Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

Nuking world content rewards was a mistake. I understand mythic raiders don’t like to do anything outside of raiding. I get that. Why did players who enjoyed world content had to suffer?

From the removal of the flight whistle, renown level dictating gear ilvl instead of personal ilvl, and WQ taking twice as long.

The same with Korthia getting to rank 6 and grinding out renown on alts is a lot to do. It should be account wide.


Disagree, world content that you can afk shouldn’t be the route to near BiS gear

Agree, all of the Korthia stuff should be unlocked account wide


it’s all about the mythics, babe… raiding and esport versions. nothing else matters in this game.


ya how bout more goodgears of regaler dungen not alotta pepole wanna do mystic WAA WAA u do a bad damages , get alot mob , die on boos how bout i dont wanna timmer in WOW game to relas kill alotta mobs !


I do love how this complete myth that it was possible to get “BiS gear” from world quests just keeps on cropping up.

It was a lie then, and it’s a lie now.


I think most of it will be in 9.1.5, right? Or at least the Rank 6 armor unlocks.

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You need casual players to fund the game because there is a whole lot more world content players than mythic raiders.


Notice how I didn’t say BiS, I said near BiS

Some world quest trinkets are insanely over statted in their procs, or simply give stats that dungeon/raid trinkets didnt

Just like the instructor bell this xpac

Yea I think the upgrading armor is at least account wide


Nothing stopping you to step in a heroic SoD raid OP if you want good gear


Pretty much, I don’t remember ever getting a single BiS piece from doing WQ. Raiders seem to love to push this narrative for some reason though.

Even if that ever did happen, it was so damn rare it really didn’t matter.

Woohoo, a casual might get a single BiS piece once in a great while. Meanwhile, raiders will have full BiS gear after maybe a month or two. Why does it hurt your egos so.


I do raid but I like to do other things besides raid especially on my alts.


The whistle removal was stupid… that had nothing to do with mythic raiders


Me personally would like to see where the research grind would extend into the maw and possibly into certain world quests of the shadowland zones outside Korthia.

I know it breaks the whole research into Korthia story and discovering artifacts whatnot

Yeah, they really dropped the ball this expansion as far as open world content goes. Shadowlands isn’t even that open world to begin with, though the zones are actually pretty good sized. Korthia gear is nice though and it can actually be better than LFR gear, which is about all the raiding I usually do. It’s also pretty easy to get and can be upgraded to normal raid item levels. Can’t complain too much, honestly.


It’s really not needed anymore

If zones were like Drustvar, Zul’dazar, Nazjatar, sure it makes sense

But all of SL zones have reasonable ways to get to places prior to 9.1 flying

Being a Kyrian for example you have teleportations all over Bastion and let’s you go super fast for a few seconds

Venthyrs have blood mirrors for instant travels

There are multiple flight paths in all the SL zones that are within minimal ground travel time

It served its purpose

Plus you never needed the flight whistle after getting flying all your alts were able to fly


Mages should be able to portal themself anywhere on cooldown.

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Shadowlands has more open world content than any previous expansion. Except Legion if you count all the different class stories.

The problem is that a lot of WoW players refuse to do any world content unless it gives them phat loots.


I prefer the transport networks to the flight whistle. I just wish they worked in all zones.


Why not have both?


Being in one of the bottom 5 unbalanced classes might stop you.