Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

Almost everything in the game that can be done solo is easy. Even your perdition hold example is one that you’d already have some gear from the campaign before you got to it, and it’s still only a small portion of difficult solo content out of all of the SL activities.

Pretty much you can, you only need to hit it once and then AFK as the random group you joined kill it, you don’t even need to join a group if its already being engaged as you get to the world boss.

That’s my only “end game” requirement: Whatever the “final” level is i600, EVERYONE should have access to it. Just that the people that push the hardest content get it first-- if for no other reason than THEY NEED IT. It is what Mythic content is SCALED to. WQs are not.

But there’s is no denying how much FUN it is to utterly stomp (sic) i490 content when you’re i600. And I think everyone should get their at-bat to play around in that sandbox.

To say nothing of the fact I’ve been in TONS of guilds over the years and it is VERY common to have someone take a night off. You could call up some rando from your guild…oh … but while they are a good player, they’re Jon Q Casual and simply don’t have the gear. So they can’t come.

Sorry, I’m never going to agree with that, either. If Jon Q Average has done his best and is keeping up, and late in the tier when other ppl are raid-logging… let him come play. You won’t convince me that’s bad for the game, either.


Oh so that is what that was about, hit once get loot ,hardly.Someone has to do the dirty work and five can’t do it alone .Maybe I’ve played it the wrong way,hmmm.

The irony of this move by Blizzard. It removes the carrot from causal to stay logged in. Why bother logging in anymore once you get the max gear they offering you in roughly a solid week. Now, what is the use of logging in till the next patch for casuals? Now they have raiders log off after a few months. They now have causal logging off after a month. Those poor whales pocketbook.

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I do it alot if Alliance have engaged the world boss already since I’m OCE.

It’s one game though not 3 or 4 or 5 different ones. That’s the point of MMO-RPG’s.

Imo Shadowfail was a test run. After Legion, and BFA, they wanted to see what the reaction would be to making wq’s more, or less useless, and unrewarding this time around :laughing: Not going to guess, if it was a success, or not overall. But my friends list has been dimmed out for the most part since January. And that’s what I go by. And these folks were playing regularly during Legion, and BFA’s run for the two years they were current content.


that’s the one! yeah, we figured i’m recalling the ilvl after the item squish; it was 195 or 196. it’s the only reason i remember that specific TF because at first i thought i won the powerball, but then i couldn’t convince my raid leader to let me switch mains, so i was “stuck” playing my affliction lock, lol.

So they nerfed the rate you acquire the loot slightly?

If that’s the biggest change to Mythic Raiding since SoO went live, you’ve got it pretty good.

Meanwhile, us non-raiders have to completely change the way we play every single expansion, because the content we get constantly gets nerfed into uselessness, or straight out cut to appease people who don’t want to do it cause they just want to raid log.

I’m not saying every single mythic raider demands it, but it always seems to be people from that crowd who do.

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The whistle was perfect. Say you had to go poop while you were questing, you just use the whistle and it takes you to the town and you don’t have to worry about dieing to a random mob. No coming back to your toon as a ghost. Then you make your way back to the questing area.


So prevent players without mythic gear from seeing world boss quests? Players who would one hit and die because they have no gear should be forced to stay that way?

You hit T6 in Korthia in a week?


Which is another reason this game is suffering terribly on the market now. They’ve focused specifically on raiding and esports players to the detriment of just about everything else in this game.


Sarcasm bud.

“slightly”? no, majorly.

if you strictly gear out of WQs then you won’t get very far for very long.

so a few vocal minority means you can blanket blame all mythic raiders?

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Competitive? Ok, lets play this out. WQ Emmisary rewards after the squish reduced to ilvl 100. Mythic Nyalotha is what? ilvl 130? A 30 ilvl difference is massive when the item level is 100. But to you people it is competitive?

WQ, since you had to get your way and get loot nuked, they had to make them difficult for the Mythic Raiders as well now, so you could not just plow through them when they were scaled for non raid geared players.

You might not have praised it, but you sure as heck did not have anything to complain about either. The renown system makes life miserable for non-raiders, it locks them behind anything that would be done with natural scaling. Name one inconvenience that mythic raiders have to deal with that everyone else does not? Are your available raids locked behind renown? are your ilvl rewards locked behind renown? Of course not, can’t have Ion’s pets inconvenienced at all.


Why are we talking about the last expansion?

The last thing the mythic raider secret society wanted was wqs that took longer.

Nobody likes the renown system.

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Why am I mentioning BFA? Because it was BFA salt that caused the ilvl nuke for Shadowlands non raiders.

WQ taking longer is due to the fact they nuked the item rewards and focused on inflated gold rewards that you mythic guys cried about. And since the mythic gang is doing them now, they had to be made more time consuming because mythic geared players would just crush them. And yea, you mythic guys cried about the emissary rewards being gear so often because you did those for the 3K or 5K gold that was awarded in BFA.

Nobody likes the renown system? Name me a renown lockout feature that is exclusive to raiders/mythic crew?

Pretty sure the only time I’ve seen a current tier mythic boss was when I forgot to change the raid difficulty after mog farming.

They’d probably rather not be doing them at all, let alone doing ones that take longer. Kinda seems like you’re just looking for someone to blame instead of blaming Blizz for these WQs that nobody likes.

What does this have to do with liking the system? I’ve literally never seen anyone praise the renown system. (Maybe Clark would? Idk)

Edit, thinking more, most mythic raiders would have been doing renown from launch, so just the two weeklies that really didn’t require more than a few WQs, and alts can use the catch up where spamming dungeons would be faster than using WQs as the primary source of renown. There’s just no reason for them to really care what’s going on with WQs at all.