Nuking world content rewards was a mistake

raiders didnt get titanforging removed. people liked to throw around the “mctitanforging” with chicken nuggets a lot. that had nothing to do with raiders. a lot of casuals complained because they would have to run x dungeon for y times to get the titanforged piece of loot.

WQs shouldn’t really be an avenue of gearing, though.

your whole post is “darn those mythic raiders and their removal of…WQ loot!” I’m wondering what isn’t blamed on mythic raiders at this point.

Pet battler mains are coming for them next. That pet off Mythic Eye of the Jailor is totes BiS for one random battle, and those darned elitists won’t let anyone in greens come to the raid to get it. Gatekeeping!!1!


There’s a lot to be said on this subject ,the design is messed up from the start . Casuals are people that just play normal content and normal dungeons ,wq’s .They don’t really have time nor patience to do higher end content like raids and mythic but they also love to down content presented to them with being too hard.Tell me can a normal casual down at 62 at 134k health with without dying at 165k gear ? sure if they have the stats and class but it would take forever to finish that quest. Will he do it again? No.

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So their self control problem meant content I enjoyed had to be removed?

I always find it interesting that the first thing these high level players say is “if you want the rewards, do the content”.

Right up until they’re the ones that have to content they don’t like, then it has to be removed.


The gear you can get from solo and queuable content gives more than enough juice to never have a problem in the open world unless you intentionally pull way too much.

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Other people’s self control issues have always impacted others in wow. Same reason we have timegates.

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Isn’t it interesting that despite all the blame they get, none of the content they enjoy ever gets changed or removed. If anything, it gets the lions share of attention.

Might have something to do with that.


Maybe Blizz needs to stop trying to control those people and just let players play how they want. If someone wants to blow through everything in a week, then complain about nothing to do, that’s on them and maybe they will learn self-control.

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Man, way to spin this as someone else’s personal problem and not a flawed, counterintuitive design. :rofl:

But you have to remember this was when we were at the start of the expansion not as of now.The gear didn’t give that power to down the content fast enough at level 60 ,you see it was design as a gate . Now, it isn’t as levels and power goes up. Those people left because content was too hard vs gear ,people are not patient .

It wasn’t.

We both know it. It did exactly what it was intended to do and it did it well.

You just didn’t want to do it.

I won’t disagree with that.

At the start there was the campaign and covenant gear that accomplished the same thing. Play through the story and you’re set.

Unless you’re arguing that a fresh 60 should be geared instantly high enough for the whole patch?


ah, so the loot drop chance didn’t affect us at all? or the nerf to all trinkets except for the very crappy ones in the raid weren’t an issue?
what would you like them to change/remove from raiding to affect mythic raiders?

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Hardly,you barely get by in perdition hold ,lol.Dang that Maw!

What is sad is that you arent doing any content because it is fun. your sole reason for doing it is loot. The fact that raiding wasnt fun, you were just doing it because it had the best loot is a problem for the game. If I am playing poker and having bad luck, I dont try to have the blackjack table shut down because it makes poker not wort while.


You have to know this is ridiculously false. If nothing else, it’s probably more accurate to say Mythic raiders enjoy doing LOTS of other things, but that being ready to raid at the Mythic level requires so much other BUSYWORK that you simply don’t have time for anything else.

When you raid Normal, maybe people have a food buff, maybe they don’t. When you raid Heroic, maybe people have Augment runes, maybe they don’t.

Absolutely NONE of that stuff is optional raiding Mythic. And all of it TAKES TIME.

In the extreme example, I’ve always said that WoD was one of my favorite expansion because there was SO LITTLE to do, it FINALLY gave me time to do OTHER THINGS! I did oft-neglected things in WoW, I played other Blizzard games (HotS, I revisited Diablo and SC2, etc), it gave me the freedom to once again just be a “GAMER” and not just stuck on the treadmill of WoW.

Everyone is always whining about how there’s nothing to do in this game. There is TOO MUCH to do.

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You really gotta stop trying to speak for other people. That’s a pretty nasty habit.

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An area intended to be risky and require some planning or even encourage grouping.

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See that what I mean ,this is the reason such content is disliked by casuals and yet here we are not being able to solo a simple quest with out people at 4 a.m. in the morning. Go figure.

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Pretty sure every quest that sends you into Perdition Hold suggests a three person group. Seems really silly to complain about barely getting by solo in there.