Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

Item level scaling in the world is in place for that.

The reason for tying WQ reward item level to BOTH renown and player ilvl is much more simple - it’s to make the whole process take a lot longer. Like everything in this grind-driven expansion.

That is an outdated concept. It’s time Wow moved on from it.


outdated ? according to whom ?
there is nothing outdated about it. its not like every mmo is doing it differently. and anyway, wow is built upon the idea of that you play a character, venture the world and completing quests, hopefully with your friends. its one of the pillars of the game. you are asking to change what wow is.

you receive a sheet of paper, and you keep on writing and writing.

but you still get these items. it wont be tomorrow, so it will be the next day.

if you want the big rewards, do group content.

*i think it feels kinda rewarding to work towards access to certain items.

Would probably work, if they just removed trash mob item level scaling from the game. As long as it’s jacked up the way it is, you just about need at least lfr, to normal raid mode quality stuff to where it feels like characters are getting stronger as the expansions progress. Said it 100 times before. Crz, and item level scaling are the worst things they have done to this game since Cata imo. Item level scaling is fine, and should of stayed in instanced content like it always has before they snuck that bs into open world content back in Legion


…unles you “raid log,” in which case you begrudgingly rush through the levelling quests, then get your alts “boosted” by your guild, then do the bare minimum chores required to get gear, including complaining to the devs about having to do said chores in the hope they’ll be removed from the game, then rush through normal and heroic on a bunch of alts to funnel gear to the “mains”…

Wow hasn’t been about a single character adventuring through the world for YEARS now.

For ordinary players, yes, it’s outdated. Having to jump through the same hoops again and again and again to play your other characters (see: Maw intro, or the tedious Korthia intro quest chain) and grind out their character power from scratch is something other, more popular MMOs have not done for a long time.

We ain’t in 2004 any more, Toto.

Bad design right there, running counter to the whole concept of an MMO.

If you think things like The Archivist’s Codex grind are “rewarding,” I don’t know what to say.

Yep. Another design “feature” that’s completely counter to what an MMO (ar any RPG) should be about (mob scaling is still the most despised element of the ancient Elder Scroll IV).

Blizzard tunes it to raid levels, then doesn’t offer raid level loot unless you grind your eyeballs out and submit yourself before the gods of RNG, all in the name of “encouraging you to graduate” to instances. So you never feel more powerful unless you submit to small group content whether you want to do it or not.

Yep, two things that have permanently damaged the game, and undoubtedly cost them a hell of a lot of players.


Totally agree. This game has a wide ranging player base in terms of the content they enjoy. None of them should be handicapped or ignored.


I do want to play in the content i consider fun. I want to play different playstyles and roles in dungeons or raids, without feeling like im gimped just because i didnt do hours of boring, repetitive chores. This should be understandable.

I have no idea what youre talking about. Players who are into the game, “Pros” if you wanna call them that always wanted to play alts as close the level of their main as possible. Maybe you are confusing this with the need of the absolute Top WF-Raiders to do splitruns, but this has never been adressed and only matters for a handful of people.
It just sounds like you are making stuff up here, there was noone that wanted to make it more annoying and difficult to prepare alts for higher content.

I dont really care about your alts, i have no reason to doubt that you have some. Posting on them does nothing for your argument or against mine, but feel free, i guess.

These dont exist in a relevant number.
And even if there are “hardcore one main only”-players, they would be rp-players, not people who play the game for the fun of the mechanics.


No one needs to play the game. A lot of people have decided not to. Keep that in mind when telling people they don’t need adequate gear to do their content.

The game has for several expansions been designed for people who play one character, a main. They are given enough content to keep them busy - at least until this mess - so they won’t run off and find some other game. I think this is based on Ion’s personal preference to play only one character. There are plenty of posters in the forum who have expressed the opinion that playing alts is playing the game wrong.

But meanwhile, people who play alts were swamped by that content design.

I don’t know. To me it felt amazing doing a few regular mythic or World quest and see a drop that I knew I would be using till the end of the expac almost.

I think that the problem is that people wanted to force themselfs into farming something that is clearly disegined to be rare. Is like complaining you don’t win a give away. I don’t understand that mindset of “OMG NOW I AM 0.5% LESS POWERFUL” That’s why I think it would be cool to have upgrade sistems that goes as high as TF and could roll completly improved or you could manually upgrade it yourself if you need that the most.

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I find actually that the restriction that will be lifted on the 2nd of november will kill alt leveling for me.

Because why should I bother leveling alts if the swaping of covenants will be so easy as just click a dialogue option in oribos.

At least for now I feel that my alts mean something because of the some what restricted rewards, I would be happy just with the leveling changes and the other catchup.

But, the game is tailored for me so I am glad that people got what they wanted, somewhat.

And to me that felt like trash I don’t want to play a casino bad enough half my gear ends up being from M+ instead of raiding. I want to get gear on level with the amount of effort put in.

To play other classes? No reason to need multiple characters of the same class for different activities because of covenant bs.

you seem oddly infatuated over other peoples rewards. This seems to be a you problem. People like you claim that a majority agree, but you have no evidence of that.