_out_tongue: )

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but that already happens - when i got lvl 60 i couldn’t even do heroic dungeon…and i stopped playing? have you stopped playing?

No, so…

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That there is my personal challenge and I’ve played like this always ,if i want to go farther I would but now ,thanks to everyone wanting the rio ,I made my mind up not to go that far.

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