Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

There is a concept people who don’t raid can’t seem to understand essentially I’m not going to drag my raid team down by refusing to do something that can make my character better outside of raid it’s why I ran over 20 15+ DoS keys in mythic week because OPC was a huge upgrade. Much like benthic stupidity if they made bonuses work inside of raid I would farm them. I understand that’s hard for people to comprehend whose entire thought process consists of me me me me and also me anyone else can suck it but it’s the simple truth.

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If there is any activity in the game that has any chance of awarding any amount of power gain any sooner than a competitive player’s preferred activity’s weekly reset allows, then that player is being forced to do it.

That is the mentality that WoW Shadowlands devs have been trying to cater to.

But when casual players have to force themselves to do the three pillars because casual gameplay is now divorced from power progression, the fault is somehow on the casuals for not doing the activities that give the rewards they want.


Nicely done! Good work !

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The solution is simple: Give all activities in the game high lvl gear rewards. But make them less effective when used in other kind of activities. And that’s it, everyone happy.

As an example, you could get ilvl gear as high as mythic raiding doing world quests, but it would get downgraded when you enter a raid to the levels gear is working atm. Same for pvp, when enganged in PvP any non PvP gear gets downgraded. With this all the e-peen elitists wouldn’t get mad at casuals getting the same size of e-peen as them. And since casuals will still be casuals, they wouldn’t really need high ilvl on activities they are not doing anyway but can still feel good getting powerful on the content they enjoy.

Yea ok that’s fair then, I guess i’s the same thing that happened with AP - having to grind it 24/7 as it’s the most efficient thing to do. But also I don’t think making korthia gear obtainable 2-3 weeks earlier than currently makes it the best way to gear for raiders at all.

But yes expanding valor is a good way to do it and should’ve happened from the get go. Justice points to be able to buy items you cant pick up during your raid/mythic+ runs. Then valor is expanded to allow upgrades to all items regardless of where they’re from (excluding PvP) up to a generous cap that keeps it slightly below what raiders can do currently. Done.

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Sure, let me stuff my bag with 10 different gear sets for different contents and specs. This sounds even worse than gear in BFA.

This also works just fine if shiny ilvl is needed personally I would deal with it with benthic style effects that aren’t active in instanced content but either way is fine.

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If devs were catering to hardcore raiders they wouldn’t have stuff like Korth on a drip system and all conduits would have a drop location in raid or at least all potency ones. Current wow is designed similar to a f2p cellphone game with drip systems to keep you having to log on every day.

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They’re responsible for the environment they nurture. They absolutely did.


I think it’s more appropriate to blame people for their own actions rather than everybody else.

Normal - heroic - M0 - m+
LFR - normal - heroic - mythic

Plenty of reasonable progression right now.


I mean, most mmos are looter games anyaway. It’s part of the fantasy to manage your gear and make strategic use of your free space in bags and inventory. If you can’t do that then you should be playing a different game.
But still, there are addons that help you change gear when you switch specs or save them in templates to quickly change them by clicking a button or using keybinds. - This is something Blizzard could bake in into the game but we know they’re a small indie company and can’t afford good software engineers. The good thing is addons exist.

Are we talking about titanforging? Because titanforging was a mistake in and of itself. I will not humor any argument to the contrary, because they are wrong.

If you want to advocate for the return of loot prog in the world independent of raids, kinda like vanilla had, all for it.

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Hey, I love those tipes of Quest. It’s whay i’ve been doing mostly for bfa and shadowlands.

I really find them relaxing and fullfilling when I plan my routes and do it on my alts

Tell that to the huge amount of world players who, finding no reason to keep doing world quests unless they’re farming gold, have simply stopped playing.

Humour the argument or not, I don’t care. Because you’re the one that’s wrong.


The fact you think that’s a titanforging problem and not a problem with how gutted world content is, is laughable.


The only mistake of TF and WF was that the only way to get those upgrades was random, if they allowed currency, kinda like khorthia to upgrade your wq set of gear, it would have been a lot better.

THere is WF and TF with khorthia gear, actually sometimes enemies drop already improved gear, while others do not. And nobody seem mad about it.

Huh. I thought that was just rep/renown based.

Blizz needs to run an experiment and create 4 different server types to see which is more popular. Mythic servers, raid servers, pvp servers and levelling servers, that way each group of people can do what they want and stop whining about everything else. yeah i know, never going to happen.

I don’t know if it’s, but sometimes i got some base level, other times some 3 levels of upgrade and others a 220 ilevel.

I am not farmed khorthia Rep, I am a lazy slowpoke