Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

There was placeholder gear rewards in the Beta. I’d also love to know why Blizzard decided to not go that route.


Legion WQ > Bfa, Shadowlands WQ

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A problem that resolves itself pretty quickly by just doing the campaign.

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Basically,yeah,from legion through to SL the same system again just modified .

BFA WQ’s had better potential gear rewards that Legion WQ’s but Legion had the chance to get a Legendary. Other than that the design was the same.

yeah, that’s the point.

If world content sets have their ilvl scaled only in open areas, I wouldn’t mind.

Now, I would be very annoyed if someone came into pvp with a full set of world content with the same ilvl as me at rank 1800 for example.

This was already annoying when some mitic raider entered pvp and dealt more damage than me who was in pvp for more than 4 months trying to get beyond rank 1800, even if this raider played very poorly but his set helped his skills to give double damage and give 50% more health.

This stopped happening precisely because of ilvl scaling inside pvp. And that helped a lot to balance things out there.

Now raid and pvp have different sets (recolors) - mitic set has an aura and elite pvp set has an aura, but they have different colors.
I don’t like that too much, I wish the sets were really different but recolor is better than not having anything.

They should just extend this to m+dungeons and WQ. If they had unique recolors or sets, with ilvl scaling, that would resolve the issue and give people encouragement to do WQ without feeling obligated to do so.

yep, do the campaign, do normal dungeons, then heroics, then m0 or LFR, then normal raid…

I don’t see why open world quests should give you items that would help you elsewhere.
(you as example, i mean, any player)

The normal path in my view is:
Normal Dungeon > Heroic Dungeon > M0 > M+…
Normal Duingeon > Heroic Dungeon > LFR > Normal raid > H.Raid > M.Raid.
Campaign > Open World > World Quests > Sets that would help you in open places > cosmetics
Campaign > Random BG > Random Epic BG > farm honor > buy normal pvp pieces > arenas > more BG > more arenas > Rank going up and then > elite (with some patience and learning and a good partner)

And neither category invading the other…

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Actually,we should have one basic set of gear with talents we can change every expansion with better talents we can pick up in the world and in dungeons as an incentive .or drop rng from calls in wq’s. This way it’ll be better for all.

The heart of the issue is, and this was the case in 9.0 as well, Covenant gear and now Korthia gear outpaces WQ rewards. If WQ gear kept pace with those sources, and WQ design hadn’t gone downhill, it wouldn’t be such an issue. Blizz seems really intent on destroying WQ, almost in the same vein they tried to do with the war on flying.

WQ gear ilvl should never have been tied to Renown, and it should also be upgradable via some kind of currency. Just like Korthia gear is currently, if they really feel the need to gate it so badly which I really hate seeing, but if needed, then gate the upgrade system with Renown.

One solution I have seen before is, have gear you get be better for the content you get it from. PvP gear has bonuses for PvP, Raid gear for raids, Mythic plus has bonuses for Mythic plus, and of course WQ gear would have little perks for open world content.


in your opinion.

Again - If someone with a WQ set enters the pvp against me, who is rank (example) of 1800, and manages to be on par, I would be very angry…I would probably stop playing.

It doesn’t work - it’s not fair when you try hard in one category and another category just comes in and is on the same level as you.

I don’t think it’s fair that an m. raider enters pvp and detonates whoever is ranked 1200~1400~1600… raid items must not be valid within pvp and vice versa.

Just understand: if you want there to be sets or gear to be strong in open areas, okay…but these sets can’t work in other categories.

If Blizzard does that…it blows up the game’s categories. Everyone will do world content and no one will feel motivated to do other things.

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Wq gear is set at you ilevel if the ilevel is higher it will go higher but yes, it doesn’t up grade at all but only from you to reach a certain level to move on ,it was design that way. Even my mission table has lower level by 10 levels.

That’s basically what me and some people are talking about, I just added that each category you cited also has unique cometics (or recolors).

This would practically solve the problem and not end up destroying the existing categories.

If the gear was design to hold both pvp and pve talents you wouldn’t have to worry about that beside the two should be separated in the first place.

You’re really arguing that the people who wanted TF gone so they wouldn’t need to no Life every lower content in the game are now mad that they got exactly what they wanted?


Interesting that this “bad for the game” system caused me to do more harder content in Legion like normal mode raiding than any other expac.

Titanforging upgrades helped to boost my item level enough that I was willing to try harder content. Since it got taken out, I don’t do harder content at all.

But that’s not what removing Titanforging was ever about, was it? It’s about those filthy casuals maybe getting a piece of gear as good as yours…maybe. And can’t have that.


I don’t understand if you are talking about pvp talents (the 3 skills) or if you want talents within the items… as it was in bfa.

regardless of what you want, the two ideas above would not work either.

Mostly,it was fear and lose of stasis, both personal and prestige.No one wants to be undone by a common player.

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I don’t know why this is so hard for Blizzard to (re)implement, or such a controversial idea.

I think the best system would be a currency to grind in exchange for gear, at a pacing that an individual who may have not raided in a particular patch, that will let a person keep up should they choose to jump into raiding come the next patch/tier.

To completely bypass raiding and just reward gear just as good completely diminishes the effort/reward dynamic. WQs should not give out gear on par with actual effort content. However, they should certainly contribute to letting people jump into that pool whenever/if ever they decide they’re ready.


Not actually,if the two system were embedded categories ,pve -pvp ,one set of gear can have both lines which you can chose from and they level as you level no more searching for gear just play the game. If you want to up the power curve you do higher content of your chose,(this can be anything blizzard wants added for flavor). So wq gear can be limited to the game content not like it is now .Therefore pvp isn’t effected by wq because talents are different ,you will have to change to pvp.

All you’ve said here is that you don’t like doing some minimal work to step into raids. Without random forges world quests more than adequately gear you for heroic/mythic dungeons, and you can easily get into normal raids with gear from those activities.

Putting words in my mouth won’t help you. I care about my experience, not yours, and the general design of the game by extention. I don’t want to be raid geared, and feel at all compelled to kill 12 boars to maybe get some gloves better than what dropped off the end tier boss. It’s ridiculous, and undermines any sense of actual progression, or reward/effort.

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That’s the “I’m a victim casual” belief. People doing high end content were sick of needing to grind all the lower stuff every week hoping for a forge. Has nothing to do with anyone else.

Look at every thread of casuals asking for better gear rewards, the “elites” response is generally “do the content that rewards what you want” not “no you can’t have our stuff.” They’re flat out encouraging people to get gear like theirs by doing the content