Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

Sure you did, by complaining about gear being a reward, you only wanted gold rewards. So they basically got rid of loot, and just give you items that you can sell for gold.


About gear being competitive with Mythic raiding gear being offered as a reward.

Not once did we say make it annoying to do WQs.

Not once did we praise renown level system.


But what ilevel was your toon by then? 450? I’d bet you ended up scrapping or DE most of those 440 wq rewards.

Idk how it happened but its the best thing for blizzard. Players complain and blame each other instead of blaming blizzard. The people who actually make the game. High end players are not happy with the game and it isn’t casuals fault. Casual players are not happy and it’s not high end players fault. Blizzard makes the game not us players


I liked the BFA-legion Wolrd quest sistem that got better ilevel the more ilvel your alt has.

It was more organic, and easier to gear alts. and I absolutly adore Titanforged, warfroged gear for my alts.


Do you really think repeating the same one-dimensional kill 10 of x world quest will remain fun a year after the launch of the xpac to many people?

Blizzard makes world quests feel like chores. They can either make them actually fun (instead of “2.0” which just meant longer and more annoying) or have them give good rewards

Also a very strange way to judge people … that they are inferior because they find something you find fun to be boring


I agree with the OP.

I miss playing the iLevel game to slowly unlock better WQ rewards for Alts back in BFA. Sometimes I just want to play alone but still feel like my toons are progressing.

The game needs more progression options not less. I was disappointed when Torghast wound up not having power rewards in the Live version. I think the game would be in a healthier spot with the BFA world quest design coupled with Torghast rewarding gear.


At what point in time were quest/world quest/open world gear rewards ever competitive with gear from other sources for max level characters?

Certainly not in legion or bfa. There was always a cap on ilvl that put open world rewards below everything else.

That, ultimately, is a self-control problem, though. The “I feel forced” argument has been trotted out for years now, and it’s almost always a thinly disguised way of saying "no fair, casuals are getting good gear too and that means I have to actually play WORLD of Warcraft rather than just raid log.

I’d argue that’s actively detrimental to the game. The devs basically saying to raiders “yeah, we agree, you SHOULDN’T have to be out in the world, so we’ll take away the temptation” is at the same time saying the the VAST majority of players “screw you, you’re not playing the game right.” As evidenced by Ion’s stated belief that casual players will “graduate” to organised raid content.

No, they won’t. They just stop playing, as is evidenced by the near-empty current-content game world today.

Every time you do a M+ or a raid, you’re “playing casino”. It’s always been that way.

I would’ve thought the organised-group crowd would LOVE the possibility of a surprise upgrade, but no, if the casuals can have it too then it must be removed.

This has been going on since mission table raid rewards at the start of WoD. “Oh no, we cannot have casuals getting ONE SINGLE PIECE of raid gear!” Duly it was nerfed. And so it’s continued ever since.

Totally agreed, I’ve got something like 80K anima now and could go out and go shopping but… where’s the motivation? It’s all generic recoloured stuff.

That’s not the point. It’s slow and tedious because of the world scaling, which is tuned around raid level gear.

I take my mage to Korthia and see three “cleanse/clear/subdue” fill-the-bar mob-grind quests and just nope the hell outta there.

That old line again, hmm?

Who cares if I get raid-level loot from world content? It’s not affecting YOU any.


Withered Jim’s Arcanocrystal


You do get raid-level loot from world content.


Why do I have no issue blowing up world quests still on my alts who vary from 200-220 ilvl?

Hunter, DH, Monk, Lock, and Paladin

So feel free to say those classes are the special cases and can world quest better than everyone else cuz magic

My ilvl 200 druid has no problem with world content, either. He’s also solo’d his way all the way to Torghast Layer 12.

World Content itself doesn’t make sense to me.

Obviously the world has to exist as a backdrop for the whole game. It’s not a lobby game. It’s a world. The story largely takes place in the world. Leveling up, questing in general, and random interactions with players. That’s where it happens.

But in terms of day-to-day endgame?

I don’t understand it.

Nothing “World Content” offers requires you think about anything even slightly. There is 0 difficulty. Next to 0 time investment. Basically no gameplay to be had at all. You run around 3 shotting trivial mobs that have no chance in hell of ever hurting you to get… what? A handful of anima you don’t need for anything, maybe a trinket that’s 30 ilvl below what the current patch actually offers from relevant content?

Then I guess there’s Korthia, which does offer a route to stronger gear from World Content, but even then, it’s the same. You run around 3 shotting trivial mobs that don’t have a chance in hell of ever hurting you for non-tangible rewards until eventually your rep is high enough for the non-tangible rewards to be relevant for earning actual gear.

So the rewards improved (a bit), but the gameplay is the same. No thought. No danger. Barely have to even look at the screen.

I don’t understand the point of having content like that. I understand that the world would be very empty after most players hit max level if this kind of thing didn’t exist, but in terms of just gameplay, it’s fluff that adds nothing IMO.


You say the scaling is based on raid level gear, bit you don’t think that players geared better than normal raid should be mowing down mobs? :thinking:

I don’t care if you do either. I’m not a mythic raider and I don’t grind world content enough to ever get max rewards.

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He was a World Boss. They’ve always dropped Normal Raid level gear.


It’s for people who don’t want to play with others. There are, apparently, a bunch of WoW players who are terrified of interacting with other people and want to do everything by themselves.

So naturally they decided to play a massively multiplayer game. :roll_eyes:


Okay. Then that Shock Baton trinket from the “free the devilsaur” quest in Suramar.


See, here’s the thing though. I don’t have any issues with content designed to be doable by a solo player existing. But this kind of content right now is never designed to be even slightly engaging. Anything with even a tiny amount of thought required is tossed into some optional instanced side thing, leaving the world to be entirely mindless at all times.

(see: Brawler’s Guild, Mage Tower)

Good call, but that was an exception based on the stats/functionality not because of it’s item level. World quest gear item level has always been lower than end game content sources.