Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

Raiding is not productive in any way unless you are extremely lucky.

For sure. MMO just means a large world filled with other players. Nowhere does it say that you shouldn’t be able to so much as go to the bathroom without a loyal balanced team of players.

Even if I tend to solo basically 100% of the time these days, it doesn’t mean I’m still not making an impact on the world and the community. When I put something on the AH, or help shoot someone else’s mob, or speak up in a general chat channel, I’m still partaking in the MMO world.


Well the world content doesn’t scale with you. It’s stuck at the level it was at when it was released.

Why should doing the exact same content over and over increase your gear level on its own? There’s no other aspect of the game that rewards you with progressively higher rewards for doing the same content at the same difficulty level. Why should world quests be any different?

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They don’t have to be, but currently they’re the only real vehicle for solo content in the game. I would take any other option to be able to progress on my own without having to submit to the gatekeeping community and the raiderio/warcraftlogs machines.

Torghast for example could have been great for that, like horrific visions were in BfA.


How is Torghast not the same as Visions, though?

They’re both solo experiences that are initially punishing but gradually become trivial thanks to multiple runs and overgearing.

Hell, between the two, at least Torghast isn’t the exact same layout (or two) every run. It has randomly generated(-ish) floors and a good 6 different settings.

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You can’t get gear from it.

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Such an old argument, have to been to Korthia or the Maw. Try it in greens. The point of gear is not only to do raids. Its is progress in the game, it also passion and something to work toward. (ill skip pvp side) I bet you believe if someone doesn’t raid then they should just quit.

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Except it actually does. Or have you not heard about the item level world scaling they’ve had in place since mid-Legion?

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Is it still around? I thought they’d removed it, since everything dies in about 2 seconds.

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I actually quit my mage recently because the Maw utterly destroyed him, lol. It was the first time I ever actually got held back from completing a standard storyline quest. It is super painful if you don’t have gear.

I weighed my options between hunter and warlock, and chose the latter. But yeah I concluded that someone like me needs a big beefy pet to protect them.


Wow Armory is broken right now, but I’m guessing your item level is a teensy bit above the 210-216 most world players are hovering at.

Yes, ilvl scaling is still around.

Don’t mages have water elemental?

Isn’t the Maw supposed to be punishing?

Why are you running around in greens when you can get a set of crafted blues?

Like, holy cow, I leveled a character to 60 via battle pets and all the gear was greens from an expansion ago and I still had no trouble gearing up and doing world/covenant quests.

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This. It’s why my wife ultimately quit, and it’s why I quit raiding and won’t do M+.

I’m not amazing, but decent. She’s ok, but is never going to be the type to blow the meters up. Never seemed to really have issues years ago, but starting probably around Legion, it seems to have gotten worse.

She got kicked from more than one dungeon I was in with her for low DPS when her DPS was fine and we were killing bosses. (Sucks for them since I was tanking, they lost their tank too.)

She did casual stuff, LFR, random dungeons, she enjoyed timewalking, but had enough bad experiences that it made her actually quit.

For reference, she plays FF14 now with much more complicated playstyles and has never been kicked from a group. Never. lol


and we cant log in

Ah yes trash mob item level scaling. The feature they snuck in, and didn’t bother putting it in any patch notes, and didn’t fess up to it, until they were called on it :laughing: I beat Pepperidge farm on that one in remembering the forum lighting up when that happened lol.


Yeah, I think it’s 249.

But doesn’t that kind of disprove your point? The world scaling was designed to make sure that you took roughly the same amount of time to kill something regardless of your ilvl. Are you telling me that’s not the case anymore?

Like, if you’re a “world player”, then the game “ends” for you at level 210 or so. That’s just the way it works. Likewise if you’re a heroic raider, the game “ends” when you clear heroic. If you’re a mythic raider, the game “ends” when you clear mythic. You can keep doing the same thing over and over, but you’ll still have a max ilvl you can achieve. It’s just, you know, a little higher than people only doing world content.

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Give it time.

That’s not a tank.

Geared folks seem to have no trouble with it. If I have to endure that kind of torment, shouldn’t I be rewarded appropriately?

Because I’m not great at making money and I should be able to earn gear on my own.

Grats. Can you teach me to be as hyper-skilled as yourself?


Sure. Start with the covenant quests, because they’re all pretty easy and you’ll replace greens with blues and purples. Then level your renown by doing the easiest quests possible, like bombing runs and pet battles, until you can raise the world quest ilvl. Then do world quests when they appear.

Of course, well before that happens, you can probably get into LFR, where you can AFK your way to gear.

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I did do it in questing gear back in the first week of the xpac launched like the first 2 days after that I was in full mythic zero gear. Cause well blizzard gave me something to do that gave me gear and I did it

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