Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

really ?

oh ffs…really ?

world of WARcraft - WAR , CRAFT, in a fantasy WORLD. It’s not “open world with war crafted for casuals”

War exists in various contexts - pvp , pve , world, arenas, etc…and each category need to be respected…i already said that…


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Flight whistle removal was made to extend gametime, nothing more.


There you have it folks. Tired of the Korthia grind? Just do +15s. Problem solved.

Weird, because I reached tier 5 about a month ago. All I did was the dailies and whatever world bosses were in my path.

thats a business model thats bound to succeed. Im sure the shareholders love the idea of tailoring content just to 1 time zone.

No I thought oh great I got a piece of world quest gear that is better than any mythic raid gear why do I play this game again. I like when content gives rewards equivalent to effort put in.

Make mythic/raid loot have open world stats when in open world. remove the notification of who gets what loot. if someone wants you to know what dropped for them they can tell you. remove trade restrictions. profit.

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No it’s literally saying I want to raid log cap your stupid forging at heroic or just under heroic so I don’t feel forced to do it. Really that’s all it’s saying I don’t give a damn if you get gear that’s 500 ilvl in world content as long as it’s heroic level or worse in raid so I don’t feel obligated to get it.

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Content isn’t blocked there isn’t a lock on who can do mythic there are consistent mythic pugs as well now. If you choose not to pug to get your gear to the level you can clear the first 3 faceroll bosses on mythic that’s your choice.

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If you don’t want to trade it just so. People need to get a back bone. If the guild wants to kick you because you said no then it wasn’t the guild for you. Simple as that.
If the only reason you are still in your guild if because the loot system protects you from being “abused” (PL with restriction fans word not mine) then that’s a bad place to be and you should leave anyway.

Idk why people choose stay where they don’t fit

This is absolutely true though.

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the shareholders and blizzard doesnt or shouldnt care whether you are doing raids, open world or pet battles. they want people engaged in the game world. They want new players to become addicted to Azeroth, not have them bored looking at content they cant do.


You forgot to mention removal of warforging/titanforging.

That one system kept world content exciting no matter what gear you had equipped. With that system gone there really isn’t any point at all in doing world quests if your gear level is high enough.


why do you feel the need to know what others have drop into their bags? Do you get butt hurt when your boss doesnt announce over a loudspeaker what everyones paycheck totals are? did you grow up requiring to know what everyone elses christmas gifts were?

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No, +7 works.

That wasn’t my question. My question was why do people choose to stay in guilds they think would “abuse” them if they had the chance to?

Seems silly to me.
If I thought my guild would do something I refered to as abuse if they had the choice to I would /gquit in 2 seconds flat

Side note the whole “don’t talk about your pay” thing only serves the employer by being able to pay people less. Iv worked most of my working life in education which in my country is standardised and on a pay scale so its easy enough to at least very closely estimate what people are on but no one cares because why would they. Anyway that’s off topic

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Maybe I’m misunderstanding your word salad, but the point I discussing was about Archivist’s Codex and how it was stupid to drag it out for as long as it was. Why wasn’t the “casual” player given access to the pittance that is i233 gear TWO MONTHS ago? When it could have been USEFUL.

So yeah buddy… that’s what I was talking about when I said “blocked content.”


Because in 9.0 the covenant quest line (I think it was) gave the casual player their gear and was done really fast. Then people complained there was no way to work on gear over time without instanced content. So blizzard gave a way to get gear over time without instanced content.

I’m not saying it’s well executed and teir 5 is silly etc yes but it’s literally what people asked for or atleast an attempt at it :man_shrugging:

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Because, didn’t it give i190? When you needed i215+ for Mythic CN?

To which that other guy is going to tell you to pug Heroic or Mythic, etc… we can go around with this all night. +yawn+

But the point I was discussing wasn’t about ANY of that. It was about how Archivist’s Codex was LAUGHABLY and OBJECTIVELY blocked for far too long. To the point of being practically useless.

Oh but my alts!!

It’s tiring to try and discuss things with people only to have someone throw old lemons at you from the cheap seats. I don’t have time.

If you can’t admit Arch Codex took too long to let you upgrade gear to i233, I don’t know what to tell you.


Did you even read my post? I said it wasn’t good.

So you weren’t discussing the fact that people didn’t like getting to the non instanced cap on ilvl too quickly so blizzard added in a system to slowly (and I’m not saying the speed was correct at all let’s get that clear) increase gear over time. Aka what korthia gear was made for but you are discussing korthia gear?
OK got it.

Huh? Tell us the secret to completing a wq while afk. A bot hacker could i guess idk. Heck a bot hacker can probably do mythic raids lol.