Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

When the game was at it’s absolute peak gear was largely rewarded on level with skill required outside some offset badge gear. There certainly wasn’t randomly getting a raid quality piece of gear from world quests.

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I would like for you to tell me when you have ever been able to get BiS gear for world content.

Anytime now.
We’re waiting.


When McForging allowed for gear with ideal stats to forge to max ilvl it could in fact be better than mythic raid gear.

So, one little tiny window in the 15 years of this games existence.
That’s hardly enough to make a complaint about people getting decent gear without having to do mythic content.
There should be alternative ways of gearing.
Maybe not on our with mythic content, but at least close.


You literally asked for a time and he answered it. That’s why you asked for.

If you wanted to argue that it was statistically too improbable etc then sure but you didn’t you just tried to ignore 2 expacs… Almost half a decade isn’t it?

An entire expac is one tiny window interesting

I’m sorry.
Who are you again?

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Hey, you’re the one that’s apparently hung around for 20 years playing the worst piece of software build by the most incompetent software engineers and designers. That’s a puzzler.

The game’s been changing. Different abilities. New classes. New content. Systems. Etc. It’s a constantly moving target.

You can brush it off and go back to making really great lattes, or you can show some humility about the complexity of computer software. Especially games.

Who cares.
Just someone sick of terrible argument on the forums and people getting off track at things like people focusing on someone new coming on and calling you on your bull

Something about blah blah. Bad arguments, and blah blah calling out.

Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.
Mind repeating that?
I didn’t catch it.

I’m not your dancing monkey. If you want to then scroll up if you don’t then don’t. I really don’t care

Dance monkey dwarf! Dance!
I’ll pay you 50g to tickle hogger

Simple fix would of been to let folks who prefer open world content continue to upgrade the covenant armor using anima. What was the item level capped at? Like 190, or something? Sort of like the pvp honor vendor. Have no idea what honor gear caps at, but I’m guessing it goes higher than covenant gear. It’s not like people have, or had thousands of extra anima, and nothing to use it on lol. Numerous threads on that topic were made over the last several months.

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You clearly haven’t been reading the thread. We’re talking about world content here. Do keep up :stuck_out_tongue:

My raiding days are over. The game has always ofe=fered plenty of progression OUTSIDE of raiding and sweaty-sweaty mythics. Until now.

Your Renown level AND your item level, a double gate to getting any upgrades that pretty much guarantees you’ll be seeing irrelevant rewards for ages before finally getting the right Renown level, THEN having to find upgrades to increase your ilvl, then finally seeing WQ upgrades… which by that stage are no longer relevant.

It’s a completely crap system designed to make sure casuals can’t gear up alts quickly and enjoyably like they had done in Legion and BfA.

And what I am saying is that Korthia and its so-called “progression path” is precisely NOT what people asked for.

We want progression that feels good and MEANS something. Not a grind so punishing most will never finish it, and those that do won’t care about the “rewards” by the time they get there.

I’m still early tier 4, and I lost all motivation once I realised what lay ahead.

No, they were complaining that WQ rewards were hard-capped and Titanforging had been removed so there was no longer any point in doing world quests, aside from farming gold.

World quests have never dropped “raid quality” gear.

However, in Wrath, Cata and MoP there were two Normal raid pieces that dropped from world bosses (PvP-adjacent bosses in the first two) that gave everyone the ability to enjoy at least the 2-piece set bonus for their class, even if they didn’t raid, and regardless of “skill”.

One in a million chance. Running 12 characters across two expansions I think I saw an extreme high ilvl Titanforge twice, and those pieces weren’t only still below Mythic ilvl, they’d never be considered “BiS” or anything like it. But for a casual alt, they were really nice rewarding power boosts.


Again you claim all you want but I got one straight up bis piece and several comparable ones across six tanks this isn’t even talking about the benthic debacle. For the record if they made benthic not give it’s bonuses in raid it would actually be an excellent way to do world gear. Give bonuses that don’t function in raid to gear that are the equivalent of 30 plus ilvls out in the world that’s the perfect way to do it.


When was the last time world content gave close to “bis” items? Never? I guess if you count hitting the jack pot 1 time when stuff could thunderforge to mythic ilv, but that was 1 in a million chance.

Maybe MoP where you could buy a couple of decent items with the rep grinds, but those were usually just a couple of items per spec.


OP is literally asking for mcforging to be added back.

Yea it was so close to being actually good. Then they had to go and ruin it by making it bis after RNG to get the right one then the RNG of socketing on top was just a joke.

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I leveled 6 more characters to get more lottery shots pain, so much pain.

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I was really lucky to be a healer so I didn’t need to but I know plenty of dps who burnt out over this. Like you said though without the bis effects it would have been a great casual gearing system.
But in typical blizzard style they throw out the baby with the bath water and got rid of the whole thing instead of fixing it and keeping it.

Their problem is that they release something so broken that if they were to stand up at blizzcon and say “we are doing gearing like benthic…” they wouldn’t even get to say they fixed it before there was a riot. So instead they go do something from scratch every 2 years.

Honestly I wouldn’t be opposed to azerite being a thing provided it was like it was with the vendors etc and no/very little neck grind. The powers on armour I though was kinda cool and 6 of them could give some flexibility. It wouldn’t be acceptable for them to say “we are doing azerite 2.0.” though would it