Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

What does that have to do with world content?

I agree with brewa. There’s a lot more to do in the open world than prior expansions. The zones being a little smaller doesn’t change that.

Its just a bad mechanic – putting RNG ontop of RNG isnt good for casuals either as WF/TF benefits the more content you do. If you truly wanted a way to benefit casual players, all you realistically have to do is:

  1. Increase world quest drops
  2. Make Archivists Codex quicker and account-bound from the get-go
  3. Give Archivists the opportunity to grant Heroic ilvl gear in the X.1.5

There just needs to be a better way to get casual gearing than “roll the dice twice” and continue an endless skinner box grind that the game relied on in BFA.


to each, their own opinion. it was the only reason i stayed active during legion on 25+ max alts since i didn’t raid on most. and i’d be willing to bet anyone that hit the jackpot with a perf/near perf TF was so excited, they didn’t think, “ok, i won the game… i can now quit playing.”

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Yea the evil mythic raiders are always taking away content for us casual players.

This game was never better than when I traced a circle for the turtles and got a mythic level ring with my bis stats, that was challenging and engaging content and felt extremely rewarding.


See, but to me when I did casually raid – I got a few WF/TF from emissaries that were direct upgrades than things I got from RWF and it felt like I just wasted my time/effort doing the raiding. To me, thats not really fun.

I like Archivists because its work I have to put in – however Archivists issue is more on how dumb long it takes and its not alt-friendly (both which can be changed).

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Only way I could see this happening is if they made WQ gear also upgradable via some kind of system.

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well, yeah. i felt the same in the sense i outgeared the raid we were starting, but i was one of the few, and it surely didn’t carry my raid group because there’s always the ones that do absolutely nothing outside of raid time it seemed. then with the rng “luck”, my fellow raiders would tend to pass me up in ilvl… that feeling’s even worse when you know how much timer and work i put into this game.

It’d work if all chests and rares dropped relics. Expand the Archivist’s interests

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They made codex a long grind and required high renown so that Method and Limit didn’t feel force in doing it during the World’s First nonsense.

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Which was dumb.

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All of 9.0 casuals screamed for a long grind that allowed better gear. That’s exactly what they got.

The world first race was never gonna be held up for a rep grind.


Incorrect. They made the Codex thing take longer than the Covenant gear in 9.0, because after casual players unlocked the covenant gear, the very next week there were massive complaints on the forums about how there was “no casual gear progression in Shadowlands”.

(There is, they’d completed it. So Blizzard made it take a little longer for 9.1.)


True to an extent.

The weirdness of both final upgrades to Korthia gear being locked behind R6 is still a head scratcher. Then add how many casual players didn’t know they should be doing the Rift every day AND that there are 4 chests inside. Both of those things are on Blizz.

Having a more traditional rep grind to unlock better gear would have eliminated some of the complaints.


Since we hit max rep in Korthia a month after 9.1 came out, no it wouldn’t have. In fact it would have made them worse because it would have been even faster than the 9.0 covenant gear - which people complained was too fast.

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I don’t remember anyone complaining that Covenant gear was too fast. Most of it was gated. And I remember plenty of complaints about gates.


Remember, Blizz will monkey’s paw any wish

Korthia is hilariously bad. I still haven’t gotten tier 6 on my main, or Deaths Advance Exalted for that matter.

Too many systems in this game, to be homest it’s basically unplayable.

People like content and rewards for doing said content, not systems.


Blizz can make the Rep grind take as long as they want. They can also throttle the currency used to buy upgrades just like the do with Valor.

no, they didn’t say the words “too fast” but it was an equivalent complaint: we completed our covenant campaign and now we’re in the best gear we can get until the next patch. the only options they had left were raiding (can’t because elitist gatekeeping), m+ (viable but they all wanted to jump straight into +10s or whatever because that was where the gear upgrades were), or unsubbing until 9.1


I think content is made anymore to play for a certain time and then take a break on purpose. There is no way the design is to keep people logged in when there is only so much you can do before gates smack you in the face anyway.