Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

It exists and it gets high enough to do anything in the open world in less than a week.

In 9.0 covenant gear maxed out quick and people complained that there was no long grind for gear rewards. In 9.1 there’s a long grind with better rewards than 9.0 and still complaining.


We didn’t lobby for that either. Blizzard decided they didn’t like it, mostly because of ION. You see he raids mythic but he’s not very good, “check his logs on that.” He “works hard” (is carried) for his gear and was upset some stupidly lucky lfr’r had a better trinket than him.


No one would be doing anything in WoW if there wasn’t rewards even you.


Correct me if I’m wrong but don’t you gear a base ilvl then when you get to research level 1 you can upgrade it a bit. Then level 3 you upgrade it more etc? Or is it not upgradeable until rank 6 then upgradeable multiple times?

This clown…


Hopefully Blizzard has learned their lesson that they need gear progression paths for everyone and a lot more gear drop across the board!


I’ll TLDR my complaints for you.

  • It’s a grind to rank 6. That’s it. It’s not a progression system, it is a grind to the top so you can get heroic quality gear 4 months later at the end of the patch?
  • It’s a grind I have to do on every alt. Meaning all of my alts stop at 220.
  • It IMMEDIATELY makes LFR, LFD, Timewalking, and every M+ up until rank 6 content that provides little-to-no reward.
  • It’s paced absolutely horribly. Catch up real fast up front. Wait 4 months until you see anything else from it.

Again, it’s not designed as a casual progression system. It is designed to get non-casual players into harder content faster.

You know what was a good grind? Justice and valor points. This isn’t it.


Because level 5 isn’t its own unlock (which I agree is dumb) it’s not a progression anymore?

Fair enough, but that’s your choice.

You’re not wrong but I don’t think that’s a problem myself. Queued content can have a cap just like everything else does.

T6 is definitely too long, but covenant gear was too short. We’re getting into Goldilocks here

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They learned this lesson from both Cataclysm and WoD and applied it to their following expansions (MoP and Legion) which were very well received.

It boggles my mind that they have to learn it all over again.

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They will keep losing players until they figure it out.


I don’t think anyone is meaningfully counting the campaigns as open world end-game content in a meaningful sense.

The actual day-to-day open world content is… bad. You can put as many dog cakes on my plate as you want, with a few cake crumbs, but you can’t make it taste good. Just having a lot of it isn’t a meaningful argument when most of it is bad.


What do people actually want then? Can anyone describe what you would like instead of just saying “this sucks”

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I’m not a designer so I can only say what I enjoyed versus not.

I would like Warforging and Titanforging back. If raiders can’t deal with that, then you can only put it in WQs and non-mythic dungeons.

I would like decent gear purchase-able from rep grinds like we had in MoP and previous expacs.

I would also like to see the return of crafting profs as an alternative gearing source rather than the crap they are now.


Silly to think if World Content would EVER get BiS gear!
You have to raid to get the non existent loot to drop, let alone BiS, and that could take months to even get one piece! Then it is something you can’t use because it has the wrong stats.

oh well back to raiding!

Same thing we’ve been asking for. The badge progression system that FFXIV copied from the earlier versions of the game and is actually doing properly. That.

We’re like “can we have a badge system back?” and Ion is like “Titanforging?”
Then we’re like “Titanforging is too much RNG, how about a badge system back?” and Ion is like “How about corruption.”
Then we’re like “this isn’t working, how about a badge system back” and Ion is like “okay. But only for M+. World content can have its own thing. Doesn’t mingle well with the rest of the content.”

The whole time I and a lot of others have just been asking for a friggen universal PVE badge system that works like it used to. Justice and Valor. Get it from raids, regardless of difficulty. Get it from a daily dungeon. Get it from world content.
It has a weekly cap. You get an okay piece in 2 weeks (exactly what you know you’re buying) or a really good one in 3. A weapon in 4 if it’s 2h or 2 if it’s 1h.

That system supplemented every type of player. It was steady progression that didn’t depend on layers of RNG to keep people playing. Hardcore players geared up faster as this was just their bad luck protection, casual players geared up slowly over the course of the patch. But everything done felt like it was heading toward progression.

I have to play a different game to see WoW’s best PVE system done properly in 2021.


The dragon slayers are at it being white knights again

What does the even mean. There’s 220 Korthia gear, and 210+213 drops from worlds bosses. That’s plenty to smash any open world content. You can solo anything apart from raid-level world bosses… not that most of that content is even meant to be soloable.

If you’ve run into some open world content that can’t be beaten with 220 gear, I’d be interested in hearing about it.

EDIT: I got a 223 weapon drop from a world boss today.

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World bosses drop gear?

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A fully fleshed out and well-written quest chain that is new every day, completable in the 12 minutes us adults have to play daily, and gives currency to unlock top ilevel rewards at exactly the time each individual player determines is best.

How’d I do?

Edit: just for my forum buddy Flexseal:

Each day’s chain should include a normal or heroic dungeon run


The world quest system was designed for Legion as a way to deliver AP and titan-forged gear. In SL Blizz nuked the rewards because raiders didn’t want to do any AP farming and they got upset because a buddy got lucky on a ring.

Anima is a complete failure as a replacement for AP.