Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

To get a full set yes unlikely to have a piece or two titanforge and be bis less unlikely than you think. I remeber in the bod patch I was wearing a perfect roll set of legs from the second week of patch on that came from a world quest and forged.

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Enhancement shamans, ranked the lowest in Warcraft logs, were in world first raids

There are survival hunters with parses

What’s your real reason?


Wait how is it our fault you lost the whistle again? I swear… EVERYTHING is the fault of the people who are better than you isn’t it? You think mythic raiders wanted longer world quests?


But wait - raiders got Titanforging removed so they didn’t have to care about world content any more, and now you’re telling me they still do?

There’s no pleasing some people…

Exactly - it was a carrot to make doing world quests and emissaries actually feel like they might be worthwhile. These days my characters just do them for the gold. Might be lucrative, but it’s a LOT less fun than it was even in BfA.

No, just the CHANCE at “phat loots”. When you know that every single bit of world content is 100% guaranteed to drop gear below what you’re wearing, and that there’s now zero chance of an upgrade… the only reason to do them is to stockpile gold.

I ran through emissaries every day on up to 12 characters in BfA, and I can count on literally two fingers the occasions when Titanforging resulted in a mythic-level-comparable upgrade.

Nobody - NOBODY - got “full BiS” from world quests, not ever. It’s a myth that just propagated out there somehow (probably from streamers exaggerating).

Ans that’s a GOOD THING, don’t you see? You won the gear lottery against massive odds. I mean, you could’ve just done the raid every single week trying to target the legs you wanted, but with the nerfs to loot drops it could’ve taken months. And when you got what you were after from the raid, guess what? Just like with Titanforging, you won a dice roll.

I thought mythic raiders didn’t want to do world quests at all - hence their lobbying to remove Titanforging so they wouldn’t “feel forced” to do them.


But this is directly opposed by this

If mythic raiders got what they wanted then this gringbeouldbt have been as awful as it is.

Yes open world content rewards are bad but don’t blame mythic raiders. Blame blizzard. They have somehow managed to convince people to fight each other over it instead of blame the people who actually make the game.


The point just wooshed right past you there, didnt it?

World Gear is already plenty strong, it doesn’t need to be on par with raid gear (despite the fact it still is)

So the dorks who think they deserve raid gear for afking world quests would make doing world quests mandatory for everyone if they wanted to do any content at all

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Yeah man, they killed it, gg bliz – not gonna sit here and argue with people or beg bliz to make a good game, im gone.


I’d like to be able to keep upgrading my covenant armor.


I mean technically it wasn’t too far off the mark with titanforging. It was just unreasonable for anyone to think they could be full mythic ilvl just from doing WQs due to the layers upon layers of RNG. It was possible, though!

Disclaimer, totally not taking a side here, I do think we need way more world content but I also think there needs to be a careful balance where it becomes neither world content players falling behind way too much, nor Normal and Heroic difficulties becoming irrelevant because it’s too easy to get near Mythic ilvl.

Nobody said this. Why do you guys keep repeating it like it’s a song you can’t get out of your head?

I understand that you guys have convinced yourself that all content but the hardest content in the game can and is completed by everyone fully afk at all times, and nobody but you deserves any reward for playing the game, and should be forced out so you can play by yourself and pat yourself on the head for being so social.

Mathematically it was possible to get a piece of very high ilvl gear from world content. The chance tho was 1 in billions. Yet we constantly read complaints on the forum about “LFR heroes” and “world quest heroes” being fully equipped in better than mythic ilvl perfectly itemized gear.

That was a total lie. Never happened, and none of the posters making that claim could back it up with a link to either an armory of that player or to any mythic raider who was using world quest or LFR titanforged gear in even one slot. These same elitist whiners were themselves fully equipped in perfectly optimized better than mythic raid ilvl gear gotten by endlessly spamming high keys. Their complaint was that after they had so little self-control they couldn’t stop themselves from getting the best gear in the game, mythic raiding couldn’t drop any upgrades for them. The solution in all those many threads during Legion was, of course, “REMOVE LFR!!!”


Trying to figure out how to make outdoor content rewarding without war, and titan forging would be a challenge for them lol. Unless they just capped the stuff you get from wq’s, assaults, etc at like normal raid mode item levels. Not a big deal since most progression raiders blitz through normal modes, and start pushing heroic mode in a matter of a few weeks anyways.

They got it to work in Legion and BfA. All they have to do is look back at what they did then that kept people playing it. Actually a lot of people did find titanforging to be a motivation to repeat world quests. “I already have this exact item, but if I do the quest again I may get a 5-10 ilvl upgrade.” Very high titanforges were very rare.

It was a big deal for some of them, who felt that casuals who do easy content should get no rewards.

It’s hard to understand how people who are apparently so good at theorycrafting can be so bad at understanding how probability works.


actually, my dh alt landed a damn 195 TF trinket the first day of world bosses in legion. can’t think of the name, but it was a badass trink for every class because it was a giant stat stick… what a waste. =[

Pretty much what you said. They should just go ahead, and change the name of this game, and call it World Of instancecraft :laughing: As for the flight whistle. Have no idea on why they removed it in shadowfail.


195? When Legion began, Warlords content was still ilvl 700-740. Level 100’s entering Legion were getting 700+ gear. Was this during early BfA?

In any case, a lot of casuals did get a nice piece of gear or two eventually if they played enough. The claim was that extremely high ilvl titanforged gear was common enough in casual content that casuals were sporting fully mythic ilvl gear. It wasn’t.

I know the answer to that one.

They removed the flight whistle at the same time they removed a fair number of quality of life features players enjoyed, and added a whole lot of annoyances that would extend playtime. They figured they would train us to put up with them, get use to it, and accept a whole new set of new inconveniences in the next expansion. Kind of like training people to accept the new improved (ie lower) drop rate for gear.

It’s called operant conditioning. They’ve been working hard to retrain players to accept less content, content less often, lower quality content, fewer rewards. They pushed everything to the limit their spreadsheets told them was ideal, figuring that if they pushed something too far they could tweak it a little. How’d that work out? Not all that great, actually.


Forging would be fine if they removed the trade restrictions on loot so you can give away whatever you want and if they keep valor so you have a progression path to the same ilvl loot as forging. Then forging can just be a nice shortcut


maybe i’m remembering the ilvl after the ilvl squish… it wasn’t far off from the legendaries’ ilvl.

oh i agree. they didn’t fall often. they just got pissed when one did because someone didn’t have to “endure” mythic raiding to “earn” it.

i wish they nevr got rid of wf/tf’ing. it was the only reason i kept doing wqs.


Disagreeing with your disagreement. It absolutely should be an optional gearing path.

Better geared players make for better runs.
Better runs make for a better game and community.


This is why you’ll see WQ rewards on the top 3 of every BiS list… oh… wait…


Have you taken a look at BfA world quest trinkets lately?

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