Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

What mage would that be, I showed up, because I cant log in. Who knows maybe I post on another toon but cant change to it cos the armory is messed up. shrug :slight_smile:

Meh blizzard killed the easy way to group now most people just knock out their chores in silence solo while watching netflix.

Yep definitely didn’t go off the rails and start posting on what seems to be your actual main agreeing with yourself because I touched a nerve nope definitely didn’t happen.

What are you talking about Clown, Just look achievement points the priest and I are not the same What a total tool.


LOL I’am a MAGE!


Almost like people can have multiple accounts or in game settings to show only character achievements.

Meh your mog looked like a mage and you had a blue background and honestly I don’t care enough to think further than that as far as someone who props themselves up with alts goes.

WoW conspiracy theories. I told you why I was on my priest. You are one of those people that can’t admit when wrong and always has to have the last word. Just reply word, I’ll let you win ROFL OUT LOUD.


No more than you NEED to upgrade gear for your World quests. Actually that’s incorrect you do need better gear for raiding than korthia dailies and rares.

The next time you are being genuine in this thread will be the first.

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what raid are you talking about M/H/N/IFG lol

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The ones you need gear for.

Idk why you quoted the second part there that has nothing to do with the other oneor anything you said there.

Not true. You only need whale players. Casual are poor in general and wants a lot for a measly 15 dollars a month. Whales are more profitable as they buy stuff they want wnd need which in turn makes blizzard much more profit for less cost.

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And I don’t believe you because you type in the same highly agitated manner as the other priest and you first actions were to attack the person poking holes in their “argument” and offering a compromise which apparently wasn’t good enough.

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Dont you raid for the run it brings? If the activity isnt fun, it should be removed or fixed.


I just do not like at all how they gated the ilevel of world quests behind the bland renown system. I hate doing renown and can’t wait until the next expansion when it’s gone. Not to mention that yeah the world quest taking awhile is annoying. Oh and I HATE Korthia and never did it past rank 4… probably never will either. I do not want to grind mobs and junk over and over in that stupid place ever again.

I am pretty sure they could have made all of this way less annoying but they just want to waste our time as usual. And NO it isn’t fun and yet sadly it is part of the game.

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No one forces you to do anything. You CHOOSE to go to extreme lengths to get an advantage, thats on you . get therapy of you feel that someone is making you do non essential tasks.

I know, they could make weekly exclusive WQs that give good rewards that you cant do if you have raided on that character. that way you cant be forced to do both.

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But dont you do World Quests for the fun? If they arent fun to you, no amount of gear will change that, right? We should remove them outright, then.

So world quests should be removed? They aren’t fun after all they are tedious and annoying for me. I don’t want to be forced to world quest to raid just like people who want to world quest should be able to get good gear that has zone specific bonuses without raiding. Gear could even work similar to pvp where in open world it’s a higher ilvl than in instanced content

who is forcing you? is there someone standing behind you with a gun forcing you? or is it a mental problem that makes you do it? maybe you should seek help with this compulsion.


:100:percent nailed it. :gift_heart:
Xath is a blue pill guy.