Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

I think as long as she’s been playing now, even if she is it would be at a rate of about twice per decade. That’s palatable.

It’s nice going into a trial late in the expansion and wiping and someone explaining what to do on the mechanics new players are struggling with instead of just auto kicking them. I can’t even remember the last time I saw ANYONE kicked from a group to be honest.

What nonsense is this? Mythic Raiders don’t want content to get nerfed, they want the same things we want, meaningful world content, account wide stuff for alts for less grind.

The people who hated it are the tryhards who do nothing and get mad that people get gear why they twiddle their thumbs in orgr spewing racist nonsense in trade chat

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Pretty much. Heck I’m old/old school lol. Back when the original counterstrike game was out back in the late 90’s people called it a mmofps game. I guess it didn’t really stick until rpg genre games like wow came along.


I mean, Blizzard didn’t really ruin the community in this game. The community did. If FF14 can find a way to keep its players from turning on each other, by all means, share the method.

To be fair they really can’t the FF14 forums are basically no different than the wow forums, I mean there’s 3 threads on the front page about people having a go go go mentality in dungeons. Another about tank and healer balance etc… its all the same just bad players whining about stupid things

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No, not at all. Ion’s explanation of item level world scaling was that it’s based around reaching a certain item level, after which you start to see damage increase exponentially as you get better gear. At your item level, you’re hitting a delete key on everything around you in the world, because that’s how Ion designed it. Rewards for raiders.

It’s pretty clear they’ve been tuning the scaling around raid item levels. You’re 33 item levels above my main, so what takes you two seconds takes me 10 or more.

You :“delete” mobs and do your stuff and come away thinking the world content is easy and fast.

Us normal people have to suffer the increased aggro range of everything in Korthia, fight every mob to get to a clickable thing, and while it’s not “hard” it’s TEDIOUS AS HELL.

I literally sigh when yet another mob does its insta-respawn on top of me and I know I’m up for another 10-20 seconds of button mashing to just be able to move on to the next thing.

Yeah, and that’s complete crap. Sorry, but it is. The world content is scaled to raiders, but non-raiders can’t ever get the gear to properly dominate the content like we used to be able to.

Is this myth still doing the rounds? Seriously? It’s been years. Get some new material.

No, you cannot AFK your way to gear in LFR.


You can def afk your way through lfr i have done it


You know, there’s a reason my characters tend to be stealthers, night elves, tanks, or a combination of the three. :wink:

Pretty sure the last time I was in LFR, for every fight we’d have several people die and still complete the boss encounter. Like, maybe you can’t have everyone afk, but you can absolutely carry a few.

And if you can’t, well, determination stacks say you will eventually.

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In FFXIV player gets extra tomes if they complete a dungeon with someone that hasn’t completed it yet. That helps chill people out who have the go go attitude.


There’s bonus valor if you increase someone’s M+ score, right?

There is

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Yes you absolutely can I’ve straight up carried LFRs as a tank in terms of dps you need a out 10 people not afk to kill most bosses probably less if they are actually geared.

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If you’re not a mythic raider, or high end M+ runner, AND haven’t figured out you’re just here to help pay the server bill… that’s on you.

Quit complaining and deal with your lot in life or find another game.

Many have done just that. I’m on the verge of it myself.


Why in the world are you trying to do Korth in greens? Either spend a couple hours getting you cov campaign done and the gear from it or spend like 10k for a full set of ilvl 200 gear from the ah. It’s not designed for fresh 60s It’s designed for you to have the world gear you can have before going there and then get gear from it you can eventually upgrade to sylv/kt normal ilvl.

For world quest stuff korth gear is fine it just need some benthic type stuff that doesn’t work in raid.

I find the vast majority of people nice and easy to get on with. The occasional muppet but not many. When people say the community is bad I honesty think that most of the time it’s because of what they do themselves. Either perform really badly in content that it matters in or be hard to get along with.

Last night for example I did a key with a boobie who pressed bark skin twice in the whole top run and never used his interrupt or typhoon etc. We weren’t mean to him or anything but this was a plus 18 and he finished with 6k dps and I can get over 5k as a healer under the right circumstances. We timed it (just) but he was hard carried and if we failed it it would absolutely have been his fault and some hard feeling would have been justified.

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You think we raid by getting lucky? Says it all really.


Don’t bother with that dude he is literally the definition of a pity party its ridiculous

For the first time since mid-WoD, I’m on the verge of doing the same thing myself.

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Tbh when I reply to people like that it’s not normally to try and change their mind or anything. It’s in the hopes that any third party that sees it might be saved from becoming them.