Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

I think it would also be cool if all queue-able max-level content dropped a BOA Korthian armament, or at least a BOP Korthian piece upon completion. Like the old dungeons drop an extra loot box at the end when you queue for them while levelling. Then even if the drops themselves aren’t great, you at least have a chance of getting something useful and upgradeable.

A also still think Timewalking gear should’ve been ilvl 207 in 9.1 so it would at least be viable for gearing fresh alts until you get better Korthian drops, or move on to M+/raid.


Isn’t that literally korthia? You can solo your way to almost heroic raid gear?

Yeah true. But make korthia research into valor points, reward it from all PvE content, add vendors with specific gear like in Cata.


You won’t get any argument from me there.

You have some great ideas there.

But Blizzard and its top few favorite players deciding what was healthier for the game has resulted in the game almost dying.

The game’s population was growing stronger during expansions like WotLK and MoP, when systems like badges and Valor narrowed the power gap between casual and hardcore.

And let’s not forget Vanilla. Although it was grindy and long winded, those who played it when it was current found it quite casual. There was only one difficulty of raid, and most guilds were far more inclusive than the three pillars we have today.

Being more casual than the competition allowed WoW to become the biggest MMO ever, historically speaking.

But clinging to elitist traditions that never even existed in the first place is what has knocked WoW down from the top.


They actually did get it mostly right with MoP, but went far off course with WoD.

Legion certainly had its issues, but I think that the quality and quantity of content made the expansion enjoyable for almost all players.

Legion WQs were the best WQs this game has seen, ironically. And of all the borrowed powers, artifact weapons were the best so far. Why didn’t WoW devs improve upon what they had?


The only sin they committed in MoP was they tried to force raiders to do daily quests to get raid-comparable gear off of rep vendors and/or to do daily quests in order to be able to spend badges of valor.

That was a grave mistake, and I will full-on agree.

However, when WoD came out, they knee-jerked the other way because of complaints about daily quest grind, and decided to get rid of all Daily Quests and all open world content, and also get rid of badges.

They failed to see that the complaints were solely from raiders, complaining about being forced to do content they weren’t interested in (which is a valid complaint, one I agree with despite being a non-raider myself who loved the daily hubs).


It’s more like 1 socket. I unlocked Tier 6 and upgraded my Korthia armor to 233 when T6 unlocked from renown. I have only been able to use the socket upgrade on the Choker of the Hidden Observer that drops from Yorik. The socket upgrade item will not work on any of my other Korthia gear. I just get a message saying, you can’t use that on that item. /shrug

Except it’s be more like having all your level 40 abilities then getting the rest at 60. Big difference.

And the gear in Korthia, level 4 at 220 gives you everything you need to make open world adventuring easy going or to get into organized content. It’s frontloaded like soul ash where the folks who only do a little still get good bang for their buck.

If you wanna see this in action, just play Classic WoW, lol.

Ret Paladin from 20ish to 50 is nothing but SoC/SoW, Judge, and SoComm.

Then at 50 you finally get CS.

Have you been reading this thread? That grind is so long, terrible and unrewarding it makes gouging your eyes out with a blunt spoon feel like a more productive use of your time.


I like renown dictating WQ ilvl but I’d make the following changes

However now hear me out…day 1 feature…

Say if today you hit renown 80…none of your level 60 toons should be lower than renown 75 minus the 4 covenant story lines renown if you have not done it.

Your conduits…your main is all decked out in 252 counduits…bam your alts instantly get 239 conduits.

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What the heck does this mean?

More productive use of your time like… raiding heroic?

In Shadowlands, the max iLvl reward of gear from world quests is increased by your renown level, whereas in Legion and BfA it was based only on your character’s overall iLvl.

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Wild Star was a hardcore mmo. Where is it today?


Have you?

Not sure how I can be clearer. If you have any tips let me know

If you find me saying korthia is good anywhere feel free to link it. What i am saying is that people asked for a longer progression path in solo open world content. Which korthia is.

And yet somehow people seem to try and find a way to argue that very clear fact

Dang mailman! He must of misdelivered that questionnaire the people mailed to me :laughing:

I’m talking about when there was forging friend also the benthic lottery outside of Korth which sucked for a couple months for the most part I’m not forced to log on outside selling weekly keys for raid consume if there was forging I would be.

Doesn’t really effect me because I do group content anyway but plenty of people were complaining they “didn’t have” a way to progress in 9.0 because the highest open world gear was from the quest line which was finished faster