Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

For the purpose of armor upgrades, it basically will be in “.5” as you will be able to buy the mats and mail them to your alt.

What do those 2 things have to do with each other? If he said no one likes it that mean people who are casual or mythic raiders both dislike it. Why would that mean there are things exclusive to high end players? Like what? Stop blaming raiders for things that Blizzard is doing badly and start blaming blizzard. High end players are not happy either it’s not like they are catering to us or if they are trying to then they are doing a terrible job of it.

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It clearly means that system has 0 moronic locks behind it for raiders. So when someone that does not suffer from it like non-raiders or even pvp players do, it sounds like you are just jumping on the bandwagon. Come back and complain about renown when you have raid related things locked out by it. Which you can’t because for some magical reason they did not make any.

you are 100% correct infact blizzard only focusing on raids and raiders has lead to more people quitting wow than if they didnt.


So, we don’t dislike it enough for you? You really can’t understand the idea that something doesn’t have to be killing a person themselves for them to think it’s terrible?

We’re on your side in the renown sucks debate and you’re still salty at us instead of Blizz…

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I don’t understand how so many people make this mistake. It honestly leads to resentment where people just go “Well if your going to blame me any way then stuff it” and start saying what they accused them of all along.

Edit. It feels like people who are anti science (aka masks and vaccines) now. It’s getting to the point where people are just saying “screw it we have tried to help you but you arnt accepting it. There is only so long we can drag you forward kicking and screaming. Either get on board or don’t come to a hospital (a place of science) when you get sick. You’re on your own”. Overly dramatic analogy yes but that’s kind of how it feels tbh

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But doesnt your analogy goes in favor of science people ?

Come back when you can give a reason that is unique to raids, ok? Can’t use the non-raider reasons especially when it was the result of your crying about non-raiders getting “easy” epic gear that competes with “mythic” raid gear.


/10 char

It is not a mistake. It is kind of moronic that raiders complain about rewards that non-raiders get and then when every non-raid way epic quality gear has either been locked behind renown or removed entirely, raiders want to complain too? As it is some how affecting them too?

Raiders should be loving the renown system because how it locks out reward quality and quantity compared to before.

I mean that is what you raiders wanted right? Basically non raiders getting irrelevant rewards.


No. Hency why

We arnt

Shadowlands was balanced around the type of player who spends 4~8 hours a day on wow. The 15-60 minute crowd have a VERY VERY poor experience.

But that was the issue in BFA, the 4-8 hour crowd got too rewarded and the rewards became meaningless to them, blizzards design response was to hurt the lower play time player.

you want gear from playing the game? lol! just swipe your credit card and get max ilvl loot from the great vault!

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The only thing they (raiders) want is for everyone to get on board the bandwagon and follow them regardless of our likes or dislikes. They don’t want the renown system ,covenant campaign they just want to raid but they can’t unless they pay out of their pockets to here it all. My guess it’s follow the leader.


I think that if you think mythic raiders care about what you choose to do you are grosely overestimating your own importance. We don’t care what you do. Not in a mean we don’t care way but you simply are not relavent to us so we don’t care.

What we do care about is not having to do horrible content to do what we want to do. If we have to farm world quests for azerite power for our necks we care. If we have to do world quests for the 2% chance a trinket titan forge to max ilvl then we care.

There are ways that Blizzard can fix the game for casuals that does not effect or even improves the game for high end players. Blizzard is choosing to not do that.

It’s not like we are getting what we want either btw. You think we like korthia rank 6 grinds for conduits and sockets? If the game is being specially catered towards mythic raiders you think they would put that in?

It’s bad design. Bad for you and bad for us. Plain and simple. Stop trying to blame us for things we both hate.

(although to be fair to blazzard in 9.0 people complained there was no long term progression in the open world which korthia is an attempt at so it’s literally what people asked for)


… What’s fun for them. Same as casuals want. The two aren’t mutually exclusive in most cases, and the problem isn’t the other group of players, it’s Blizz.

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Is it if so then there’s the reason why,but it always whine up too late for the casual regardless as an after thought or after effect.

Sorry I don’t understand what you mean by that. Can you rephrase it?

Blizz could have fixed TF by:

Open world forges can go to max ilevel but in PvP/dungeon or raid will drop to normal raid ilevel.

Raid and dungeon can forge up 1 tier.

(I can’t remember how PvP gear worked but keep it similar)

Problem solved, casuals and raiders get to enjoy surprise increases.

Well,I agree they design it that way. I don’t blame anyone even mythic raiders but some are just bad minded folks that just keep complaining about everything under the sun,it does get to people after awhile.