Nuking world content rewards was a mistake


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They are different every day and they are not the same on other classes.but you would refute it any way to just argue the point.

So… like all other gear rewards? Do you think folks just jump into mythic raids? +15 dungeons? 2k PvP ratings? 220 quest gear is currently the best you’re going to get, so yes, expect it to take some effort.

But anyway, I have 5 WQs up right now for 213 gear. It wouldn’t take more than 5 minutes to do any of them. Are you really complaining about that? If you can’t be bothered to run around in Korthia every day for 20 minutes, or spend a few minutes doing WQs, what can anyone say to you?

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It honestly feels like that’s what people think sometimes. With all the complaints about gear and io etc. Everyone started the expac with 0 Shadowlands gear and 0 io. What you have done since then got to you where you are. Simple. Everyone that is doing high level content did their time wiping is low level content and chose to get better. Some people don’t choose to.

When 9.2 (eventually) releases I will have 0 io and all my gear will be out dated. I will welcome the challenge of anyone to out gear and io me in the new patch. I know plenty of people with beat me in both because tbh I don’t think I’m that great but I will enjoy the challenge either way.

Just my opinion, but if they want to continue making wq’s pretty much worthless outside of gold, or other bs currency rewards, then build off the things like Legion invasions, and BFA assaults for better rewards/gear etc. Make a few that are more challenging. Some of the Legion invasion bosses were kind of difficult to solo, if nobody was around doing the same invasion boss. And you have group finder ftw, if nobody else is around at the time to help out. Shadowfail assaults are just bad. In that they confined assaults to just one zone/maw. Korthia is just a boring slog, and unfun, and just another system that burns people out after a week, or two.

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This is a major reason why people are leaving in droves. The game should focus on the players who login everyday and do a wide variety of content. Ever since Legion there has been apparent shift to focus everything on mythic raiding and the esports crowd. That is not what 90% of the players want.

Any MMO should be actively discouraging raid logging. That is not healthy thing for any MMO.


But I have been doing that. Every day.

Still at Tier 4. 220 ilvl upgrades are a long way away, and Korthia is as deep as a puddle in terms of content.

And I don’t, because of the way WQ rewards are tied to your item level. By the time there are 213 WQ rewards available to me, I won’t need them.

This, exactly.

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Yeah, I jumped right into +15’s this seaon it was super fast gearing up. Like decades faster than Korthia gearing.

Korthia is a complete waste gear wise.

But it isn’t designed as a gearing system for people who are doing 15s. It is an answer (I’m not saying a good one) to the people who got the covenant gear really quickly in 9.0 and then said there was no progression outside organised content.

True, it isn’t designed for anyone at all.

That is the problem.

The next content patch should already be out and most people aren’t Tier 6 yet! :rofl:

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I ignored it for ages (because it’s awful let’s be honest) then decided I wanted to push higher content and got it done like 2 weeks ago. It’s terrible but if anyone wants it done then it will be done by now.

Again (because I know someone will take this the wrong way) I am not defending it at all. I think it’s terrible but those are the facts

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A video game should never feel as appealing as a colonoscopy.


easy fix

raid gear lets you do all content except pvp
pvp gear lets you do all content except raid
world gear lets you just do world content

then just hand out equal ilvl gear to each group for their activities, that way raiders and pvp’ers wont have to get their hands dirty in the open world and open world players can go about their business.


The situation gets complicated, though, when you throw in M+.

Raiders feel that they have to run M+ to ensure that they have the best chances at a high iLvl piece in the Great Vault, especially when their raid lockouts get extended and they don’t get enough weekly gear progression from raids.

World content gear and PvP gear also need to be viable (not necessarily BiS) in M+, or M+ fans would have to raid just to do M+.

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ok then make raid and pvp gear let you do M+ and world gear only lets you do dungeons, its starting to sound a little complicated but it should make it so players dont feel like they need to do things they despise in order to do things they like. but then what about m+ rewards? hmm, maybe a player nominates it as either raid or pvp gear? lol

i suck
dont hire me as a game designer

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It’s complicated, given the preferences of all the different types of players, and the expectations that have been cultivated in players over the years.

But this statement already shows that you would more than likely have been a better game designer than the original 9.0 and 9.1 SL devs, as the theme of SL has been to make competitive players do content they despise in order to do content they enjoy, while stripping away all power-related rewards from the content that casual players enjoy.


It does. M+, PvP, raiding (any level), and world stuff. That’s the variety of content, and people who do more of it have the best experience.

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When were WQ ever BiS or remotely close? Certainly not in BFA nor Legion.

Maybe back in WoD garrisons? Yeah that was a problem (not sure it was ever BiS - but it was a high level).

Why would a casual player stick around for T6 when you feel like you cap for months at T4? Between the renown gate and the rank requirement, there’s absolutely nothing in the game to keep anyone invested on the way to T6. That’s a huge issue with this design.

You keep bringing up T6 like it’s an interesting end goal, and maybe it would be, if it didn’t take an entire quarter of the year to get there from the initial soft cap.

What do I do between T4 and T6? Sit in the middle of Korthia and wait for rarescanner to tell me there’s a rare, so I can kill it for a mount that likely won’t drop.

No reason to run LFR.
No reason to run LFD.
No reason to run TW unless someone feels like a potentially slight RNG upgrade box is worth running four dungeons for.
Nothing new with the covenants this patch (not expansion, sorry).
Nothing lasting to work on.

This is the laziest casual game design the game has ever put out.

Whoever designed and/or greenlit this system has absolutely no idea what they’re doing, unless their goal was to drive people away from the game.


blizzard should be focusing on non raid content the most and first and raiding should be an after thought, the story of the game should be the most important including how it affects everything and than design the game around the story and not the raids, this basically is how wrath was specially since the lichking was a main focus on the game since warcraft 3.