Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

I agree that BiS needs to come from something besides world quests. That said I think Blizzard could learn a lot from how FF does their gear. BiS comes from a mix of tome gear and the savage raids (not ultimates). Setting the gear cap at something short of the top is actually a smart design. The best of the best should be for cosmetics only. In WoW terms, heroics raids should be the cap of ilvl. Doing high level M+ or Mythic raiding would reward cosmetics.


That’s just your opinion. I disagree.


I am going to talk only about the world level gear rewards and nothing else they nuked because yes some things like the whistle should come back.

Let me use my Favorite Example of why the world gear should be “nuked” or lower then what you can get in raids or other sources that require team play. - The person at burger king who wraps my whopper VS the EMS worker who saves lives.

In this case the world quest gear hunters who think they should get "top notch’ gear are the whopper paper wrappers and the Mythic + / raiders are the EMS workers.

Why should someone who WRAPS THE PAPER ON MY WHOOPER get as much as an EMS worker who is working to save lives? I am not saying RAIDERS/MYTHIC PLAYERS save lives, don’t be that stupid and read it like that, I am saying simply why should someone who wants to do the bare minimum make as much as someone who is working there butts off?

That is the same in theory here: World content players want to get the best/near best level gear for…what? Killing 4 mobs who are causing trouble and burned down a hut? When Mythic/raider/team play involves HOURS worth of work at times to get a boss down for 4 pieces of gear to split among 20 people?

If anything Mythic players/raiders should be even rewarded HIGHER and be happy you get your 220 ish level gear: I mean just being honest why do you need high level pve gear what are you doing with it? Going to kill 4 more mobs and save the burning hut a touch faster?

You world quest players who want the best gear are the guys who fold the paper on whoppers: So get to work: And just like if you don’t like your job (I.E level or place in wow and want better) Join a guild or get better and move onto better sources of income (I.E gear)

And that obnoxious arrogance and entitlement, right there on proud display in your post, is a perfect example of the cause of the mess we’re now in.

But do keep telling players they’re only worthy of licking the crumbs from your boots as they walk out the door and quit the game for good, won’t you?


This is a game. Not a job.

Why do you care what other people have and how they get it? What effect does it have on you or your fragile sense of self-importance?

I suspect it’s YOU that has the problem.

None of your business. And that question has been asked by your kind and answered repeatedly many, many times before on this forum.

Get. Over. Yourself.


Arcanocrystal says hi…

But hey keep talking about people pushing a narrative when nobody in the thread was claiming it also. The person that was quoted said “you shouldn’t get near bis gear from wq” which they’re implying that the current level is fine, not that there was a time where you were getting it. But hey claim other people are pushing a narrative when YOU are the one pushing the “amg raiders are mean and don’t want anyone to have anything narrative”.

But god forbid people actually raid and do dungeons in a game where those are the end game…

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Being a game doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work for it. That fallacious argument of “this isn’t a job” needs to stop and be automatically marked as trolling at this point. Basketball is a game too and yet there are winners and losers and the ball doesn’t just magically go into the hoop. You need to expend actual calories and effort. You can get paid for both WoW and Basketball at the highest levels, but even at the lowest levels, there is and should be a requirement of some degree of effort.

Bad argument is bad.

Too bad the devs don’t agree either and neither do the majority. Just because you disagree doesn’t mean it should magically happen.

Is this just Shadowlands content not having flight master whistle and world objectives, or did they take it out of old ones like legion, bfa, wod?

I just got back after a long time and about to start Legion. (Finishing Redridge mountain quests in a warframe was funny. I got to land on top of towers to place the seaforium right before blowing up Render’s Valley.)

The majority already agreed with me AND quit.


citation needed.

While the truth is that elite players do make up a disproportionate part of forumgoers, we really have no way of knowing whether certain anti-casual attitudes are a “minority” among elite players in the playerbase. “Vocal minority” is a phrase often used to justify a claim about which no data is known. And there have been way more than “a few” who were demanding world content and rewards for casuals be nerfed.

Armor and weapons to 99, azerite gear to 100. Those quests come up randomly, so not always every week. Also, you most often gear for slots that are either available as level 100 on the AH as Shadowlands crafted gear or a cloak if you have the legendary equipped.

I hesitate to solo silver BfA quests in current BfA gear.

BfA world quest gear maxes at 81, which means a new level 50 without gold (or an AH that has Shadowlands crafted gear, not all do) will get ilvl 60 gear from doing world quests.


My goodness, you are a truly obnoxious and unpleasant person, aren’t you?

WoW, in terms of PvE content, is not a competitive game (aside from those sweatlords who desperately try to make it one by bigging up their up e-peen in the hope that people might think they’re “elite”).

Glad you agree you’re completely missing the point. Try again.

Ah, the clarion call of the high school debater who never quite won the state finals.


IMO all world content wherever it is should be relevant. Why not have Legion world quests reward something useful for all time? Create a currency (not gold) that can be collected for use going forward. Have a vendor that sells you materials for example and you can pick whatever expansion mats you prefer. For example, my alchemist would like some Gold Lotus from MoP - let me use my currency on that.

Oh, and while we are at it, put back the pvp repeatable content in Northrend. Why the hell not?

It would get people playing across the entire game…the world(s) of Warcraft in fact.


I’d be satisfied if they made the content give a little bit of gold or order resources rather than those worthless wakening essences. They removed all reason to use artifacts or legendaries, but they keep handing out that currency instead of useful rewards to level 45’s.

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Lick the Crumbs from my boots? Because I am saying you get better? And wow is NOT a job you are 100% correct and thanks for taken notice! I do 1 M15 a week and raid once a week from 8:30-11:30 - Because that fits my time table. Many guilds offer different time tables - 8:00-10:00, 9:00-11:00, 7:00-9:00 etc etc. If you can spend 2 hours rounding up world quest (count how long to do them, and travel to them - And this can be per day mind you) you can’t find friends to spend 2-4 hours with in an ----> MMO <---- WITH? ok then. Look I am Anti social in real life to but its a game designed playing with others and team based efforts get the best rewards

And you are right, It is none of my business what you need the gear for but it is a good question. If you can get the same ‘tints/mog’ and still get decent item level gear why do you need it for the progression you do? None of my business for sure but a valid question never the less.

Also you can think, view or judge me how ever you wish. But I have offered it before and just to offer it again on this forum post if anyone EVER NEEDS a healer for low keys to help push there group or a healer I always try to help: Im not the best never will say I am but I always try to help my fellow wow players but there is to much pride to ask for it, Rather just complain how the world and game is unfair to me.

The EMT on the street responding to some poor guy who just got his grey matter splattered all over the pavement might start at $30k/yr. The hospital CFO who sits in an air-conditioned office and looks at spreadsheets all day can easily make 10x that. Mumble rappers make more than nobel laureates. K-pop boy bands make more than Navy Seal special warfare teams. Asmonbald makes more money a year than an astronaut with 2 PhDs and an elite level of fitness.

Your analogy is puerile, and I can only assume you aren’t in the working world yet. Lots of good arguments for gating most of the excellent items behind the hardest content – yours isn’t one of them.


You would assume wrong: but you know what happens when you assume you make an as…well you know the rest.

I started at the bottom, I was a dish washer at a restaurant, moved to working at a gas station, then game stop, then Armani, Private security company and now a private logistics company. My life was long hard and i struggled up the real life ladder: Nothing came for free and at no point did i go “man Im a dish washer: I wish I made the chefs money” (In context: I did want his money but knew as a dishwasher I never would earn it: Thus I bettered my self to make more money)

Same theory works in wow: At no point even when I went casual did i go “Man I wish this world quest loot for killing 4 rats gave me mythic item level gear” You are at the bottom, You get the bottom stuff. like real life its enough to ‘survive’ if you WANT MORE you have to WORK FOR MORE. if you are content with where you are at, or do don’t expect to make that type of money: or again game translation get that type of gear.

The only mistake was making it so it could forge to max level instead of being capped slightly below heroic aka Korth gear.

Yes exactly. I’ve said a few times each content type should just have set bonuses that only work in that type of content - so you get cool buffs for each thing but it ONLY is usable in the type of content you get it from.

Something like this combined with like a 6-12ilvl decrease when not used in the correct type of content would be great and a good way to fix the issue of having to do other forms of content for BIS gear.

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i did WQ every single day on at least 3-4 alts during legion and bfa even when i didn’t get upgrades. or anything useful at all. just because they were fun. i am anti tf as you know, so it wasn’t that. at this point i hate SL WQ so much that i essentially don’t log in for most of the week and just do the korthia weekly and whatever callings happen to be up. sometimes i’ll do a mog run. them ruining WQ and making them not fun at all is my issue. i love questing.

i leveled two toons recently. my rogue and my ally shaman. but even that was pulling teeth with as awful as i knew end game (for me) is. i can show you the toons if you want. they’re around 210ish or so because i did some 0s and a tiny bit of korthia. i want to do WQ. but i want them to be fun like they used to be (to me). i loved the turtles WQ or the barrel WQ from legion. i used to do them whenever they’d come up. but at some point people whining about mcforges from afking one mob ruined the game for the rest of us.

i am a self id’d WQ casual who ended up joining a raid guild and doing keys that’s how bad world content is. just to have something to do with the wife. it wasn’t fun. felt like a waste of time. they’ve turned wow into DDR laser light show. i don’t want that. i want to do my WQ and my lfr (which they’ve also ruined at this point) and get my crap gear and do my old content and be happy.

you think we’re all mythic loot coveting but not all of us are. i didn’t earn it. i shouldn’t have it. i just want what i like to do to actually be fun. at this point i have over 100 hours on mobile games ported to steam because it’s more fun than WQ.

edit: this is my recently played list

to give you an idea of what i’m doing instead of WQ.

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