Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

So… When there isn’t enough players to keep the game alive and develop more mythic raids then what will you guys do? You need to the average Joe playing or your MMO collapses.


You’re directing your question at the wrong type of player. Feel free to look at my character sheet to see what I mean.

I just said try it. I dont need you to tell me how to quest.

Raiders want exclusive rights to ‘their’ ilvl gear, what a sad mindset. While non-raiders out point out that raid-level gear makes world stuff easier and much much faster. Fact is that raiders don’t need the same ilvl gear to defeat the mobs that drop the gear most of them claim to need in order to do so. Just look at the M 1st raid race. They are often entirely absent of same Raid ilvl gear.


Do you have any idea how much effort goes into gearing up for raids? Yes I might get good ilvl in a week or 3 but that’s because i did well over over 30 m+ in that time aswell as full clears of normal (usually only for the odd trinkets etc) and heroic plus whatever mythic I can do. Then there used to be profession gear to make and sometimes pvp gear. In 8.2 there was also benthic farming on top of that too.

It’s not quick it’s condensed.
You put that much time and effort in and you will get geared better too. Maybe not to the same level if you reduce tk walk though an instance portal but i guarantee your gear would improve.

You see me geared in 3 weeks and think “that’s fast” I see me geared in 3 weeks and think “that was lots of work”

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No they aren’t rofl. There is a reason top guilds do splits. Are they at max ilvl no are they usually about halfway past heroic to full mythic yes.

Again what is wrong with gear that is normal ilvl with bonuses that make it more powerful than raid gear in the open world but don’t function in raid.

Also why would I try to do content in gear that is nearly 100 ilvls under what it’s tuned for at this point?

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I do and I dont care about your “work” how you get pve gear does not affect. You think doing quest day after day to save up a currency would be a effort, You do you boo boo.

No i don’t think it’s effort. Which is why I get geared faster by doing things that are… What point are you trying to make here? You want the same level loot as me in the same time period by doing less? Is that it?

I don’t lol.

So you don’t need same ilvl gear, glad we agree. Why keep raiding then after you clear MRaid. Why try for Bis. Better yet under your mindset, make raid gear only work in raids and go to lower ilvl in the world then.

Point is there should be more not less ways to top ilvl gear. raid or die is killing the game.


Yes exactly this, I’ve never understood why the raiders hate it so much when people who don’t raid get anywhere near the highest Ilvl gear.

Also I don’t even want bloody BiS, I just want gear that isnt 20-30Ilvl’s below BiS AND takes 1-2 months to grind out on each character (like korthia and WQ’s atm). It sucks, let us get gear more easily.


Sure if it took longer soni didn’t have to do it then idc what you end up with. The problem comes when it is forced on raiders like benthic was.

Like raids are forced on others? You dont have to have it to raid you just want it. Could just not care. I know benthic was a sheetshow. but was good for non-raiders

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It’s not that you end up with the same ilvl it’s that raiders are them forced into doing that too. Benthic was the perfect example. Raiders leveled extra alts to buy benthic gear with on the off chance that it would turn into the correct piece and then have an RNG socket on it too.

If open world gear were slower than raiders would have anyway then no one would care.

An expanded valour system would work for both camps.
Give valor from everything and make it that raiders can hit the cap doing thier thing so they don’t have to do yours too


But it isn’t. You can almost get heroic raid geared without stepping for inside an instance…

All they had to do was disable its effect in raid like they did in m+ and it would have been a great system. The problem was that they made the system important for raiders to do too. If they left it as a casual gearing system by not making it bis for raiders it would have been great

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by when a year from the new raid? Its still almost.


I did hardly any korthia for ages and have capped it out weeks ago. Yea the grind sucks and teir 5 is pointless etc but if you wanted it done by now it would be.

I sorry you feel bad about feeling force to do something other than raid, the same way I feel its bad that its raid or die to progress in wow. Now i need to feed the kids Ill ck in later on the raiders QQ


All the way through here I’m thinking great someone who seems reasonable and we might agree on things even if we do vastly different types of content etc.

Nope never mind.

See as much as I will advocate for my own side of things I do not relish in your sides discontent. I want the game to be better for both of us but by saying that I no longer think that you do. It’s a shame

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If it’s like Nazgrim etc, determination stacks don’t help when after every wipe there’s cries of “KICK THE BOTTOM DPS” and it all goes around again.

Blizzard’s implementation of Determination stacks as a thinly-veiled “git gud” mechanic failed years ago, but they still persist with it.

For just a little while - at the start of WoD - they made LFR queue-friendly, and it was brilliant. The actual “story mode” detractors always bang on about.

And the people complained about something something casuals getting something (even though WoD LFR loot was nerfed to kindergarten levels of awful) and soon enough the wipefests were back.


Its not discontent and its not you. Seems there are more non-raiders than raiders, but they go mostly ignored. Its not about a Side, today peoples mindset is so tribal.

I did say I was sorry you felt that way, I dont know what more I can say. Need a hug?