Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

Because I enjoy log competition and you kind of need BiS for the next raid also to be completely honest I am not as good as the players in limit so having more gear gives me more leeway to hit the numbers needed to kill bosses.

Again what is wrong with gear that is normal mode ilvl but has bonuses that make it as good or better than raid gear in the open world but aren’t active in raid.

It isn’t though. PvP and M+ both give at least heroic level gear. Your complaint appears to be that you can’t do activities with zero skill component and get raid equivalent gear.

Benthic pieces could legitimately be 2 to 5% dps gains over bis mythic pieces yes you had to have certain ones lol

If others got same ilvl gear that would not affect your raiding.

again the insulated PvE or PVP is not the ONLY WAY gear should be obtained. Its just what YOU like

And yet it was NOT game braking that anyone could get them. LOL


So how about 20ish ilvls below but with bonuses similar to benthic possibly including a set bonus all of which did not function in instanced content. Ideally would start off probably around M0 level then could upgrade over time to M10 level bonuses would be activated immediately though so you would just be gaining stats over time.


It was game breaking that they were required for raiding. Again I’m fine with the benthic system as long as the bonuses do not apply in raid yet you seem to have a problem with that.

Also unlike you I haven’t resorted to insults I made a simple statement of fact. World content in wow is not challenging so it wouldn’t make sense for it to reward ilvl on par with more challenging content.

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You can check my achieves very easily they aren’t hidden I used to post on my main but I had people bug me so I don’t anymore

No it was not, you did not have to do it to play the game. Like you dont need RAID gear to play as you said so many times.


You made me laugh out loud for real OUT LOUD

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Hes a clown. An has been tool, stuck in the past.


Dishonest quoting is always an interesting strategy since I didn’t forget the a. As I said feel free to check achieves I’m currently working on m sylv while raiding two days a week with an odd schedule

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Ya he/she/it wouldn’t know a good idea if it ran over it/she/he


When did I say this? You need gear on level with the content you actually do. I’ve also offered a solution that would work for raiders and give you more power in world content and that apparently isn’t good enough.

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Or IDK just make more PATHWAYS to top ilvl gear and be done. Just to simple.


Sounds Good! tokens/currency solo content like visions, all works


No, because then that makes other players have to do content they abhor much as you shouldn’t have to do the raid content you dislike I shouldn’t have to do the questing that I can barely tolerate doing getting my characters to max level.

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Weird how you randomly showed up the instant I apparently touched a nerve in our mage friend and started talking the exact same way including insult attacks and agreeing with everything she said :thinking:

With 4 whole posts on the forum total :unamused:

No it does not, poor poor baby might have to play out side of having other carry them.


What in the world are you talking about?

People still do them for fun. It is just more fun when more people are doing them with you. Rewards pull more people in thus the activity is more fun overall.

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