Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

There’s casuals that act like that too

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That’s true as well,I like to stay in the middle of the conflict .

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Imo they could fix it by giving valor as a way to upgrade to max ilvl and removing trade restriction. Then forging can be a shortcut but we can still level it up on our own.

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Korthia was fantastic!!! right up until Tier 4… at which point you had done everything and run out of content but still had two bars to fill… and it just became tedious and borish. There is just not enough content to sustain it for so long.

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I like the place and it does get boring at times for sure. One thing I like is they change the quest according to the player’s class and dailies are different.

I still think a one time bad rare should pop up and cream everyone for some good rep.or relics.

Actually you do care about what non-raiders are getting for rewards. You keep trying to repeat that in hopes to make it true, which it is not and never will be. The second you people see high ilvl items and they are not from raids you lose your minds. More posts and streamer rants are from raider complaining about non-raiders ilvl gear than a non-raider getting too low of rewards. So, you can really stop with the “we don’t care.”

As far as “long term progression” goes.
Nobody, no non-raider said “boy I sure hope they remove epic items from emissary cache rewards”.
No non-raider said, boy I wish they create a system that prevents the scaling of WQ item level rewards even though mob difficulty scales up.
No non-raider said, boy I hope they give us Benthic gear again, but don’t include a vendor, and throw in a reputation system that blocks upgrades, plus needing to use currency to purchase items to unlock the upgrade ability for each tier.

So, NO, non-raiders did not ask for this pitiful excuse of an expansion features.

Korthia gear would have been acceptable with a vendor, and WQs to receive items and currency. Instead we are faced with a single daily quest that “sometimes” rewards an item. Also rares have ultra low drop chances on items as well. And the word ultra is correct.

I’m just so done with this. I am only playing this game anymore to mount farm. Which is pretty sad compared to how well rounded a player I was back in Legion and BFA to a certain point.


“Better gear progression” for casuals does not mean longer grind for the same result, it means being able to target even better gear through casual gameplay.

In 9.0, casuals wanted to progress higher than the 197 iLvl covenant/Honor gear and 194 world quest gear; they weren’t saying that they wanted the grind for this same gear to be made longer. (For example, further upgrades could have been added to covenant/Honor gear or WQs rewards could have scaled higher).

9.0 casual gearing was actually better than 9.1 gearing because you could easily target the 194/197 gear by finishing your covenant campaign, then farming Honor/anima for upgrades and WQs for specific pieces.

9.1 casual gearing is actually the worst this game has ever seen. Korthian upgrades are RNG-gated, time-gated, currency-gated, and rep-gated all at once, while only being Normal iLvl without any sort of shard or set bonus.


Right, they were just complaining that they maxed out and had nothing left to gain. If the max was higher in the same time, the complaint would be the same: no more progression.

And a lot of those threads did have people saying a longer grind that ended with better gear was what they wanted.

A longer grind in would have been fine, yes, if power levels went beyond iLvl 194/197 and were targetable with currencies like anima or Honor, or specific rewards were targetable through world quests.

Korthia in 9.1 would have been fine as well, if the process for upgrading were more targetable with guaranteed rewards, and if the insanely long grind we got resulted in 246 gear rather than 233 gear, for example.

My point is that no casual person would legitimately ask for a longer grind for the same reward. Devs and some elitist competitive players were the ones who wanted the longer grind for casuals for the same reward. (The longer the grind is, the higher the reward should go.)


I personally would never complain about reaching the max sooner, as long as it is high enough to do content. Being done with gearing on a toon means I can start playing on the next alt, or farm for cosmetics, etc.

As far I know not many causal have gotten to four yet. I barely got to 5 and that because I am working to that goal and still taken me about 7 months I think. However, why bother working that when about the time you get the gear the next will be out. When you get world drops are poultry. When you see that only really alternative is Korthia gear and crowed in small area. There just no amount of fun for doing that at the current drop rate. yes, even true hard core log in for 2 hours a day looking for fun has walk away from that mess.

The people behind know this and have worked to address this issue. Look at recent patch notes. Its game to have fun. It is not a chicken running around with his head cut off. The area too small, the drops too low and by then you maxed out till next patch.

personal view on subject based on convos down at donut shop.
In real life the virus kind of shocked people to this fact. Well this is one of my on going theory. That stated to see their dollar was getting sub par returns.

Sorry edit as best as I can. Phone does weird edit tricks for me.

Oh thanks for correcting me. Obviously you know what I think better than I do. Cheers.

People complained that normal raid was pointless gear wise after the covenant quest line and also complained that there was no gear progression (which was a result of getting it very quickly) so blizz slowed it down.

No argument from me here. There should be more vendors and currency options for gearing. Hence my suggestion above.

That’s a shame but you can’t blame raiders for it when it’s blizzard choices

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No argument there. The request was for longer and better, which Korthia (for all it’s faults) is.

People gotta get over this mentality. Maybe a few trolls said stuff like that but most competitive players flat out don’t care about us in the casual crew because we have no impact on them at all. They ask for things that will improve their own experience, just like we do.


I think anyone reasonable agrees that Korthia is too slow and no upgrade at 5 is just ridiculous.


Before Legion people complained for years how boring, and unrewarding the open world was. Nothing to do etc. Everyone sitting in the faction hub cities all the time looking for groups to run instances, or waiting on dungeon, and bg queues. So they add rewarding content(world quests, more dailies) to the game to get people out of the cities instead of hovering over the AH on flying mounts in a city all day. And yet here we are lol. But yeah agree op. World quests suck in this expansion. Enough with the fill the blue bar type of quests blizz.


220ilvl max should have been the ilevel that puts you in between LFR and Normal… But besides that I would actually like to see an actual gear reward outside of hands and wrists for once.

But that still doesn’t change the underlining problem that Blizzard isn’t putting out an content but once a yr at the going rate,

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The entire Shadowlands gearing and progression system was a mistake.

And 9.1 made things worse, with the dom shards, and PvP gearing and casual gearing being gutted just to justify the fact that the vast majority of WoW’s dev resources go into raid development and the balancing of 36 specs specifically for raid content.

The love affair between the dev team and professional WoW streamers needs to end. Making good raids does not mean that you have to take away the side hustle for PvPers and casuals.


Pretty sure the quests are the same but the rewards are different.

Yeah, the quest are the same and the rewards are different even for the same class alt somteimes.

It’s when the “stuff” is completely anti-fun and made into an interminable grind that most people will (and did) say “no thanks.”

My point was that no, you don’t just go to Korthia and get 220s for your alts. It’s a process that takes literally months.

With a progression system that would keep them going. Not a eye-bleeding grind to slowly scrape their way to something just over Normal raid level… a grind that needs to be repeated on every single alt.

Why not? It’s the WORLD of Warcraft, after all.

Why not? It’s time the game stopped funnelling everyone into instances at level cap. May as well shut down the world and just have the game be a lobby screen at that point.

It’s a MMO. Of course the world should be a source of progression.

I swear whoever the dev was that invented the blue bar in WoD is now demanding petulantly that it be a part of the everyday toolkit, while quest designers run around in a panic trying to find “reasons to fill the blue bar.”

If I show up at Korthia and out of the 5 dailies there’s 2 or more fill-the-bar quests, I just nope the hell outta there till tomorrow.

Many of the streamers have already filed for divorce :wink:


True hahaha. Actually the first filling a stupid blue bar type of quest was the Aggra saving Thrall in Cata(4.3 patch I think). Or at least that’s the first time I ever remember seeing one. Would not miss it, if they did away with those stupid filling a bar quests lol.