Oh fun - working on this to get the transmog for another character and slam face-first into a bugged quest that’s tied 100% to campaign progression for a core mechanic of the expansion: Covenants.
Small indie company though - so it’s to be expected.
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Help us Obi-wan Kenobi, you’re our only hope
Same here, can’t get quest
i just switched covenants, too much time wasted on a game i have to pay for to play
Yeah until now it’s not yet fixed. Already sent a bug report
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FIX PLZ!, money is being spent
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The Kyrian non-campaign quest ‘A Perfect Circle’ is also bugged. I forgot that it bugged out on me awhile ago, but I chose to skip it since it’s just a side quest. I tried swapping covenants (all of them) and going back to the npc, but I still can’t accept the quest as Venthyr (or Kyrian). I also tried party sync and warmode without success.
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Adding mine to the list, same problem here.
Also encountered the same problem. Cannot progress.
like everyone else here, im also having this issue. Time-gated by the Dev team working to fix this well known issue. seems like its for all covenants too.
add me the list XD not working for me too
Wanted to level up Venther but this quests is bugged for me too.
Not working for this panda either it really sucks. I want to finish this Venther campagin so much i really like it so far
Can they please expedite a fix for this? It’s really annoying not being able to continue the campaign…
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After 77 posts and no a single blue post in this thread to calm the nerves.
Not cool Blizzard. We need to progress in Season 3 proper! Fix this now!
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Still bugged. Can someone confirm if switching covenants allows you to progress / is worth it? If i switch campaigns, can i switch back, and does my Venthyr progress stay where it is, or reset?
I can confirm it doesn’t work, I tried and failed.
Please fix this…I can progress through my cov campaign!
stuck aswell. hopefully it gets fixed asap.
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