Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

I would support this. Though this sort of reminds me of a recent thing that happened in dc universe online. People were complaining because they scaled stats to dungeons kind of like with time walking dungeons. People were so used to getting carried by a super powerful person or just blasting through them by themselves that after the change, groups would wipe left and right and drop groups.

It was crazy, I was a new player and the mechanics were a joke but people could t do them because they ignored everything.

Enhancement shamans are ranked low because they have mediocre cleave they have excellent single target and they buff the other melee of which 2 to 3 are warriors gaining around 8% dps they more than make for any deficit in personal damage via that.

Have you aka the bell?

There should be more pathways to top ilvl gear not less, the raid or die has all but killed the game off. This is not the twentieth century the game needs to evolve forward.


This is such malarkey it’s actually insane. Once a raid is cleared there is parse fun to do.

No one finds that fun.

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Okay I want to be fair here tracing that damn circle was harder than mythic prophet, faction champs and taloc so maybe that one should have rewarded mythic ilvl gear.

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Need specialized gear like Dom sockets but not terrible. Benthic style gear that only works in the world not raids for example procs and special stuff that make up for keeping the ilvl under raiding gear since otherwise you make raiding pointless.

Why would it make raiding pointless. If people like to raid then let them raid. Are you saying they only raid for gear? If so that a deeply flawed part of the game. Its not game braking to make a fun path for all to top lvl gear.


It’s a multi-player game I’m sorry but soloing brain dead content should not reward raid level gear give bonuses that exist in the overworld absolutely but not raid level gear and bonuses should not function in raids.

Just because a game is “multi-player” does not mean it should take a team to have fun and progress. That’s an outdated way of evaluating a game.


The current reward structure only encourages boosting which isn’t good for the game. Give everyone a reasonable progression path would curve boosting.


What kind of world content rewards that were in past wow expansions are you talking about? Cause their was NEVER any substantial world rewards… most of the open world stuff we had to do at endgame was for raiding/pvp lmao

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When the community is as harsh and exclusionary as it is today, is it really that surprising?


Ya because we’re actually committing the time to be in an organized 20man raid 6+ hours a week every single week for literal months… ontop of all the prep work we have to do when a new patch drops to get us mythic raid ready.

So you wanna know why it annoys us? Because you guys just wanna do a wq and get high quality gear from it. In RL it’d be the equivalent of working a part time job 10hr a week yet getting paid the exact same salary as someone who works full time 40+ hours.

If you guys want the gear, then you guys can put in the effort like the rest of us.


Why do you need raid level gear if you aren’t raiding? World content falls over by ilvl 200. Why is gear on par with normal but with unique bonuses that only function outside instanced content unacceptable?

To survive in PvP.

And it’s still fun to be able to progress even if you’re not lucky enough to be able to raid.


Folks make up own definitions on what multiplayer, or mmo means, and always have. Some believe it means, its just a lot of people playing a videogame. Some believe it means you should be forced to group up. And others believe it means a lot of people play a videogame with a option to group up. In wows case you tend to see more of the you should be forced to group up to 95% of the time lol. I have no social interactions irl, so blizz make people speak to me, or group with me, so it will make them be my friend :laughing:

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I miss doing kill tasks out in the world for decent rewards!

Sorry to be off topic, but I adore your name.

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