Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

there’s some truth to that, but a lot of people create their own gates. you see people at 230 ilvl at this point in the patch (or lower) complaining they can’t get any new gear and there’s nothing to do. you armory them. 0 raid kills, no m+ completions (or nothing above an untimed 3 from last month), no pvp activity. they’ve got a reason why they “can’t” do any of those activities and it’s like, okay, but blizzard isn’t the one keeping you from progressing.


Sure but also people were complaining about the one thing a week thing through out the campaign. People complained about the end of gearing years ago when there were still tier sets. I wonder if some people just like to sit and trot in main cities in gear and not actually use it? Because getting the gear should not be the end.

And I have no problem as a person that hasn’t raided seriously since Legion with having a lower ilvl than someone else that does high end stuff.

I think what the game needs is more evergreen content to fill in the time for people. Not currencies or other systems to constantly grind.

And it needs multiple paths to gearing. No more having people that mythic raid having to do world quests or like what happened with Nazjatar gear. Have multiple realistic paths. Also no having pvp players have to do a ton of pve grinds. It’s just weird that everyone is funneled into the same content to do what they really want to do in game.

Folks like the vulpera monk are the exact reasons I despise grouping up with rando internet strangers. I do miss when a few of my irl friends used to play. Enjoyed running group content with them dungeons, raids, etc. Unfortunately they stopped playing for various reasons at the end of wolk. Didn’t have to deal with the rude/toxic behavior that goes with interacting with random internet keyboard warriors lol. But yeah they should (but probably won’t) go back to the Legion, BFA type of wq system. But with a raid/instance, or die lead dev, wouldn’t expect anything to change in the future when it comes to wq’s.


WoW needs player housing that would solved a lot of content lulls and casual progression. The game also needs a better crafting system too.

Trinkets do not a build make.

The best “world content” gear right now is the 233 Korthia Research gear. You can solo until your fingers bleed to get that gear, and that’s as high as it gets.

iLevel-wise, this is better than normal raids, but lower than heroic raids. And it’s got nothing on high end M+ gear. And anyone who doesn’t think grinding the Codex rep and getting the currency to get a full set (with no weapons, mind) isn’t “work”, has never done it.

And if there’s a single “BiS” piece of gear out there, big deal! Not that high of a burden for even a mythic raider to eyeball the daily WQs to see if their trinket is up and then pop over for the few minutes to pull it off.

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Heaven forbid the mythic+ spammers and mythic raiders have anyone remotely approach their precious item level.

It’s hilarious to see them go “No, you can’t have high item level gear, you didn’t earn it, by playing the game the exact same way I do.” but then in the same breathe comment “Item level hasn’t been a good metric for skill for ages, use these half dozen other stats to filter out your party for better groups.”

They simultaneously don’t want you to get the same item level they get, but also don’t care about item level. It’s just gate keeping. They want to keep others down, despite their own words stating in the long run the item level increase doesn’t matter.

Just a big toxic elitist cesspool of gatekeepers in my opinion. And a major reason why WoW’s community is trash these days.


how exactly do you see “ilvl inflation exists” and “ilvl inflation makes it tougher to filter out bad players” as opposing viewpoints?

The grind with Codex isn’t the problem in itself.

The problem with the Codex grind is that 1) Rank 5 is an empty-feeling step on the progression ladder and 2) this system is strictly limited to Korthia, which is a very small zone with little diversity.

I’d have no issue with the grind if there was more to it. It’s just incredibly boring and rank 5 is super disheartening.

Not to mention that the initial cap, 220 ilvl gear, completely overshadows the reward from things like LFR, LFD, and Timewalking, making those things feel like they’re not really worth doing outside of the 1 LFR run for story or that 1 random piece of normal raid gear after 4 dungeons.

It all just feels bad around the codex rep grind and it does not have any real value if you do raid any difficulty outside of LFR.

I started raiding this patch and found myself in the same place I was in 9.0. If I didn’t run M+ I had nothing to work on that paired well with the effort.

I suppose I could grind this rep in this one little area for an armor set recolor, or camp rares for low drop chance mounts?

Something is completely off-putting about this reward structure. If they don’t want to have a good-feeling diverse gear path for everyone, they need to create more than just a small handful of cosmetic rewards.


Because the lead dev is a raidlogger and hates anyone who does anything outside of his preferred content.


You can easily farm 220 gear from Kortia. You can even buy the gear from a vendor (Korthia armaments or whatever it’s called). And they are account bound.

Did you know you need to complete a +5 to get that from mythic plus? And the drops are much sparser than from world content. Seems more than fair.

no one cares if someone gets similar item level gear by doing content of similar difficulty

that’s not a difficult concept to understand.

but sorry, no. Trivial world quests, or crafted gear, are no where near similar difficulty to even a +2 key.


Dungeon and raid gear should only be useful in dungeons and raids. Open world gear should exist. But that would require the devs to give a care about non raiders.


Not entirely true, he does run M+ too.

This is a big problem with the reward structure. The easy 220 gear isn’t designed to be lasting content for the casual player. It’s designed to get you into those keys higher than +5 or normal+ raid.

It’s there for you, not us. If it were designed for us, it’d be paced better.


good news, it does

eh, is it though? it was pretty hard gated at the start.

I agree they should add more ranks of upgrades, as the expansion rolls on.

No it doesnt. There is no gear set to make open world experiences easier.

Hard agree there

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We can add the changes to the list of things that are worse than bfa. I’ll say it again, Worse than bfa. At a time I thought it wasn’t possible to achieve, but they hit a new low with changes like this.

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It is. How was it hard-gated? I had 213+ gear before the first time I set foot in normal the week it opened. I was full 220 gear way before the second wing of LFR dropped.

They’re not designing content to keep casual players engaged, unless you think waiting for RNG mount drops is engaging content. They’re designing catch-up systems because they believe everyone just wants to get into premade group content ASAP.

Perhaps normal raid can be considered casual content. I’m using the term loosely. But this system is not designed to supplement LFR players. LFD provides nothing of value. No M+ below a 6 provides anything better than Korthia gear.

These are catch-up systems, they’re not casual progression systems. The closest thing to being a casual progression system is the lengthy grind to rank 6 with nothing else in the game that provides anything rewarding to do between this grind.

They expect this afterthought of content to keep casual players invested. That’s why we’re all playing different games right now. I just got a new alt to 60, I refuse to play it anymore because it’s not fun at 60 for me.


Welcome to WoW where they learned nothing from the Manapearl grind.


It’s always been a convoluted circle jerk of arguments with them that usually boil down to “because it would be bad for the game”.

I wish they would just come out and say what they really want to say. “I want my content to reward the best rewards so I can feel prestigious in front my peers”.

I could at least respect that position even if I don’t fully agree with it. There’s nothing wrong with wanting prestige. It’s perfectly natural.


Most of the time I see the mythic folks comment, they say “do the content that gives you the rewards you want.” They don’t care if you have the same ilevel, because you’d have done the same stuff.

Also, wanting harder content to have better rewards is in no way contradictory from understanding that ilevel alone is a poor indicator of a players ability.