Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

You have the ability to cut n paste my comments, but not the ones that explain or answer your questions.

Why is that?

Oh archivists is terrible I thought you were talking about mythic raiding. However it wasn’t blocked it was just awfully designed to force you to log in and sit in korth for an hour to two hours and like 75% of the quests don’t give relics. Don’t get me started on that awfulness and the stupid weak aura I had to grab to make sure I knocked out everything.

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tomato, tomato

From where I’m sitting, it was DESIGNED to require players to wait until Renown 76 (or w/e). So… it WAS blocked. By design.

I don’t know how else to see that.

And always remember, everything … literally EVERYTHING about this game is dynamic. If they don’t like it, they can change anything TOMORROW.

Upon seeing Renown 76 was a ridiculous bar, they could have changed it. They didn’t.


Ah you mean the upgrade ilvl that I have less of an issue with than I do with how long it took to hit exalted. It was purposefully set behind a time wall to encourage people to at least try normal. Once you can just boost all your gear to 233 what’s the point of even doing normal?

Well it’s the same thing. iirc, you have to be Exalted TOO. So Exalted, Renown 76, be able to pat your tummy and chew gum… etc etc.

It was just one stupid requirement on another to unlock gear that was useless by the time you unlocked it.

And they could have changed it at ANY TIME.


Blizzard already had the game solved back in MoP/Wod.

Weekly valor caps you could use to buy gear or Ilvl upgrades. Valor could be obtained doing a variety of content.

You could reiterate the system and make WQs give currency.


You could hit exalted in like a month but you had to do really dumb things to do it because of how the rep acquisition methods were hidden. I agree with them keeping gear locked because as I said it would make normal meaningless. Heck the base ilvl you get from doing a 15 is 236.

Because you didn’t address what I said at all. You can’t talk about korthia gear without the whole picture.
People wanted a way to upgrade their gear over time.
Blizzard made korthia gear (and I don’t think it was good either)
People literally asked for a way to upgrade gear in solo content which it is. The grind is too painful and slow yes but people did ask for it

So you’re saying Blizzard played the role of the Genie?

The players asked for a solo-upgrade path.

Blizzard gives it to them.

“Oh… wtf… it takes WAYYYYY too long!”

Blizzard: you didn’t say anything about how LONG it should take.

Like that?

I wouldn’t use the word genie but kinda yea. People asked for it and got (a bad version) of it.
People can say it was too long or boring and t5 was pointless etc and I agree with all of it but you can’t separate it from the fact that people wanted it.

I know you like to make ridiculous statements, but who asked for a bad game?

They also don’t want people bored because they are ilvl 262 clearing mythic raids 2 weeks into the expac. I agree it’s frustrating for more casual players but FFS let’s not pretend the answer is just give everyone mythic gear for killing 10 boars.

Building a system of progression that lasts years and works for casual and hardcore players is hard.

your name is apt.

With Korthia, Blizzard did try to create content for both the casual (gear and gear upgrades) and the hardcore (sockets and conduit upgrades) audiences to save on development resources.

The problem is that SL devs were not willing or able to design a progression system that works for casuals for two reasons: (1) Devs refused to introduce power progression that would invalidate raiding or displease raiders, and (2) Devs assumed that casual players would spend hours farming Korthia aimlessly each day on each toon that needed the gear (because that kind of grindy dedication is the only mentality that the devs design around).

Korthia in 9.1 is like how the Stygia/Ve’nari grind was in 9.0. There is only so far you can get each day, but you may to come back each day to make progress.

Maw participation rates among the playerbase were abysmally low among the general playerbase in 9.0 due to the punishing mechanics and lack of rewards, so a gearing system was added to Korthia in 9.1.

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From what feedback I saw, people wanted Valor or badges from Heroic dungeons, LFR, or world content to buy raiding-quality gear. WotLK and MoP did this well.

Or they wanted random BGs and open world PvP events to be a viable gearing method again. Most past expacs did this well.

Or they wanted gear drops from Torghast. Like BfA visions.

Or they wanted covenant sets to be able to be upgraded further. Like 9.0, just with a higher iLvl ceiling.

I never saw any feedback anywhere suggesting anything like Korthia. Players with limited time and/or alts want to be able to target gear upgrades through the content they enjoy. Korthia feels like it is wasting your time because you can’t target your progression and it literally takes months if you are doing it casually.

SL devs could have done any of the above without spending a huge amount of development resources, but they simply refused.


Derp of the day right there.

The Warcraft game series and characters existed. This is that series transformed into an open world, hence the title. Duh.

It’s as bad as those people who keep insisting that “it says war in the title so Horde v Alliance must always exist.”

But wait - weren’t people saying in this very thread that world quests “let you AFK and get full BiS in every slot”?

Good for you. I’ve been avoiding the hell out of fill-the-bar quests, if that helps. Purge/cleanse/clear/thwart quests can die in a fire as the anti-fun low-effort garbage they are.

But anyway, what does Tier 5 get you? Oh, that’s right. Nothing except the sight of an even bigger mountain to climb.

Surely you can’t be surprised that people have checked out of this badly designed system en masse?

That never happened.

Use self control. This “nerf the game so I don’t feel forced” crap has done immeasurable harm over the past few years.

What next? Will you demand levelling be removed because you “feel forced” to do it?

I mean, the raiders and mythic pushers keep saying, if you want to get all the rewards you have to participate in all the content," right? So why does that apply to me but not to you? What makes a “raid logger” so special that they get to actively damage the gameplay experience of millions of others?

And thanks to WQ loot being tied to ilvl and Renown, your gear level is ALWAYS high enough after a couple of weeks at 60. It’s horrible design.

Again, just like Brewa, you’re connecting one thing to another when they are separate things. Nobody was complaining that Covenant gear acquisition was “too fast”. Nobody. It took MONTHS, by which time everyone doing instances had better gear anyway.

They were complaining that once there, there were no more open world progression paths. That was by design to try to “graduate” people into instances. Most of them just quit instead.


Yes it did. During BoD I got titanforged 425 Haste Vers legs on my prot pally. Those didn’t exist in raids only crit mast legs.

Game isn’t nerfed by removing titanforging, if anything titanforging actively nerfs the games difficulty over time without requiring a commensurate rise in skill level to attain said item level.

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Well, tier 6 gets you…

  1. 6 sockets.
  2. Conduit upgrades.

Both of those are huge for your character’s power.

The biggest problem with WoW is the inbuilt player retention mechanics.

Dailies/weeklies forces players to log on everyday and do these “chores” just to stay relevant.

You have to play religiously from launch if you want a chance at joining a serious raiding guild or M+ team.

If someone was only able to play 1-2 hours a day there isn’t really much more they can do then farm the dailies and if they’re LUCKY get into a M+ group and clear it.

Blizzard has pitted the hardcore players against the casual players and we’re too busy arguing against each other to realize that it is 100% on Blizzard to create exciting content for ALL types of players.

No the hardcore players don’t gate keep the casuals because it is very obvious that Blizzard DOESN’T listen to any feedback from the player base and their decisions have been motivated by money.

If the players actually had ANY say in how the game is developed I don’t think WoW would be in the state it is today.


Never understood the hate for it tbh. It’s not like every single wq, daily, dungeon, raid whatever guaranteed something would titan, or war forge anyways. During Legion, and BFA I might of got two items that titan forged during those 4 years. And maybe 3, or 4 items that war forged in that time period. Even if stuff didn’t forge you still felt like the characters you play got stronger with the way the rewards scaled as gear items you equipped got better. Who’s fee fee’s did war, and titan forge hurt? Didn’t happen enough for me anyhow to lose any sleep over it lol. Progression players/ instance players got the achievements list to prove, or gloat where they got that epic loot at. You got that from a wq hahaha. Look at me! I did a square dance, or disco dance around that big bad monster dj on a little platform, and got my epic loots I’m better than you :rofl: