Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

idk why they’re saying that.
but it wasn’t true.

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Yes, it actually was. Players who had reasons to do world quests suddenly had no reason to any more. Guess what they did?

a) “Graduate” to mythic+ and raiding
b) quit the game and go play something that rewards their time

Hint: it’s b.

Yay? I mean… tier 6 is still weeks or even months away for most people. Sockets really only seem to matter to the min-maxers, and conduit upgrades, well, I’m sure I’m far from the only one who let Mr Robot choose my optimal conduits and hasn’t looked at them since.

Not the point, though. Tier 5 gets you nothing - except the reward of an even more punishing grind.

And as for alts? Ha, good luck with that.


riiiiight… i’m sure you do.

i used to be just like you- bitter when people that do a lot less than me were given gear nearly similar or sometimes better than what i was getting in raids. i thought i was an elitist. i raided hardcore for years. had to grind everything possible as fast as possible to try and have an edge. then i grew up- my dad was diagnosed with ALS. i moved my parents in with me to help take care of him. i had to stop raiding because i never knew when he’d need help, and as a healer, i couldn’t expect 20 people to stop and wait for god knows how long.

after dad passed, i realized this is just a game. people play it for fun, and for 15yrs, i wasn’t having fun. it was a 2nd job. you realize just do you and quit worrying what other people are getting. everyone’s here to have fun, and one of the most fun aspects is getting upgraded gear… from whatever source.


I agree.

Casuals didn’t ask for Korthia any more than raiders asked for dom shards or PvPers asked for so many ranks of PvP gear.

I was just speculating on the audiences the devs mistakenly had in mind when designing 9.1: hardcore grinding raiders and hardcore grinding casuals.


Just to be clear, you want better upgrades, but you’re unwilling to do world quests to get sockets and conduit upgrades. What could we do for you? How about a WQ that gives you a 20ilvl upgrade, for say, picking 10 flowers. OH wait, a 20ilvl upgrade every week, otherwise, you’d be here complaining the content was stale.

It’s not only that you want the same gear as raiders, M+'ers, but you want BETTER gear than them and you want to do much, MUCH less to obtain it.

The ironic thing is you folks don’t even understand your own psychology. If you have everything you want plopped in your lap for nothing, then you appreciate nothing. Life is fulfilling when you work for things.


Did I say that?

No, I did not say that.

I said that grinding until my eye bleed to get to tier 6 for what are really just min-maxer bonuses is hardly a motivation. I guess I’ll have the ability to upgrade my Korthia gear, which of course will require more grinding for the currency to do so.

Did I say that?


Reading comprehension’s a struggle for some today, it seems.

Thanks dad. This is a game, not a job.


Exactly, no one in the history of WoW has said “I want more systems and borrowed power” yet here we are layers upon layers upon layers of systems.


Your. Dad. I’d like to have a word with him.

I just want massive awesome open world content and rewards to match such content.

It is time they stopped wasting the incredible zones they design, and pack them full of large scale events for everyone to enjoy and benefit from.


Of course no one was saying the words “I geared too fast” but people were saying that they did the campaign and there was nothing left to do because they didn’t want to do heroic. I think it was higher ilvl than normal? Maybe just lfr I don’t remember exactly but I remember people saying there was no way to progress as a casual player who didn’t want to do group content.

Hence korthia as a direct reply to that.
(again becaus people keep trying to twist my words I’m not saying korthia was good I’m saying this is why it was how it was)

I see plenty of people asking for ways to progress as a solo player without grouping with people. Amazing how many people don’t want to group up in an mmo but that’s their choice I guess.

I agree. Iv said before (I think in this very thread) that valor should be expanded to everything then just give it out at varying rates depending on the content. It makes both camps happy

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Yea Idk how blizzard has pulled it off by having the casuals blaming hardcore players and vivaversa completely takes the pressure off themselves who are as you said the ones actually making the dam game.

I completely agree that if our feedback was listened to and used the game would be in a far better state than it is now


Because Titanforging had been removed and world quest rewards had been nerfed into the ground. For those who wanted to progress via world content, there literally was nothing left to do.

Of course, it was always designed as a system to push players into organised group content whether they wanted to do it or not.

The completely predictable result was not that players flocked to organised group content to “push themselves” in a game they play to have fun and relax with. They just stopped playing. And fast.

MMO does not mean mandatory grouping. Never has, never will.


I bearly touched korthia for ages and im rank 6 weeks ago. I’m not saying the grind doesn’t suck. Becaus it does. But if people are still not rank 6 they arnt trying to be. Which is fine they don’t have to but can they still complain about something they arnt trying to do?

And they aren’t trying to be because the fingernail-pulling, eye-gouging grind to do it in any sort of reasonable time is NOT FUN.

Don’t go blaming this on the players who - quite rightly - saw the grind laid out in front of them and noped the hell outtta there.

This is on Blizzard.

Whatever happened to “gameplay first”?


I made it to renown 70+ something and then noped out, so close but they broke me, im all grinded out. no more /time_played for blizzard until they release a game that is critically acclaimed by casuals as the best its ever been, then maybe ill buy it.


I don’t care about your gear. Like I said make world quest have 600 ilvl everywhere except raid. As long as I don’t have to farm it for raid upgrades I do not care.

No it wasn’t nerfing means making the game easier if anything removing titanforging does the opposite. Also you can get 233 gear from grinding world content there is zero reason to have heroic plus level gear from world content let alone having the possibility of forging to mythic making raiders have to do it.


Nerfing means removing something that was a positive feature of gameplay.

You haven’t been reading this thread, obviously.

The grind is demoralising and ridiculously long. Most people seem to have given up long, long before reaching that stage.


Pro tip…raiders didn’t really care for the removal of most of those things either.

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