Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

Wasn’t a positive feature. I’m aware of how awful the grind is you also get full gear that is 3 ilvls under heroic from it. At least you get gear upgrades I got 3 sockets and a single conduit that I actually use one upgrade from it.

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that’s the problem here, though. people believe “everyone should be able to play however they like”… except raiders, who should be incentivized to do WQs because reasons

yeah its not like theyve had 20 years and how many expansions to get it right, right?


The streamers and their followers who complained they had too much they felt “forced” to do because it had a reward structure tied to it, or a chance of item upgrades happening, or if something had more AP than another thing.

The same people who turned tail and left once the devs actually caved and created a game that wasn’t rewarding for most people. IDK why they did, but that seems like it was their design goals.

But some very loud people specifically asked for this style of gameplay. One where, sure, there’s stuff to do, but there’s nothing to really gain from it.

Zero calorie diet content. Consume it all you want, or don’t, it won’t really change anything. Great vibes in a RPG.


Everyone should be out bin the world keeping it busy and vibrant so I can see them while I solo!


Korthia? Yeah I did stuff there on my hunter to get some stuff to 220, then never went back lol. Burnt out fast in that place. No chance in Hades I would go through that place on alts :laughing: Will probably help in 9.1.5 when they make the Stygia stuff on the vendor item specific/targetable, instead of this overbearing rng bs they pushed out in 9.1. Imo should of been one, or the other for the stuff in korthia. Either the rep grind to upgrade items, or the currency, not both. It’s not the content itself that burns people out, its the stacking systems on top of systems. They will never get it through those thick skulls that is probably the biggest complaint folks have had since Legion anyways.

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if you don’t care so much, why are you even arguing about it aLL in the first place? go do you and quit complaining; problem solved.

if it’s barely under heroic, why are you even claiming mythic raiders with world quest rewards? your hypotheticals don’t ever come into play aqt any time possible. TF’ing was like a 1 in a million to get something close to legendary ilvl… if you felt you had to grind wqs for that, then you got other issues.

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this has always been blizzard’s downfall- they listen to the wrong people whining and complaining. the very few vocals ones here in the forums are generally that minority. the only reason i’ve started coming to the forums at first was to truly give my input on MoP beta. it was my first invite to one, and i’ve played since vanilla. after our voices were ignored during bfa beta, i’ve given up hope on fixing classes and now just voice my opinions in discussions like this.

There’s a gap between “Barely even useful” and “BiS”.

Is there some reason why we can’t have something in-between that?

My Paladin has her World Quest Rewards maxed, and the best I’ve ever seen a WQ offer was 197. Meanwhile, Korthia starts at 200 and can go way up to what was that again, 226 at Rank 4? That’s with almost no grinding whatsoever.

Even if WQs went up to, say, 215 or something, that would hardly be “BiS”. It would, however, at least be useful, esp. if Korthia is refusing to cooperate with drops/quest rewards.


Go back to the Legion, and BFA world quest system, and be done with it. They can bring back war forging, and just not have it jump as high in item levels as it did before. Can’t remember how much of a jump in item levels it was, but example if it forged up 10 before, then lower it to 5, etc. That way raids still have the top of the line item level gear, and open world players have a chance to get decent stuff without all the insane rep, and currency grinds just to upgrade a item. World quest gear scaled up as you got better equipment anyways, and war forge just gave a added chance on something being a little better.



Yes. Also, granting gear based on difficulty is a good way to encourage learning and skill growth. But it is also a good way to thin out your playerbase. For every player that improves 10 more quit the game.


There needs to be a balance.

Nearly everybody in the game should have some form of progression, at all gear levels. If you want to shovel everybody into Korthia or M+, you’re going to have some people quitting and rightfully so.

WQs are there, and they should give at least some form of progression. I liked the way Legion did things, you got progressively better gear, up until a point, and that point stopped just shy of whatever the current M+ and raids were doing. Like if the current raid is 200, the WQs would stop at 180-190 and that was fine. WQ gear never outshadowed what you could get from instanced content, but yet WQ people had some progression, they started out at 150 and made their way up to 190 and stopped there and waited until the next patch if they didn’t wanna go further.

There was nothing wrong with this.


I used to be a big proponent of gating rewards behind organized group content, because I used to spend my time progressing in pugs and I wanted my effort to be rewarded. But the more I play now, the more I want to just slowly grind at my character progress on my own, occasionally dabbling with some casual group content. I guess I’m getting old. Shadowlands is really bad with this and so I almost stopped playing. I actually moved to FF XIV because it seems to be much friendlier to casual players.

I’d really love if the next expansion reintroduced valor and justice points vendors, so that I could slowly grind towards gear at my own pace.

They can also really buff normal raid rewards to give a good chuck of power just for socializing without too many sweaty mechanics. Like classic raids. I think heroic and mythic raids should be squished closer to normal rewards and just give cosmetics and achievements and be skill checks rather than gear checks. I think a lot of casual players will come back and start feeling really powerful and motivated to play.

This is just my personal two cents. I’ll let Blizzard decide what’s healthier for the game.


What are you thanking him for? He never explained how he was able to complete wq’s while supposedly afk :laughing: I guess he has telekinetic powers, and can make the the mouse, and keyboard work while afk lol. Maybe the movie Carrie was based on him :rofl:


Wouldn’t it be great if all the things you mentioned–LFR, LFD, and Timewalking–dropped Korthian relics? I mean, would it make total sense lore-wise? No. But neither did giving AP in Timewalking dungeons during BFA, and they still did that. And gameplay-wise, it would just make everything feel better and more worthwhile.


Correct. A progression denotes progressive rewards, not having everything of consequence lumped into the very beginning, and the very end.

Imagine if levelling consisted of getting the base level of all your spec-specific abilities at level 10 … and then literally nothing new until level 60, when you suddenly learn all your class-wide abilities and all the rank-ups of your spec abilities all at once. That would not feel like a “progression.”

Or if you got half of all your renown rewards between Renown 1-20 … and then the other half all at once at Renown 80. Would that feel like a progression? Or an arbitrary and needless grind through a meaningless desert of nothingness for 59 renown levels?

Because that’s basically what Archivist’s Codex feels like from just after you hit Rank 4 until you hit Rank 6.

That’s the issue.


Yeah. I have absolutely NO idea why they didn’t design this system to be all-inclusive. They make their jobs SO complicated for no reason.

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i absolutely agree with this. there’s a gap between being a fresh character and doing normal raids where gearing is very… stagnant. with the topic of boosts being so prominent, issues like these are the real problems with the game and need to be addressed first foremost.

no one should feel required to buy a boost to progress content, but boosting for gold shouldn’t be bannable either. blizzard needs to address why people are buying boosts in the first place.


Unfortunately the people in charge of WoW used to be ‘Raid or Die’ players before they joined Blizzard. They brought that ideology with them when they joined Blizzard, and the results are as plain as day. This game caters heavily to people who treat raiding like a job, and unfortunately they are a very loud bunch so their screeching would be unending if this game ever gave out world content rewards on par with raiding.

It’s sad, but that is the reality we have to live with.