Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

It’s affecting me in that I can’t PvP anymore, because they are out there waiting to just delete me with no hope of fighting back or getting stronger.

In this case, I brought it up because they said you get maxed out in a week.

Everyone agrees it’s dumb the T5 wasn’t its own unlock. Most people agrees that T6 takes too long. Regardless, that’s what we got and it is a long term progression goal for folks who only want to do a small portion of the available content.

Ok, but still plenty in non-queued content. You’re choosing to ignore what’s available. That’s fine, it’s your $, but the content and rewards exist.

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Yeah PvP gearing is busted, but that’s a separate issue. The people in actual high PvP gear will kill the raiders too.

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the best gear should be for each type of content world content should have unique effects that work best in world content but its abilities dont work in raiding dungeons or pvp, and raiding gear should be the best in raiding same goes for dungeons and pvp all of which have unique effects for each type of content this is something eso has. also world quests are stupid. who here remembers firelands quests where the envirement changes further you progress or isle of thunder where content for everyone existed or timeless isle. these worked the world quest system is lazy there is no story to them i hate them most people do. if quests dont work for an over arching story they are boring. lets all be real past few expansions solo content was terrible legion however while not good for high end raiders acording to the ones i listen to. legion was amazing content for each group of people while there was some flaws THAT story was the best even the prepatch was amazing and engaging. anyways an answer to the title of this thread yes nuking world content reward was a mistake simply put because you had nothing to replace it with.

Queued content exists because people, like myself, don’t do non-queued content. It’s very difficult to get all the right friends (with the appropriate roles) on and I won’t pug.

I don’t consider non-queued content to be casual content.

But you’re correct. My $. My 6 month sub finally runs out next month and it won’t be renewing. I just want to make sure they fully understand why.

Well there’s the fundamental difference. I think there’s plenty of room for casuals in both and it’s usually more fun/easier going in premade stuff, especially if it’s with guild/community/friends.

Did you not play before there was a queue? (Just curious)

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I played since 2005.
Did a few dungeons with friends, but that was side stuff.
Raided a bit in TBC and Wrath, but I was younger. I’ve actually actively raided until Shadowlands, with the exception of the middle of BFA and most of Cata. This expansion broke me.

LFD has been a prominent rewarding feature for me since Wrath for the bulk of the game’s life. LFR has always had value for my alts.

I’d raid on one guy a few hours a week and play by myself. But most of my time in this game over the past 16 years has been either solo or queueable content.

I don’t like M+ and I never will. I also feel like their focus on making M+ feel like the only rewarding content to do outside of raid is what ruined raiding for me.

But you need to remember that queues for PVE content came out in patch 3.3. We’re currently in patch 9.1.

This is the first expansion since the introduction of queueable systems where the queueable content provides nothing of value. Which is pretty lousy, because I’m growing to depend on those systems as I age out of organized group content.


It’s a bummer for you that you are having a bad time and stopping but if you simply refuse to make your circle bigger by pugging and adding people what did you expect to happen?

The avenues that don’t require premades to remain relevant to my characters. I found better casual reward structures in another game. It’s a shame WoW isn’t willing to acknowledge players that don’t wish to do premade content.

Heck, other games even give me an option to do dungeons with NPCs. I’ve never been here for the group challenge or the ladder climbs. I do enjoy playing with friends, but I don’t want my entire experience to depend on them or others.


So things like korthia gear to be lower so lfd/r etc remains a gearing progression rather than superseded by korthia loot?

IDK. I don’t know what the solution is without specifically pointing out a game that does it better. This is the first time in WoW history since Cata that there is very little meaningful content to do unless you like relying on premades for content.

I have little faith that the casual player (especially the solo player) is this game’s demographic anymore. I wish WoW could remain being the game for me, but I’ll just have to get cozy with FFXIV being the only game that makes me feel like I matter.


We don’t know what WoW’s demographic is anymore, they have upset most everyone really.


it is a source of progression.
into mythic 0 dungeons. into the normal raid. a jumpstart to pvp. hell, even into lfr.

Short answer, bad game design


Apparently this is being addressed in 9.1.5 or whatever the next patch is, but by then it will be too little, too late.

Its certainly not. Especially LFR, as the 200 gear outlevels lfr gear, and is eventually upgradable.

it most certainly is.
WQs were never meant as an avenue of gearing up.

Absolutely incorrect. They were, and had been since inception. Are you new?


lol, no?
even in legion, the gear was never worth wearing.
are you new?

They could have made WQ reward unique BOE crafted mats that allow you to craft different things including gear.

I personally don’t like the crafter’s mark system. I like crafting different sets of gear.

Blizz panders to a certain player base. Ion comes out saying it’s to push people into the instanced content, harder content, etc…

Personally this team kinda sucks with open world stuff and their mentality towards it stinks too.