Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

I think it actually sailed right past you.

But it isn’t. For most people there’s a hard ceiling at 220 unless they want to grind their eyeballs out in Korthia on every character to get to rank 6. Even if they do that, and manage to eventually get pieces for every slot and grind their eyeballs out yet again to upgrade them all, they’ll still be around 30 ilvls below the mythic raid geared people who cheerfully wander around deleting mobs then tell anyone who’ll listen that the game’s too easy.

Another myth. Nobody AFKs world quests. That particular phenomenon was a Legion thing, and hastily nerfed by the devs.

But right there above you said that even now Titanforging has been removed, people are finding world quests to be “mandatory” anyway.

The problem is still that the carrot goes away - why bother doing world quests at all if there’s no chance of an upgrade from them, however small? Titanforging was what kept interest in world content alive.


Who cares I mean skill doesn’t matter any more right?

I mean if skill matters then why would someone else’s item level matter to you?


In BfA it was possible to get normal raid gear or as good as from world quests. Took a bit of grinding, but it was doable in a few months.

Now the world quest rewards are a joke. I only do them on days like today when you have all 3 callings in one zone. It was easy renown for alts. The actual rewards from the quests - I couldn’t care less.

Blizz went from one extreme with raining loot in BfA to the drought we have now.

This has driven many casuals away from the game. Listen to this blizz - the rewards right now for casuals SUCK


They failed changing something that didn’t need to be altered. They don’t have the midas touch, but they do have the fruitas touch for shadowlands.


I went from mythic raiding to, meh. World content is not exciting, nor worth the effort. I plan to farm transmogs till 9.2.

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In 9.0 you got a guaranteed set of Normal raid quality gear after a couple months (the covenant set). In 9.1 you get a set of Normal raid quality gear after 4 months (from Korthia). Probably because people complained after getting the covenant gear in just 2 months that they had no way to get gear.


Korthia is a disgrace. I will do that abomination of a zone once more on my main, and never return to it ever again.

The grind there for gear is just too much. It’s basically blizz holding their middle finger at you. No thanks - I would rather wash my head in crap than go there again.


It’s honestly par for the course for casual content. They just delayed it out a bit more than usual.

I don’t care for it, but it is what it is.

That isn’t a good thing because the mere possibility means I feel required to do gear quests. It isn’t a bad thing to be able to raid log something blizzard seems to have forgotten.


World content should be an option way to gear characters. It doesnt help that Archivists was really slow and wasnt made Account Bound. 233 is fine since thats Normal Sylvanas/KT gear – the issue was the progression and the account locking of the rep.

WF/TF still should not be brought back – as playing casino isnt necessarily a good way to get the gear. It wasnt fun in Legion. It wasnt fun in BFA.


I’d do world content if there were a chance at a transmog or toy etc. I think anima is a massive cop-out. Most of the transmogs look the same with just different colors. You can’t even buy much with anima because for most of the stuff the real currency is grateful offerings. Which then makes rare drops feel pretty generic.

Hrm except the people forming the groups and obviously denying people with 220 ilvl (even 233 ilvl is super low for pugging into a heroic raid). Also that you have to actually learn the fights. This is fun for me, but I donno if most people want to watch youtube videos etc and do prep and then spend hours in the group finder until they find someone willing to help them out


But not just because it’s fun, which was my point. You have to be bribed to do it.

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So maybe they should make it fun. It’s a common complaint that it’s not fun.

But seriously, this genre is all about repeatable content that will keep players busy. The more unpleasant the content, the higher the bribe has to be. If they adjust it right, everybody keeps playing for trivial rewards and feels rewarded. If not, people get bored and stop doing it soon.

Would you play for zero rewards, like ever? How many times? I see mythic raiders and other elites complaining that they think they deserve more content, but when they describe what they’re looking for it’s a one time thing. They don’t want to repeat it, which makes the content prohibitively expensive to keep in production.


People use “fun” as a euphemism for “this didn’t give me enough stuff”. If people don’t find going around in the world, looking for things, fighting monsters, figuring out puzzles, etc., then they should go play another game because that’s what WoW is all about. When people say “this isn’t fun” what would make it more fun for them? It’s always the same answer: More Stuff.

Please show me this.

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Why do you play a multiplayer game if you despise people so much you need to make up garbage to put in their mouths. When was the last time you had a respectful discussion with a casual. Please, you can stop vomiting now.

Sorry, if you haven’t been paying attention to requests for hard content to do once, you are deep in denial. It’s not my obligation to try to educate you after you have deliberately avoided anything written by those hateful casuals you despise so much.

Because you people deserve nothing. You people should be playing for love of the game and in awe of my mastery of it alone. That should be reward enough for you. I however, should play for free, because I deserve that.


Every day. But I have very little patience for the “I don’t want to do quests. I don’t want to do dungeons. I don’t want to do raids. I don’t want to look for treasures. I don’t want to earn achievements. I don’t want to PvP. The game needs more content.” crowd.

You can’t show me it because it doesn’t exist, except in your mind. Mythic raiders are perfectly happy with their raiding, although the 40% loot nerf this expansion did suck. You aren’t going to find Mythic raiders asking for “more content”.

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I do like how Mythic raiders are the big evil scapegoat being thrown out again and again

You bought a game, the game has Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, and Extreme difficulty settings

Some of y’all are playing on very easy and then getting mad you don’t unlock the same stuff you’d get for beating it on hard/extreme


At 213 you’ve gotta try to die in world content. By 233 if you’re not deleting mobs it’s not the gear that’s the problem.

And who cares if the mythic crew is way higher? It’s not affecting you any.


No idea how you connect this to mythic raiders, we didn’t want any of that either


You also left out Ion removing the emissary cache that would reward a piece of quality gear. Remember in BFA when you could get either Azerite armor, non azerite armor, weapons, rings/trinkets?

That is a huge removal from the game. Add that to your list of things, and you have the main reasons they lost people. A vast majority of the addicts stayed, but people that have an objective view of the game don’t want to waste their time with these garbage rewards.

At one point before the level / stat squish, I was getting 440 item level items from these rewards.