Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

Or maybe someone wants to play for a bit and none of their friends are online but they still want to feel some sense of prog?


Groovy. So why come and incessantly complain about it?

“I’m going to play for a bit because none of my friends are online - then go complain on the forums about how the rewards should be better!”

Makes very little sense to me.

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Well keep in mind that anything the least bit challenging (Mage Tower when it released, Torghast, The Maw, Horrific Visions, etc.) prompts bellowing outrage from the same people who 6 months earlier were demanding “more challenging solo content”.


It seems clear to me so I don’t know why you don’t get it. (I mean I get it but I’m trying not to be rude)

Players always want to feel like they’re progressing no matter the toon they’re playing at the moment. That could mean waiting on friends to run some keys or chilling doing World Quests for gear if no one is on.


I dont feel like I’m progressing at all on this toon

I also don’t mythic raid, so I know I’m basically capped on this guy

Dunno why world quests think they should be able to just keep going


that is not remotely why the top players object to it. they object to it because if there’s a chance at a huge upgrade from trivial content, they are expected (either explicitly by their raid team, or implicitly by their own desire to be as good as possible) to run it just in case it drops.

when i raided at a reasonably high level i never heard anybody in the guild complain about “casuals”. most good players are good because they spend their time improving their own play, not whining about other players.


Who said that? Different people like different things. It’s not like mythic raiders got together at the annual mythic raiders only convention and decreed that no one was going to do anything in the game aside from raid log. I enjoy a lot of different aspects of the game, and highly doubt that I’m not alone in this. In fact, most mythic raiders really can’t raid log as there are different ways of acquiring gear that don’t involve raiding at all (i.e. m+).

Casual mythic raider here… I don’t like the removal of the flight whistle either. The renown thing I can take or leave; it’s not hard to grind out renown, and I’m completely fine with world quests not taking as long.

Agreed. So why again are you blaming mythic raiders for all this?

That was my point.

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Ideally they would let everyone just keep going. Have those every activity drop currency that can be used to upgrade any gear with no maximum ilevel.

Of course then the casual crowd gets upset because they’re too far behind mythic raiders.

it’s actually kind of amazing seeing this thinking. the same people who won’t run a single m+ or join a normal raid group because they “don’t find it fun” accuse mythic raiders of being inflexible elitists for… not finding other things fun

edit: also, that’s a great point about acquiring gear outside of raid. this character raids (9/10H and 1/10M) and is 239 ilvl. my shaman who does m+ and has not set foot in SoD yet is 251 ilvl.


its his game now. Has been since 2015 or so. Get used to it.

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Because i don’t want to do stupid quests and dumb world content for mandatory gear or borrowed power.


My favorite is when people use “raid logging” as some kind of slur. Because it bothers them immensely that some raiders don’t play the game as much as they think they should.


When you lose the casual audience the game feels dead because they make up about 80% of the player base.

Gear is one way to reward people. There is other ways too. Rep vendors in BC offer way more stuff then the rep Vendor in SL. Blizzard just took one of the training recipe and slapped on the vendor. I believe it was the cape. There is nothing for engineering except for a pet. Even in BFA we got several crafted mounts. None of the mobs drop BOE mounts like in BFA too. There is no shirt pattern like there was in Wrath or Vanilla.


Um… have you seen the covenant vendors’ stocks?

The only way the current WoW dev team knows how to provide value to premade group content is by cutting the value of everything else that isn’t premade group content.

But, hey, there’s always rares to kill every day for low drop chance mount recolors.


All the content gives the rewards you need to be successful at that level, and Korthia gives better if you’re a slow grind type.

In the same vein, all content has a cap.

I just accept the fact I’m pretty much as maxed as in getting

I’ll just so other content for different things

That would make sense though!

This is the first expansion since Cataclysm that I’ve legitimately felt like I have nothing to do.

Everything I do is limited to one really boring area. And if you raid at all, that area is useless. If I chose not to raid with a premade, then the casual raid difficulty (LFR) becomes useless.

Shadowlands did a whole lot to lock you into one specific type of gameplay.


I agree with you here. It’s dumb that only Korthia is useful now. Everything in SL should be able to contribute.