Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

You’re confusing casuals, and solo players. Absolutely nothing about being casual stops you from grouping to do a group suggested quest. Picking a bad time to find people is on you, try a different time if it’s not enjoyable/managable solo. If 4:00am is somehow your one and only possible time to play, accept that you’re playing at one of the worst possible times.


You can, it’s just not face roll easy like the other 95% of the world is. That seems pretty reasonable IMO.

A.M. means you don’t need to say “in the morning.” (Sorry that one drives me bananas :crazy_face:)

4 a.m does have problems :roll_eyes:

I just love wow players they do find ways to make me laugh :rofl:

What do people thubk about a currency that you earn form pretty much everything that you can use to upgrade gear.
Do a world quest? Ger to valor.
Doa lfd dungeon? Ger 4 valor.
Kill a heroic raid boss? 29 valor
Finish a keystone? Get valor.

Then people can always progress through any content they want to do. Cap the valor with a cap that doubles each week or something so people don’t have to farm it heaps at the start but can later of they want. This way people can upgrade doing whatever they want but the harder content they do the faster they can fill their cap.

Also bring back forging but remove trade restrictions so forging is essentially just a shortcut to spending valor and doesn’t soulbind loot to you ever.



Huh? What’s Korthia if not world content?

I’m confused. I can get an entire set of slightly above Normal raid gear without having to step foot into instanced content.

How did this thread get so many likes?


But the evil GMs!

But can you Solo a world boss the day you ding 60?? Trash system!


Any system should be built upon risk v reward.

I think you were implying that (typos, ger?). But I don’t have a problem giving even the most casual slob access to the most powerful stuff.

People (elitists) don’t seem to realize: that’s actually another thing the Achv system is good for. Are you really good? A true internet BA? You downed that Mythic boss “when it MATTERED?” Then guess what? Your Achv will show that. You are TIME STAMPED 2+ months ahead of the guy that is, somehow, UNWORTHY of the thing you did.

So when you’re at the club picking up girls and some dweeb tries to get that hottie showing off all his Mythic kills, you can show that you got your first.

Right. And since that will never happen, you should have a similar amount of common sense to realize that forever blocking access to content doesn’t make the game better. All you’re doing is stroking your ego which is not only laughable, but unnecessary because the Achv system time stamps all of that stuff.

Haven’t been on the ce raiding side of things in bfa the number 1 issue is content that is trivially easy for us that we are forced to do to remain competitive. That’s why things like world quests to earn tokens to enter visions were so annoying. I don’t want to have to bandage 25 guys to then get what I need to kill this old god. Let me do hard content please because that’s what we find fun.

That’s why my idea is to use a single currency. Mythic raiders can get it in Mythic raids and high keystones and solo open world players can get it in world quests. You get more for doing harder content and it caps so highend players are not forced to farm lower level content for it.
Imo that pleases both sides right?

Did you just describe the Stygian Ember system? So elaborate on that.

Me? Because my system is nothing like stygian embers that only come from 1 place and upgrade 1 thing. I want it to come from everywhere and upgrade everything

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What I meant was: LFR = 1 Ember. Normal = 2 Embers. Heroic = 3 Embers. Mythic = 4 Embers.

You’re focusing on the part that is different, when I was just commenting on the part that is the same. It is then easier to say “yes-- like Stygian Embers, but from many different sources.”

Don’t give people solo content that’s too hard on quests , i’m not talking a world boss either ,dang gone it. Not saying everything solo is that bad but some sure /// are that way from the start.

In that you earn more form harder content? Yes like stygian embers. In every other way not like them at all. To me it seems like more differences than similarities but it you want to think of it that way that’s cool too

There is a problem with that, though. Pacing.
(after your edit: we have to start a discussion somewhere, yes? I mean we have agreed on SOME part of it… that’s a good start for these boards! lol)

So as you unlock other methods to acquire things, you need to have a cap. The WoW community, in general, is too quick to yell about “gating.” It’s not always a bad thing. It’s often NECESSARY and a GOOD thing.

You’ll never get me to agree that no-lifers should have an inherent “benefit” to the game because they can grind out 3 months of content in 2 days. I don’t think that’s good for the game. Used there, time-gating is good.

But look at Archivist’s Codex. We’re JUST NOW getting access to i233 gear when even a modest amount of effort would have a casual player in the i240 range. What was the POINT of time-gating that SOOOOOO hard??? It was used poorly in this example.

So it needs to be in capable hands and, unfortunately, Blizzard hasn’t proved themselves very capable.


You are right time gating has its perks and I agree the korthia one is terrible. I think that valor caps or my system if it were to be inplamented should have caps that increase as time goes on rather than a linear increase each week. Early on during progression people won’t feel forced to grind like crazy but later on after the serious guilds are done people can get more of they want to reroll or respec or whatever.

To use valor as an example what is it 750 per week? (I honestly dont know I just know I always hit it lol) make it go up by 100 per week so that by now its huge and let’s people upgrade more. Also make gear upgradeable to max ilvl


See, I don’t know what it is, either. And I don’t know how much it goes up. It is too much? Too little?

I wouldn’t know, because it’s locked behind the M+ system. lol Again, I have TONS of Valor, none of it I can use because my iLevel is so much higher than my M+ score. (I raid for fun, I M+ for mounts. So I very rarely M+)

I would put a mark under “not a good system” for that one.

The ilvl would have been way higher than 195, but I believe you are talking about the Unstable Arcanocrystal.

It’s another example of an unfinished system that in essence has some good bits to it. The problem blizzard has though is they half bake their ideas and so they are badly received. Then when players don’t like them they throw the baby out with the bath water.

How about this. Give valor for everything and remove the score restrictions on leveling gear. You can effectively “gate” it by altering how much valor you get from different sources. Someone who only does wqs might take a month to get what someone who farms keys gets in a day but by the end of the patch Mr world quest can still get 252 gear and Mr key pusher isn’t forced to do world quests because get already got the valor faster their way anyway. I think that would make both sides pretty happy.

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I’m pretty sure if a doctor told some of those people they needed to go on a diet that doctor would be accused of “food gating.”

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