Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

Not right now, yeah. But it will be when tier sets come back. And it was forced on people for almost all of the games life.

raiders got vanilla to legion. mythic+ has been easy mode BiS since then. i did a few heroic bosses last tier and they were all SIGNIFICANTLY harder than the dungeons i did that gave me better more frequent upgrades. dungeons they expect you to get completion on low level. it’s not the same for mythic raiders. mythic raiding ce raiders are unicorn status but mythic raid level GEAR isn’t. it’s the norm. because of mythic+.

Which bosses lol?? Every time someone says this I can’t take them seriously. Heroics and +15 bosses are a joke.

That’s fine. Gear is a means to an end. Who gets it, and how they got it does not matter. We just need to increase gear drops and fix the vault for raiders.

i wiped for hours on sire with a guild in mythic raid level they got from mythic+. i hate the guild. ended up leaving. feel free to look at my stuff on io. but i was mostly talking about how you could do a +9 and get better gear than the last boss of the raid dropped. heroic is the gold standard level. you could be a blind dodo bird and clear that level of dungeon with pugs. most people won’t even get aotc if it’s paid for. let alone ce.

Okay wiping on Sire I feel you. But all that fight did was expose just how garbage most players are. It was not hard once you got gear.

Heroic gear is garbage. But that’s Blizzard’s fault.

I think teir coming back is a good thing but I also think teir should come from multiple sources so you do not have to raid. I don’t like the forced content like torgast/ Islands etc at all and raid falls into that with dom sockets or teir.


It is good. People will overlook the tedium of getting tier for a class set. Dom sockets are very similar to tier but there’s no mog there so people hate it.

I also like your idea. As long as they don’t go with the “farm multiple tier sets for different content” idea. That’s stupid.

Dom sockets are also boring and don’t change gameplay at all. 3% extra damage for the first 20 seconds is powerful bit of I didn’t have a damage meter I wouldn’t know no had it on. I don’t remember specifics but didn’t teir change your rotation when you got certain set bonuses etc?
Agreed with the mog too. They have been so lazy with mogs since dropping class specific teir and going to just 1 per armour type.

I honestly wouldn’t mind if there were other bonuses to open world gear from open world content. It’s high time those guys got something special for themselves too but I would rather not have to get a different set for raid and dungeons too. I already have more than a full bags worth of gear to swap around and don’t want to give up a second bag for it lol.

this is probably done to control the ilvl of players, to make sure players wont become too powerful too early.
a powerful players doesnt have any challenges. and no challenge too early is boring. it allows them to have their time developing.

raiders usually dont do gear world quests, their hunt is for raid gear. which is slow as well.
they get stronger, but this is the reward of raiding.

you are playing a character, not an account.
and anyway, account wide is a bad idea. its an easy slippery-slope.
you start with “just give us korthia”, and then it becomes “you gave us korthia so just give us shadowlands reps”, “you gave us shadowlands reps, so just give us every rep”, “you gave us every rep, so just give us a rep boost”, “you gave us rep boosts, so just give us exp boosts”, “you gave us exp boost, so just give us level boost”. i already see players request for quest skip for alts because blizzard gave intro quest skip.

you dont NEED max renown with your alts. you dont NEED max conduits. and you dont NEED the best of the best korthia can offer.
you dont even NEED it for your main, its really just for completionists.

you can complete every pve content in the game without those quiet easily with enough gear and competent group.

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i agree with you 100% but people want to min max their WQ alts with the same meta slave stuff they say is killing the game for their main. :man_facepalming:

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“you think you do, but you dont” is the perfect example for this situation.

they minimize fun and maximize hating the game/their life. :man_shrugging:

meanwhile the alts i have are around 210ish and i only play them when i feel like it. cuz they’re… alts. lol


but honestly, i dont think its what people want. its just following a trend.
i just hope blizzard realize that.

i have like 15 alts spread on several servers.
how many times i play them ? only when i try to get the hallowed mount (never succeed). :rage:

Maybe try to be a tiny bit open minded and realise people consider different things to be fun.
I have fun playing different classes and roles in dungeons and raids. I enjoy having them at a good power level to get them to finish their 15s and run with a few friends. I do not enjoy having to do all the chores that come with working through all the system that are currently in the game hindering me from doing that. Torghast, Korthia, Renown, Reps, all those grinds arent fun to me. If they are to you, thats fine, go wild.

“bUt yOu DoNt hAvE tO…”
If you want to play with other people you kinda do. It is really unsatisfactory to play with only 50% of your power just because you didnt do hours upon hours of chores.
Again, if you enjoy this, fine. But for me this is the reason im barely playing alts currently.

So, you dont even play alts except for farming a mount, but you want to diminish the fun for others who would like to play alts more actively. Classic…


if you don’t want to play your alts then don’t play them. people whined for years they wanted so much to do on their mains they didn’t have to “waste time with alts” to keep playing. wasn’t casuals who did that, my dude. i’ve had a 20+ alt army flex since cata. i do play my alts. i will show you my most recent in a sec. but not everyone wants to play at a beard level. the game is fun to different people for different reasons but don’t get it twisted- the situation we’re in was created not by casual whining but by “hard core one main only” players.


my newest 60. as you can see he’s done a bit of low end content.

this is my newest horde 60 who has done more obv.

World quests are bad content regardless of what gear they drop (and I’m sorry but open world content of the difficulty level of world quests should never even drop gear superior to normal dungeon loot).

They need to design something else for open world PvE content. Personally, I don’t mind non-raiders and non mythic+ players getting good gear - in fact - I’d welcome it provided it was acquired through a genuinely interesting/engaging quest line that was somewhat challenging.

Imagine being able to obtain an upgradable epic item from a quest series akin to the WoD legendary ring quest line or the legendary cloak from BfA even except you remove the requirement to do any raid or m+ content (I think it’s fine to require some m0s, but I think the quest lines should be focused on the open world.)


As long as the quest chain is more akin to the BfA cloak one, the version after they added some of the skips, it was long enough to be fun but not so long, for me at least to be outright annoying. Also, would have to make sure it’s tuned properly for each class and spec.

Maybe have some of the skips for alts only.

well, call me old fasioned.

i believe that in an mmo, your purpose is to grow your characters, not get the easy way out.

and the most critical is this:
we play a character-a life, a person, an adventure. not an account.