Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

Having a vendor where you can spend some new currency is probably the best way to do casual gear. It just shouldn’t be so limited and increase the cap faster than they did on Khortia.

The currency should drop from every casual content(lfg,wq,lfr, bg), not just the new “island” so people have more options to actually gear up.

Titanforging is the worst way to do gear in a MMO.


The effect was fine it just needed to not work in raid. That’s exactly how world quest gear should be done. A unique effect that only works in the world but you aren’t forced to farm for raids.


Yea totally. I was only thinking about raiding but yea having the open world one’s would be great

Agreed as long as I don’t have to farm it for raids I’m great have it cap half a tier under heroic gear but have a world only effect that makes it undeniably the best for world content aka benthic but not working in raid.


Believe it’s going to boil down to what all the Blizzard wow spreadsheets show after this expansion. If it looks really bad, then you can count on them swinging that pendulum back to the way it was in the previous two expansions. And how exciting this forum is going to be, if that happens lmao.

I think is fine if the gear goes up to heroic level. They can do it by making it really expensive so is gated by how much you farm or they increase the cap every couple of weeks, until you are able to upgrade it to heroic levels 3-4 months into a tier.

I can gear up a new character to heroic ilv in 1 month, less if I ask some friends to carry me in m+(2 weeks). Is really not a big deal to let people get to those ilv mid tier.

I think keeping it under heroic is important or you basically make all raiding obsolete outside mythic level and that’s not a positive change.

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M+ did that 2 expansions ago, now with “tier sets”(domination gems), heroic raids actually have some value, but is not their ilv.

Yep. Like the forest “maze” of ardenweald. OPen world not dungeon getting out of their if stone is on cd was “fun” and time consuming before we could fly.

it can be easier to take your garrison stone and use its to portal hop (if upgraded) to sw/org, take its portal to oribos and hop the flight from there to it the covenant HQ area.

as that maze if you did the follow the hunting party wq can dump you knee deep in some mob filled badlands. You can use the mount upgrade option. Something is going to knock you butt off that mount though.

I had that a write off hell no wq after week 1. the egress from that mission area was rough.

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I seriously hope they do not do domination gems again also currently end of dungeon drops 236 from 15s not perfect but under 15s.

All gems did was make it take 4 plus weeks for a reroll to become raid viable.

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I dont know, I’m a huge fun of gear with unique effects. It make it more fun and interesting to gear up for me, it does suck for alts or new players trying to catch up. The issue with the gems is that it was too much RNG, there is a reason we had tiers drop as token for the longest time and it was to mitigate a lot of the luck.

The drop isn’t even the issue outside world first race it’s the leveling them to at least rank 4 ideally 5. Oh and the dom bonuses are part of why the servers are so insanely unstable and laggy. Each one added multiple spells to every character in raid that update every server tick. The 3 piece bonuses and the gems themselves on average at least 3 extra effects that update every tick.

At least one of my toons is getting 207 in wqs, when’s the last time you looked?

I didn’t say BiS gear


Already had this conversation

Yes, it’s World of Warcraft, not M+ dungeon of Warcraft. Having reasons to play in the world would be much more fun. But when your designers are mythic raiders, this is what you get. It’s not terrible but it is also not fun for many many players.


Admittedly, it’s been awhile.

But even 207 is kinda… eeeeh when Korthia gets 226 before Rank 4.

Playing the WQ game on alts was fun in Legion and BFA. You get some crafted gear from the AH or you craft it yourself. Then you look at the map and see what you needed and did the WQ.

Now that WQ only upgrade at renown levels there is no point in doing it because once you got the renown your lvl is 30 ilvls higher then the new renown WQ gear rewards.

This also make crafted gear worse because a lot of people brought it just to bump their ilvl up for better rewards.

Normal and Heroic dungeons are super bad right now because everybody is trying to do some crazy MDI trash skip that you shouldn’t attempt with bunch of random players.


Blizzard developers are Mythic Raiders with rules on increasing in-game metrics. That’s why the game is the way it is. They develop content for the top 1% of the game, then add annoying grinds to slow down that 1% of the playerbase, and we end with systems that you can tell they thought of at the last minute because–

These developers don’t care about Average Joe MMO player


Like LFR, LFD, pet battles, torghast, TW…

There’s more casual friendly content in the game than elite


Again all ideas that were not fully flushed out.

Tog–gives no rewards
Pet Battles- The only real evergreen content they’ve made
LFR- They made this because they acknowledged that people weren’t raiding
LFD- Natural progression of all video games with instanced content